Autohelm ST2000 calibration access


New member
16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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I've just been told how to get into calibration mode on this model Autohelm (vintage 1994)
Here are the details - which are incomplete in the manual.
Press standby until:-
a. you get Cal in small letters on RHS of display and a pattern of circulating lines.
b. Continue to hold standby until after a further 5 seconds you get a large CAL on left of display.

Release and repress standby holding until after another 5 seconds you get a display of 1 and a second number.

You are then back on track as the handbook tells you.
I've been waiting 2 years for this data!!
I am so glad I can now control the AH gain.

BTW We are off to Tromso to go on the coastal steamer hunting for the Northern Lights - think of me as the gales howl.