Are you ready to live the cruising life?


New member
7 Mar 2011
It is coming to that point in the season when a “new batch” of live aboards are about to be created and move aboard their chosen boats to take on the world.

We did the same last year and at this time I was preparing the boat and trying to get my head around the numerous doubts I had. Mainly they fell into two categories.

a) Was the boat ready and fit for purpose?
b) Was I ready and competent to look after my family on our journey?

Well we are now a year further on so looking back what do I think now?

Well, I had done what I could with the boat and although you always think that there is more equipment you want or things to check you have to set a date, and go as near to that date as possible or you will find another excuse to stay where you are a little longer. Concentrate on boat safety and spares you will need if you have a problem at sea. You can get other things along the way but believe me all those gizmos you thought you need.. You don’t. The best advice I got was sail for a while and then decide. You will change your mind about what you do and do not need.

Was I ready? Probably not, but you learn very, very quickly and some of your worse fears seem stupid when you look back. I started out being very cautious which to a certain extent I still am but places you would previously have not considered going you will not give a second though about. You will soon get to know your boat and your capabilities but with every mile you add a wonderful thing called experience. You will know when things are wrong and more often than not you will know what to do. Passage plans the size of telephone directories will soon dwindle down to what you actually need, you will relax and you will look forward to each new sail.

I am still learning every day but your fears will soon dwindle and in there place will be a very, very large smile.

The best advice came from this forum when I muted my fears. They all said.. “Just GO”. Now I am saying the same to all you.


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12 Jul 2011
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And so I am also :) It seems that the stars have aligned themselves and I'm more or less 'positioned' into setting job is not looking very brigh post April, the missus said yes to sailing abroad and a good mate of mine is sick of the rat race (or has been for a couple of years now) so the 3 of us are going to work on our Bruce Roberts 41 with an aim to set off in July..though rather than the Med, we'll be off accross the Atlantic and possibly the Pacific...I say lets sail the Biscay first lol

Our yacht still needs loads of work, I think we'll get her outside ship shape by mid April, the interior completed by May, in the water by June and set off by July...thats the plan anyway...

Well I'll keep you posted on progress :) I've been putting off this venture for the last 3 or so years so this needs to happen this year I says.


New member
7 Mar 2011
And so I am also :) I've been putting off this venture for the last 3 or so years so this needs to happen this year I says.

There will always be a reason why you cannot go. You need to set a date and go for it. It will focus your efforts when you know you have a dead line.


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7 Jun 2001
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There will always be a reason why you cannot go.
Very true. So many people tell us how they envy our lifestyle and how they'd just love to do the same, BUT ...

Our themesong has become Chris Rea's "That's what they always say"!

At the first bell of the day
They rise up from where they lay
And look down with the promise in their hands
A promise to get out
This ain't what it's all about
There's always lots of reasons for their plans
But when that golden sun shines through
There's always one more thing to do
Just one more stab into the wishing well

That's what they always say

I'm getting out, I'm holding on
I'm hanging in, the time is wrong
And every morning brings another reason
A piece of cake, no lion share
Just one more dice and you'll be there
That golden bridge is just around the bend

That's what they always say
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New member
17 Jan 2011
I hope one day to be in that position, free for myself with nary a care in the world!

I'm setting myself a goal to be a L/A by the time I'm 25 (I'm 23 now).

It's getting to a point where I'm even looking at Yacht that are far far cheaper than the ones I'd ideally like to L/A on, yachts I know that I'd do up and sell to get something that I'd keep...

I've been looking at some right messes thinking' yeah that's do-able'... 'I can hack living on that'...



Well-known member
12 Mar 2002
All very true.

Now get yourself off to the Caribbean this year :D

Its cheaper, more exotic and loads more fun.

Met a mate of yours at the boatshow and we both agreed you need to hop across the pond.

You'll love it. Then you can go the the USA for the summer.

Have fun.
It is coming to that point in the season when a “new batch” of live aboards are about to be created and move aboard their chosen boats to take on the world.

I prefer to think of each 'new batch' of liveaboards as 'being released into the wild'. Go, go, go free little liveaboards and enjoy... :)

Agree with all you said Mark. We're two years in and have, like you, gained experience and confidence and continue to do so. It's a challenging life, but an extremely rewarding one, so as they say - prepare yourself and your boat as best you can and just go!

Ann (& Andy)


5 May 2010
Cartagena (at last!)
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2012 or never?

Yep, this is our year too. Plans are afoot. House contents are being packed up or sold off in preparation for renting the house out. Yacht is up for sale so we can hopefully get back to a multi, but if not, we're of the mind that we'll go on the yacht rather than not go at all. June is our deadline for being on the boat, with a leisurely summer cruise of the Western Isles planned for the remainder of the season. :):)


New member
7 Mar 2011
I prefer to think of each 'new batch' of liveaboards as 'being released into the wild'. Go, go, go free little liveaboards and enjoy... :)

Agree with all you said Mark. We're two years in and have, like you, gained experience and confidence and continue to do so. It's a challenging life, but an extremely rewarding one, so as they say - prepare yourself and your boat as best you can and just go!

Ann (& Andy)

The thought of them being released made me laugh Andy.
No wonder you are enjoying it. you have spent winter dressing up in a skirt and having weekly bondage parties. How you going to top that next year?
The thought of them being released made me laugh Andy.
No wonder you are enjoying it. you have spent winter dressing up in a skirt and having weekly bondage parties. How you going to top that next year?

Hi Mark & Cygnus III crew

Topping our winter in Lagos will take some doing, but I expect, as happens with the liveaboard life, new and exciting adventures await this year.

Oh, and for those of you who may now have the wrong impression of us, or are wondering what debauchery goes on in Lagos :-o - the dressing up in a skirt refers to Burns Night, and the bondage parties refer to knot tying classes, courtesy of a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers and fellow sailor over-wintering here in Lagos... well that's our story and we're sticking to it! :-D :-D


New member
7 Mar 2011
Hi Mark & Cygnus III crew

Topping our winter in Lagos will take some doing, but I expect, as happens with the liveaboard life, new and exciting adventures await this year.

Oh, and for those of you who may now have the wrong impression of us, or are wondering what debauchery goes on in Lagos :-o - the dressing up in a skirt refers to Burns Night, and the bondage parties refer to knot tying classes, courtesy of a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers and fellow sailor over-wintering here in Lagos... well that's our story and we're sticking to it! :-D :-D

Wondered why I couldn't find "Turks Head" in the Karma Sutra. :D:D

Wife of Lofticus

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23 Nov 2010
Finike, Turkey
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Prevarication postpones pleasure!

Actually making the decision to go was easy, sticking to the time scale planned was tougher, prevarication can be a way of life!
We left Southampton last May, ended up in Cartagena for the winter and as we reflect on the last year I still have to pinch myself (or get Lofticus to do it :D) to believe we are now Liveaboards. Most days I wander around with a big grin on my face,:D loving the winter here in Spain on board Max, and look forward to exploring new places and making new friends when the time comes to sail on.
To anyone prevaricating in the icy UK I would say go for it sooner rather than later, I haven't met anyone who has regretted their decision to do just that, but have met others who feel they left it too late!
Enjoy :D:D


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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To anyone prevaricating in the icy UK I would say go for it sooner rather than later, I haven't met anyone who has regretted their decision to do just that, but have met others who feel they left it too late!
However, there are people who do regret the decision to go. I can think of two former forumites to whom we gave similar encouragement but who gave up within the first year of ocean cruising. Although they no longer post here I won't embarrass them with their names. I am still in touch with one couple, and feel a little guilty that it was partly my encouragement that persuaded them to set off. Previously they had been happy as seasonal coastal-cruising liveaboards. Now they have sold their yacht and given up sailing.

The saddest thing though is to come across an abandoned yacht with a tatty Red Ensign in some remote port, where nobody knows what happened to the owner. My guess is that these yachts often belonged to people who set their budget far too tight.

The 'test' in the Coopers Sell up and Sail as to whether you are temperamentally suited to the liveaboard life is, IMHO, as valid as ever. It will weed out those suffering "an attack of the Macefields" as Des Sleightholme used to say - that is carried away by the romance of the sea without facing up to the practicalities.


31 Dec 2007
Like it! we are only a matter of weeks away from our release! House a lay apart store! Boat getting lower in the water, getting rid of unnescessary baggage. The cruising life here we come! Don't need any more encouragement I get enough of that through work (Lol).

Always a chalenge as to if are we suited to the life but if we don't try we will never know. Will give it a good try though!