I have just read in the Marine section of the April edition of Devon Life that there is a proposal afoot for an annual tax of £300 for boats.Is this a windup or not? tax
Nothing would surprise me regarding this so called government's greed. How else could they pay for the vast number of spin doctors and advisors they now employ to compose lies for them to convince simple people.
If they cut out the vast no. of extra Civil Servants and general administrators they have employed over the last four years the schools and hospitals would be rolling in money and taxes could be reduced.
year. Then like most of the hidden taxes gone before they will reduce it to say £300, then we are happy because it's only £300. Which is the same as they have done with road fuels, it's still near the most expensive in the world. As for the promise of a referendom on the euro I can see the form now,
Please tick one of the following
Yes we drop the £ ( )
Yes we adopt the Euro ( )
We will not adopt the Euro until July ( )
We will adopt the Euro before August ( )
Tony has already made his mind up, our vote won't be worth a sxxx.
The proposal comes from the MCA in response to a Government requirement for them to show how they could be made self financing. At the moment the levy is no more than theoretical response to a 'what if' question, but we all know how these things catch on.
I don't, personally, think anything will come of this particular report but the future is looking increasingly threatened.
and if we look on the brighter side of things, we could presumably get some sort of service out of the Government in exchange for that sort of money.
Still, at Pds 300 per boat, is there a lower cutoff point? Otherwise the 9ft clinker tender gets replaced by an Avon and the Firefly sailing dinghy is firewood!
Re: This is more or less inevitable - it\'s bloody well not!!!
There is nothing inevitable about it. If we British people would get up off our arses and vote against this so-called government and tell the EU where to go we could solve this and the many other oppressions put on us by the Bliar dictatorship.
Re: This is more or less inevitable - it\'s bloody well not!!!
A nice idea Bob
But we are too few in number.
Roughly 38% of the population would vote for Blair no matter what his policies.
Most do not know what his policies are.
Elections in this country are decided by about 5% of the electorate who make a conscious decision to change from one party to another.
Its called democracy
I wonder what the position is on flagging out a yacht Is registering in Liberia a solution?
I also wonder what the penalties will be and how they will find out who has a boat and who does not and how and by whom it will be policed.
Interestingly and maybe coincidentally I saw a piece in the paper that suggested a number of offences would be de-criminalised (whatever that may mean) no doubt a way of reducing crime at a stroke. Failure to tax a car was one of them.
If Bliar can stop foxhunting, for no good reason other than to appease his left wing with a meaningless gesture, whilst continuing to pander to that particluarly sordid form of corruption, invented by the Tories, called "private - public partnership" (meaning - to rip off the rest of us by transferring public assets to favoured individuals in the private sector as low prices) then sailing has no chance at all.
Real Labour Governments twice imposed swingeing "luxury tax" rates on sailing; this phoney one won't hesitate to throw another symbolic "rich people's sport" to the wolves.
Liberian registration would not work because the legislation will certainly be drafted to make sure that any boat kept in the British Isles paid.
And Bliar\'s a good teacher, too ...evitable - it\'s bloody well not!!!
Our (NZ's) Nanny (Helen Clerk) payed him a visit and came back spinning like a top - and hasn't stopped since she landed! You think Cherie's 'orrible - you ain't seen nothin' compared with our rat-bag - it was probably her dropped the f & m on you!