Antifoul Stripping


Well-known member
29 Aug 2003
Colchester, Essex
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Having dithered about what to do with antifoul stripping, I decided to try Dilunett as it was a) available at the swindlery and b) not too expensive (£25 2.5l). I slopped the stuff on yesterday - probably not thick enough to be fair, but with a consistency of snot when you have a bad cold, it takes a bit of getting used to. Left it overnight and engaged with the scraper (it does say you can use a power washer but I'm close to other boats) today. Several areas of the antifoul were hanging off (a bit like tree bark on old trees), and it's got the vast majority off back to a layer of black two pot (doesn't touch two pot products like polyurethane or epoxy) for a total effort of about four hours on a 26 footer

I'm a happy customer who is happy to relay my experience to others....


13 Nov 2004
South Wales
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This is one of many jobs I have to do as a first time sail cruiser owner, and having had a go with a scraper and realised how long it would take, this sounds like a godsend.
My only concern was putting a stripping agent on fibre glass, but having read the info on the agents site and seeing your comments, looks like it is not an issue.


New member
22 Mar 2003
on board, currently Malaysia
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that's great news.
we did the same as pete, started scraping and realised the enormity of the job. had been to the chandlers and seen the dilunett and was wondering how effective it was. we also looked at the new international 'interstrip', which is billed as a bit more eco-friendly and won't rot your skin, but at 70 quid for 2.5l it's a lot more than the dilunett.

so thanks for sharing larry.


Well-known member
29 Aug 2003
Colchester, Essex
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Just a caution....

I started off using a pair of industrial heavy duty gloves, but at some point got my sleeve in the Dilunett and got a couple of small burns on my right forearm on Saturday.

On Sunday Plan B for protective clothing came into action and worked well. I bought a pair of heavy duty Marigolds (the black ones) and put those on over my boiler suit. Then I PVC taped the cuffs of the gloves to the overalls. Very successful for keeping the gap shut. I would also advise eye protection... just in case.