An exercise in applied logistics and fluid dynamics


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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So, what happens when you abandon your pride and joy because the weather exceeded your threshold, and you leave it somewhere?
Astonishingly, this takes a lot of organising, and appears to involve fluid dynamics, coupled with random pattern theory.

So, I put up a post requesting crew. Thats easy. Crikey, I even got moree replioes than I needed, even in (or perhaps because of) November.

1st curved ball was actually a nursing team down in Brentwood who are all sub optimal healthwise. They have a quota of sick to get through, and so assiduaously applied their apparent right to go sick this very weekend. That put SWMBO in the unfortunate position of having to work this weekend, instead of boat recovery. (random pattern upside: More dosh for the Christmas pay packet).
So, a bit of replanning required then, already.

First up on the crew volunteer list is Artemis, who, fortunately, is a Gentleman of Leisure, and able to be flexible in his pursuit thereof. Originally, we had planned for his good lady to drop him off at his boat, so he could monkey about doing boatfixing until I would swoop by Fambridge to collect him on the way to Burnham to leave my car there.
As Lynn got forced onto a late Friday shift, I moved this arrangement, and arranged to collect Artemis from his Mansion, after having left work at 2pm on Friday, and scuttled off to the Supermarket for an approximation of breakfast, lunch snacks, and more beer. Quick whiz home, round up a weekend bag, change into sailing rags. That done, and waved Bye bye to Mrs Artemis. She didn't fancy coming to the main Social Evening break planned in West Mersea (more of which later), and so organised her weekend around credit cards and shopping.

I had already also secured the services of D3B, who had the wizard wheeze of bringing his Raider along for the weekend and return to ipswich in it on Sunday morning from West Mersea. So far so good.
We agreed that D3B would turn up at Shotley in the Raider, and pass an affable evening in the Bristol Arms, with a bit of nosebag, and a trough of ale.

The next thread in the web is Wherry, who also volunteered for a bit of larking, and who also keeps is dugout canoe in Ipswich, fair close to Still Dunno. Fortunately, these 2 had met by accident in the Ipswich Haven bar sometime previously, so no one had to wear a pink carnation, or carry a rolled up copy of Sailing Today for recognition. Wheery turned up, and they set off for Shotley. D3B, imagining himself to be aboard the Starshiop Enterprise badly miscalculated the jaunt from Ipswich to Shotley, and allowed about 20 minutes including lock out and lock in.
Artemis Neville and I waited as long as we could aboard Full Circle, and drank sloooowly for as long as wwe could. It reached about 8pm with no D3B, who was having trouble with Mr Sulu and the passage plan. We climbed Shotley control tower and phoned D3B.Nothing, it obviously doesn't work in the time transporter. We did get hold of Wherry, and we saw them idling up past Felixstowe, expected arrival about 15 minutes.

So down to the Shipwreck, and the lovely Restaurant staff. Table for 4? Certainly Sir. Knockout, what time do you stop serving? 2045 Sir.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring. Is that the Starship Enterprise? Get a wiggle on, they are going to stop serving.
D3B increased fuel burn to 4 litres an hour, and came into the Shipwreck panting and puffing just after 9 with Wherry at his side.. Can they still serve us? Yes, oh good.

A good evening passed and I picked up the collective tab, and we retired to Full Circle for a night cap, and practiced Fluid Dynamics, and Balking Tollocks, also considered a subset of Random Pattern Theory.

So, back to another twist of Logistics. SimpleSimon, also a sometime volunteer, had been unable to make it, and so was scrubbed from the Crew list. The considweration then, was that, due to Weather (more Random Pattern Theiory) taking Still Dunno down the Wallet wind over tide would be tricky, and we all wanted to stay on Full Circle fror the trip. So that meant leaving Still Dunno in Shotley until Sunday, whereas the Plan had previously meant taking Wherry and D3B back to Ipswich on Sunday.
So now we have one car in Shotley (mine), 2 cars in Ipswich (Wherry and D3B) and no return to base plan.

I cookd breakfast out by the Naze on Saturday, but, wouldn't you know it , Planck's Constant law of Inappropriate Wind Directions chimed in right on cue in thwe Wallet. We got a bit bashed up going down the Wallet, and were within a mile of Mersea Quarters when Artemis looked wistfully at Bradwell Power Station and went quite emotional about the warming glow of the Green Man foreside, and a step off pontton, rather than the dinghy ride West Mersea promised. A quick round of Scissors Paper Stone, and Bradwell it is.
As we had landed at Bradwell, Mrs Artemis came back into play, as she came for the evening, (and of course stayed the night), so a good meal and more fluid dynamics at the Green Man, and the Saloon Bar of Full Circle.
Random Pattern Theory steps back in to ensure that gallantly, I gave up my forecabin for the Artemii, and so to sleep.

Artemis and Mrs Artemis, to prevent overcrowding in the Matiz later, left Bradwell in her car for home on Sunday morning, also not part of the plan.

So, we puttered round in poor vis and a lovely rising spring to Burnham, and squeezed over Ray Sand a little after 1/2 tide, and got to Burnham. Sadly, they had removed the tails from my mooring, so we made (another) change of plan, and went to Bridgmarsh Island which is my winter berth, I just arrived 2 weeks early.

Mrs Full Circle, having slaved over hot patients all day, arrived to collect us, and we got 4 of us plus kit into the tiny Matiz, and set off for... Ipswich. Wherry, heretofore quiet on the subject, has arranged a quiz night in the Hebrides or somewhere not Ipswich anyway, and so needs dropping off at Ipswich, and not Shotley, where he would have made able crew to Still Dunno to return it from Shotley bacjk to Ipswich. So we dropped off WHerry, and then drove to Shotley, where Mrs FC headed home.

D3b and I got Still Dunno locked out and whizzed back down the river at night, and arrived in Ipswich. We didnt know but we follwed HMS Raider back up river. Both boats were being slightly naughty. Nuff said.

So then D3B drove me from Ipswich back to Shotley again, and I drove home.

Its absolutely dizzying this boating lark.

It would be inapproriate to mention who wanted to take whom home on Friday Night. Eh Doug?

You can book Artemis for laconic comedy functions.

Wherry is all round top bloke.

SimpleSimon and spottydog, you missed a cracking weekend.

Thanks to all, I love this forum.


Well-known member
9 Aug 2002
Quite dizzying indeed. From all of that I assume that you were out of Harwich before us, as we only got away about 0800, for a turn out round Roughs Towers (waved to inhabitants) and back in to SYH about 3 in the dying breeze.

Athene V30

Active member
20 Sep 2001
Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria in Winter, the boat
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We didnt know but we follwed HMS Raider back up river. Both boats were being slightly naughty. Nuff said.

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Clearly the RNs new camoflage paint is working well - guess it was a sort of misty grey colour of you didn't see it! Btw HMS Raider is a Ship! Boats are submarines and their crew get paid more (like aviators - they call it specialist pay, we call it danger money!) I shall be asking questions of the CO when I take him to lunch on Friday.


New member
28 Nov 2004
Ely, Cambs UK
I'm taking the week off to recover.... /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

From the liquid /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

And the egg bacon and sausage breakfast served at 45 degrees....... /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

I remember why i wanted to be on Still Dunno now /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Another excellent weekend, great company, good fun and a constant laugh.....

And I got another 3 1/2 hours night passages in the log book /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

BTW it was only a comment from Mr Full Circle that stopped me dashing past HMS Raider in an effort to return Mr FC speedily to his beloved.....we met Raider in the lock at Ipswich.....could have been embarassing.....though a quick google this morning tells me she has a top speed of she wouldnt have been able to catch me /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


New member
13 Dec 2006

Leaving Shotley last week once we had broken the boot of the car open
(to get the keys only to realise that they were not in there they were in the bag we where carrying) The news arrived blowing SW 7-8 sometimes 9 the it may hit double figures B*****ks no one is going anywhere dont worry mr FC I said i can afford some time out of my hectic schedule to come back and retrieve your caravan oppps i mean fine craft.

And so from this humble begining the epic saga above developed. Having convinced er indoors that i was just being friendly helping in the retrival of FC.
Oh yes dear did i mention its for the weekend rather than one night. its because we are really interested in a talk on HMS Belfast /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

So off we set like two puppys off the leash as detailed by Mr FC we did restrain ourselves until the arrival of D3B and Wherry and so ensconsed in the Ship wreck we thought ourselves safe and warm with refreshments food and D3B not in his pulling shirt we thought unlikely to accosted.

It was with shock and dismay we discovered that the animal carisma and magnatism of mr D3B had worked its evil magic. It was with a sense of relief that we escaped back to FC to hide till the morn it was then that the four man cruise plan hatched.

And what a delightful morn it was warm bright and a nice breeze right chaps lets go sailing, so with my chicken firmly wedged on me bonse off we went.

Al going swimingly bit of a beat but making good progress D3B having been congratulating himself for a fine escape the previous night found himself in another un desirable situation at 45deg having salty water thrown over him while trying to stop his Sausages from rolling off his plate.
The change of course at walton brought the wind and the bumps head on the the iron sail was brought into operation and 2 hours of bouncing around ensued. I found that laying down in the cockpit passed the time very nicely.

As suggested in the blackwater the lure of a pontoon and the log fire in the Green man proved too much for me and i suggested to the crew we divert, It was with sadness in our hearts that we would not get to hear the HMS belfast talk, we altered course with the press of a botton.

Safely squeezed into Bradwell pointed out the withies to wherry or was it wherry to the withies! no matter Wherry had never been in Bradwell, I had never seen it with so much water (top of spring i think) so it looked very harmless and easy.
a rapid tie up and departure to the green man with welcomed refreshments but horror the fire was not alite much discussion about times past I suggested that we stay sat where we were I was out voted as it was only 3pm and we would never last the rest of the evening so back to FC.
A wine a sarnie and somemore b*****ks discussed. SWMBO arrived I had called her after finding out that one lady and four hairy assed sailors and their gear would be a bit of a squeeze in one of Koreas finiest shoe boxes.

Back to the green man crumble gripe fires still not alite, (thank god as by the end of the evening the place was like a hot house without it) some beers some food some wine all of which we excellent Back to FC and musical beds. Once we had of course had a night cap and talked some more B*****ks
Sunday morn was damp and wet as were our spirits as this Jolly caper was drawing to close, having managed to blag 3 cod from the next pontoon I waved good by to FC Wherry and the woman magnet that is D3B SWMBO and i set off.

Thanks to all three for a very enjoyable time lets do it again sometime soon (perhaps with less driving) Art stays in for the winter so perhaps we can be host next time.


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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A finely crafted riposte indeed. It was damned lucky you were there or Janey would have been bewitched by the irresistable Mr Tug.
Perhaps he wears Hai Karate aftershave?

How about a Mulled Wine Barbecue on the pontoon at Fambridge?


New member
13 Dec 2006
you may well have coined a new monicar for mr D3B mr tug fits nicely for a few reasons.

Mulled wine BBq sounds good I think we would prob need to sit in the ferry boat which would have the fire going to discuss at length

Jesus need to be careful though could almost be construed as a commitee meeting.

BTW the chap that i blagged the fish from sunday morning actually works at your winter home.


New member
28 Nov 2004
Ely, Cambs UK
you may well have coined a new monicar for mr D3B mr tug fits nicely for a few reasons.

Like to expand on that /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Mulled wine BBq sounds good I think we would prob need to sit in the ferry boat which would have the fire going to discuss at length

Does every pub need to have a fire going?

secret pyromaniac? /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Despite moving 1/2 tonne of misc sailing clobber off my boat on to Doug's fine cabriolet motor yacht followed by a decant on to Mr FC's very comfortable sailing palace of entertainment - reminded me of one of those mystery train excursions that used to run up to the 70's whose destination would only be revealed as the train arrived at the end of it's journey. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Incidently, I did hear of a poor bloke and his family from Margate on holiday in Cornwall, while there, booked seats on a mystery train excursion which about 5 hours later arrived at .............Margate. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

But I digress,
Superb Adnams "Old" in the Shipreck /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Superb Adnams in the Green Man /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif and......

brilliant company all weekend. /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Cheers boys /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


New member
13 Dec 2006
you may well have coined a new monicar for mr D3B mr tug fits nicely for a few reasons.

Like to expand on that /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

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D3B (aka Mr Tug)

Tug As in the apparent speed/ time taken Ipswich to Shotley /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Tug As in the rapid and dizzing speed corks are extracted /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Tug As in the constant stream of desirable ladies beat a path to your door /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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