An amazing sight


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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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(sorry no photos)
Sailing along yesterday in our regular race when friend about 20m in front of me in 30 fter fin keel hit a rock. The bang was loud and the stern lifter by about 1 metre then flopped down again. Just a rock so he bounced off it and continued to sail in fact won his division.
There is a long sand bar in Swan River called Point Walter. There are 2 marker post at the end about 300 metres apart. Sadly just outside the protected area by about 2 metres and very near the western post is a rock. I guess the authorities assume no one would pass so close to the post. No one except us nutty sailors trying to squeeze every metre of windwards. Yes I have hit it some time back as well. We were both doing around 5 or 6 knots. I hope all his crew are OK as it was quite a rapid stop. Plus of course we would imagine the keel attachment might deserve some attention. ol'will


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13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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In Tallin Bay - there is a big square submerged concrete block. It was used by Soviet Subs to lie against while being refueled submerged. (I was Manager of a company based in the terminal Milstrand that was the fuel tank farm for that facility).

It was well known by all there - but still someone would hit it every so often.

Friend of mine who was builder of Ridas Yachts ... I was with him one day in Pirita when he was lifting out a Ridas 35 ... she had hit the block at estimated 7kts ....
The keel looked fine apart from the marks on its leading edge of course. Careful measurements showed the keel had moved a slight amount, so while in the cradle - keel bolts were slacked .. keel dropped ... GRP checked and slight crazing repaired, keel rejointed to hull, new Sikaflex shock absorbing applied in keel bolt housings and all tightened.

That boat continued a very successful race career in Baltics.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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Always be very suspicious of ground built marker posts, beacons etc. They are built where it was convenient, and not at the extremity of the shoal. Buoys, on the other hand, usually have enough water around them, for them to float.