What you mean forgot and forgiven. You've given every one on here a heart attack. Gained loads of pictures of a fairline like yours. And I've given you the very last Motorboatie flag. And at the expence of My Moose. Who had put his cheque in the post for it yesterday!! Mind you, he was about six months late. So tuff! You seem to be doing pritty well so far.
Now the new window. Who's working on that. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
<font color=red> No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
At the risk of sounding a bit dim, (missed the E-scuffle) You need a windscreen, yes?
I can put you in touch with a plastics firm who may help, if you have some kind of a pattern.
We do have the now in-famous Fairline (Holiday) Owners Club. I guess the 21 ft must be suitable for associate membership. It has no officers, no objectives, no consitution and no members, damn good value for £0-00 per year I'd say. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif