90/180 days


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6 Sep 2001
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Don't you think that's entirely up to them the same way some don't want to vaccinated .

That in no way say this particular lady knows the rules .
As I keep on saying there are many many who are totally unaware what the rules are ,
Just read posting here after two years people still getting it wrong , just the other day someone tried to correct someone who again got it wrong himself and still he wouldn't have it.

The only reason many know the rules here or should I say know parts of the rules is because it's constantly posting about the rules.

How anyone can accused anyone of any wrong doing by a report on the net is beyond me ,
tho I'm not suprise as it seen as soon as there any reported boat accident Blane is quick shared.
Please could you quote the rules


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6 Sep 2001
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If you need to know an answer to what rule applies to what ask the question , someone bound to answer it ,
If the answer correct that's another thing .
I was hoping you or someone would be kind enough to write the rules and they could be pinned as a sticker at the top of the forum.
I not good at this sort of thing otherwise I would do it.


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15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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I was hoping you or someone would be kind enough to write the rules and they could be pinned as a sticker at the top of the forum.
I not good at this sort of thing otherwise I would do it.

Whichever one of us posts the rules, others will disagree as they have their own interpretation so, back to square one.


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6 Sep 2001
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Whichever one of us posts the rules, others will disagree as they have their own interpretation so, back to square one.
I'm sure that will happen, sailaboutvic said in post..."just read posting here after two years people still getting it wrong"
So I presume he knows what is right, is why I asked him to post it up removing all doubt.


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26 Jan 2004
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Worse than kids in the school yard.
Greeny if billskip want to know an answer to a question I be happy to answer it if I know the answer, all this back and fro to prove or disprove some thing isnt going to help any one, if anything just confused people more.

As for billskip posting suggesting I have all the answers , sorry bill I don't , what I do have is what the rules are in the country I'm interested in cruising and how tho rules are implemented in them countries.

If someone asked me for example how the rules are implemented in Portugal I would have to decline as I not sail there for a good 11 years but if I was going to cruise there I would go out of me way to find out, and other then read posting from people who are in that country like Graham, Nortada and others is one way,

But mostly contact people I know personally who are based in portimao and Largos rather then rely on posting from people who possibly Google stuff and the nearest that got to europe is a weekend sail to France,
because tho people will have first hand experience how the rules are implemented in them countries.

To address the statement some have made that I make to rules up to suite me.
I apply the rules to the country I am in which is why in the last month I travel through 4 countries passport control without any question ask , been ban from the EU or fined and people here can give their own excuse why I managed that Maybe there should consider that no rules have been broken in tho set country rather trying to be smart ass and accuse someone there never met or know little about just to try and win popularity from others .

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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All I can say Vic is that things will change next year as EU countries move to a computerised system for determining length of stay. Individual countries like Greece may well have "generous " attitudes and turn a blind eye, then again they may not and even if they do those overstaying the 90 days in Schengen could well find problems if they transit through other countries.
You may think the thread has been a waste of time and confusing but it has promoted discussion on several areas ie long term visas and travelling in Schengen and residency etc.
It will be interesting to see how you and others get on as you eventually get dragged into the system which is inevitable. Your start will be when your passport is stamped as you enter the EU next year, how it evolves from there over the ensuing months as you cruise in the eastern med will be interesting and no doubt informative for many.
I wish you all the best and unhindered passage for the new year.


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12 Oct 2009
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All I can say Vic is that things will change next year as EU countries move to a computerised system for determining length of stay.

And, regretfully (although I hope not for your sake, Vic), possibly when you attempt to re-enter Schengen. I can understand why you've encountered no Schengen checks on internal borders. Why would there be such checks in place - that defeats the whole concept of Schengen. And the same when you leave Schengen - you are after all already leaving, so again, why waste time and resources questioning/detaining a person that is already in the process of leaving and may never in fact even try to come back? (Of course, that might also reasonably be the point where automatic fines and/or bans are imposed in the future once the computerised systems are up and running.)


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26 Jan 2004
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All I can say Vic is that things will change next year as EU countries move to a computerised system for determining length of stay. Individual countries like Greece may well have "generous " attitudes and turn a blind eye, then again they may not and even if they do those overstaying the 90 days in Schengen could well find problems if they transit through other countries.
You may think the thread has been a waste of time and confusing but it has promoted discussion on several areas ie long term visas and travelling in Schengen and residency etc.
It will be interesting to see how you and others get on as you eventually get dragged into the system which is inevitable. Your start will be when your passport is stamped as you enter the EU next year, how it evolves from there over the ensuing months as you cruise in the eastern med will be interesting and no doubt informative for many.
I wish you all the best and unhindered passage for the new year.
I'm in no doubts things will change and I as many others in my circumstances will have to wait and see how it all involves and take it from there ,
Possibly things will get harder and more hoops to jump or maybe the coming year very little will change just like 2021 aguist the popular believe of some here who insisted 2021 we all be in the dog house
what I'm not going to do is start worrying about it now.

Agree the thread is useful to many,
what I object to is tho who want to play game to push people button and set the whole thread on a Path to no where.

My posting as nothing to do with ( hey look at me) it's about putting out real facts experience I'm finding to hopefully help others make their own decisions, one hope everyone can make the right choice for them self and if I had the misfortune to have a problem I won't be Hiding it and will share so other know even at the risk of the people who think they have the answer to all question, saying we told you so.
Marry Christmas to all


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6 Sep 2001
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I think sometimes some rules are made to safeguard against any serious infringements.
Etias visas and the 90/180 are there for the EU and countries to have a legal foothold should undesirables need to be removed/refused entry.
If the average traveller just goes about their businesses without causing undue concern I dont think a lot if any notice will be taken.
I dont have any questions vic, I am not playing games, if someone says statements are wrong then please post what is right.
Sometimes, as we all know, what is written is meant in a totally different way than what is perceived to be meant.
All information regarding etias,schengen and 90/18 rules is on the gov.uk website for British passport holders, how this information is tried and tested during this transition period can vary and will imho eventually find a level which can be accepted by most.
For most people that have travelled the 'outside of Europe ' world know full well the 90/180 rules and these rules have existed for years.


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6 Sep 2001
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This article may be of interest to those who still don't know the rules and could be made sticky - Brits Overstaying EU's 90/180 Days Rule to Face Penalties - SchengenVisaInfo.com
This, as I see it, could be a problem, as said earlier it can be confusing, for two reasons,
One, many of this generation dont have experience of travel before the EU or outside the EU to other third countries.
Two, because in its wording, quote..The 90/180 days rule may be confusing to many, in particular for Britons, who so far did not have to worry about how long they were staying in another EU or Schengen associated country.
'Did not have to worry about how long ' well it is clear that it is necessary to report ones presence after 90 days and always has been so this wording is not quite correct.
I am not trying to split hair, what I am trying to do is get things worded to prevent further confusion.
People have grown to live with what they can get away with, believing it to be the rules.


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15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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well it is clear that it is necessary to report ones presence after 90 days and always has been so this wording is not quite correct.

What happened in practice was often far different to the rules. Those UK citizens who were working in EU or had bought property generally had to register their presence but few applied for "residence" until Brexit came about. Tourists just moved around and no-one bothered about them, likewise with boating community with few countries paying any notice.


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29 Jul 2007
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What happened in practice was often far different to the rules. Those UK citizens who were working in EU or had bought property generally had to register their presence but few applied for "residence" until Brexit came about. Tourists just moved around and no-one bothered about them, likewise with boating community with few countries paying any notice.

I am not sure how we have got to over 600 posts and still arguing about the rules. I think it's quite simple as it's 90 in 180 days if you are a third country national unless and you have a residency card or visa for a particular EU state. If you have like me I have a Greek residency card, this is only for Greece and their specific rules. This residency doesn't give me any precedence over Schengen law, this remains as the 90/180 for me as all third nationals.
As far as I am aware some of you folks are looking for the golden bullet to bend the rules, I would say no chance for the future if you are crossing borders in a boat or a plane, a car you will probably get away with it in the short term.
Thinking Greece may be an easy touch, I would think again. Their tracking system is up and running and I would say by early next year it will be fully functioning as will the rest of the Schengen area.
I think it all depends on how big your nuts are and whether you think the risk is worth the chance of getting any big fines, boat confiscations, deportation or/and banned from entering the Schengen area for given number of years.


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6 Sep 2001
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I am not sure how we have got to over 600 posts and still arguing about the rules. I think it's quite simple as it's 90 in 180 days if you are a third country national unless and you have a residency card or visa for a particular EU state. If you have like me I have a Greek residency card, this is only for Greece and their specific rules. This residency doesn't give me any precedence over Schengen law, this remains as the 90/180 for me as all third nationals.
As far as I am aware some of you folks are looking for the golden bullet to bend the rules, I would say no chance for the future if you are crossing borders in a boat or a plane, a car you will probably get away with it in the short term.
Thinking Greece may be an easy touch, I would think again. Their tracking system is up and running and I would say by early next year it will be fully functioning as will the rest of the Schengen area.
I think it all depends on how big your nuts are and whether you think the risk is worth the chance of getting any big fines, boat confiscations, deportation or/and banned from entering the Schengen area for given number of years.
What do you think is the strongest influence, their implement of their rules or their need for our money?
Some EU is very dependent on tourist money,they ain't gonna be very popular if they come down heavy on your average joe


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23 Jul 2005
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What do you think is the strongest influence, their implement of their rules or their need for our money?
Some EU is very dependent on tourist money,they ain't gonna be very popular if they come down heavy on your average joe
The German car industry's need for our money didn't seem to exert the influence that was expected of it a few years ago.

Perhaps hoteliers and restaurateurs will have more luck.