The sump hold about 6L,
I'd add 1/2 L, give it chance to trickle down and dip again, repeat if you think it's required.
My 17year old 4JH4E dosen't use any noticeable in a 6month season, if yours is, I'd be asking why.
One quirky thing, when I dip the oil, cold engine which hasn't been dipped since it was last run. The oil looks very low, re-dip it and you get a true reading. I think it's because the rubber seal between the dip stick and the tube is very good.
I don't fully understand it, but it has led me to overfill the sump, by assuming the oil level was low, when it wasn't.
My previous boat had 2 x 4JH3TE engines with close to 4,000 hours on each. My local mechanic who I'd describe as old school insisted on filling slightly above the max. He said it helped ensure the turbos were well lubricated. He has been looking after my boats for 15 years or so and I've never had any unexpected problems so I do what he says.