2012 Scuttlebutt Cherbourg Cruise


Well-known member
7 Jan 2008
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...I have the week before and after off work and was intending a mini cruise, pehaps St Vaast - Cherbourg - Alderney or maybe a few days down the east side of the Cherbourg penisula if anyone else interested? Would cross from Portsmouth early / mid week begining 3/9. Would hope to be in Cherbourg for the friday and up for joining a restaurant outing.


I'm in a similar position and hoping to do something like this, but not yet sure my crew can himself take extra time off his own work.

Touch base nearer the time.


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Just a bump so that its visible to anyone that was off sailing last week.

After this weeks exposure I will ask YBW to start a members event thread as per previous years


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Please put me down as 'provisional', I'm keen but need to sort out crew and look at weather nearer the time; also need to sort out the paperwork, it's a while since we've been across...


Active member
21 Sep 2004
Dover for a while
Please put Hinewai down as a probable.

Since SWMBO will still be in Oz then, will definitely have some room on board. Based up in Ipswich at the moment and would aim to head off mid-week. We can either meet up in Ipswich, or I can single hand her round to the South Coast.

Might be tempted to pop on down to St Peter Port for a couple of days afterwards.


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Thanks all welcome.

I firm up numbers and details about 1 week before the event and request you PM me with a personal e mail address. I finally send the list on an excel spreadsheet to all participants with such info as you want to share. I just send a list of boat names to Cherbourg Marina to ensure everyone gets their discounted berthing.

We try try to give best estimate of number for the YC about a week before but I do a Saturday final check on arrivals to confirm actual numbers.

Any other boat happy to act as host for say a total group of 8-10 people to dine at a Cherbourg restaurant on Friday night please? I will circulate a list of restaurants to ensure we don't all go to the same one and overload them!! Unfortunatly I am currently oversubscribed on Janes Buoy so could only add a further say 2-3 to our table.


Active member
5 May 2012
West Wittering
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Can we put our names down please?

Di & John sailing from Chichester. Channel crossing virgins.
We are in Honfleur ATM - 99% sure we are free that weekend and will check when we get home.



Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Excuse the similar content to another thread but particularly relevant here.

For any others contemplating their first X channel you may not be aware that a number use the Scuttlebutt Cherbourg Cruise for their first crossing.

We don't arrange to leave in a convoy and we tend to go at our own speed but it does result in some 10 to 15 boats Xing on the Friday or Saturday so there is always one in your vicinity if you need help.

eg I always take my diving gear in case anyone gets a propellor wrap.

There are also a number of bigger boats that could if necessary tow another in.

This is not the reason we go - we go to enjoy other formites company, put a face to a name and enjoy the French wine and food but the knowledge of extra boats in the vicinity is an added bonus for a few.

About two weeks prior to the weekend I ask people to PM me with their private e mail address, mobile nos etc. By this time they have usually firmed up on departure time and have posted these details on the thread (that will have been transferred to members events). I prepare a spreadsheet with all mobile numbers that I am given and nominate a VHF channel. A few days prior to the weekend I send to private e mail addresses as much info that others share with me. Xchannel virgins can see from the departure port/time and size of boats those that are likely to be close to them en route. A few make contact before the event.

We alway choose the September weekend with the weakest (neap) tides as this results in the least waves with wind over tide and easiest navigation.

Often there are threads responding to any navigation questions and any other aspects asked. Remember there are no silly questions - everyone started sometime and all that are going are happy to help/advise.


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Hi. Love to do the trip. Any chance of fitting 65ft somewhere. 3 on board and open house

Cherbourg has 2 visitor pontoons for larger boats. One is Q pontoon where you can berth alongside and if necessary there is rafting up. Also J (just in front of the marina office).

I also note that on the Cherbourg Marina website there is a plan showing H as an alongside visitors pontoon but not sure if this has not now been allocated to locals. If you want to be in the thick of the Saturday pontoon gathering I would aim for alongside on Q pontoon.
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Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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My leave for the Thursday and Friday has now been confirmed, woohoo!

So, any other relatively slow mid 30 footers heading over that fancy some company? :D

Towards end of August I ask for boat details , contact no, departure port and approx departure time and finally a private PM. I then send out a spreadsheet so that you can contact similart speed boats departing at similar time.