Entering EU (and wider Schengen?) - new biometric requirements of fingerprints and eye scans


Well-known member
12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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I was alarmed to read of new 'EU Entry/Exit System' requirements that are being brought in later this year.

The article linked below focuses on the new system which will operate at St. Pancras for Eurostar from 6th October, and could take up to 2 hours for each person, but goes on to talk about the impact on ferry ports. It also says -

'EES will be followed some time in 2025 by the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (Etias), which will require British and other non-EU passengers to pre-register more details and pay €7 before crossing the Channel.'

I wonder how this will be handled for leisure boats and at the ports of entry we use which are not ferry ports, or will there still be any, as it requires 'biometric kiosks' to do the scanning, rather than just a stamp or a computer entry by a human official.

Why travelling on Eurostar from the UK is about to become much trickier
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Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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The scanners were in place at Duesseldorf airport in January. Quite large with hand print scanners and other sensors. EES also links the national immigration databases and automates the overstaying process.

The UK equivalent EES system is delayed - but the ETIAS equivalent system is coming online, with the Gulf states trialing it now.

This has been on the EU statute book since 2017, but the UK has made no preparations.


Well-known member
12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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The scanners were in place at Duesseldorf airport in January. Quite large with hand print scanners and other sensors. EES also links the national immigration databases and automates the overstaying process.

The UK equivalent EES system is delayed - but the ETIAS equivalent system is coming online, with the Gulf states trialing it now.

This has been on the EU statute book since 2017, but the UK has made no preparations.

Yes, I can well imagine, but I wonder how we will be able/required to get ourselves scanned and €7 paid before crossing the Channel/North Sea in our boats, and how will the officials in our port of entry know that the persons who have arrived are the same persons who have previously been scanned etc.

Fr J Hackett

Well-known member
26 Dec 2001
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Yes, I can well imagine, but I wonder how we will be able/required to get ourselves scanned and €7 paid before crossing the Channel/North Sea in our boats, and how will the officials in our port of entry know that the persons who have arrived are the same persons who have previously been scanned etc.
The finger print scanners are cheap and easy to use so I imagine many ports / marinas will have them and people will be required to have their finger prints checked.


Well-known member
12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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Why are you alarmed this has been know about for the last five years?

I was aware of the introduction of the ETIAS system, but not of this biometric data requirement, which goes beyond what some of us have in our passports, requires kit that many places likely won't have, and which even when available reportedly can take up to 2 hours.

I fear a potential reduction in ports of entry and other additional constraints, aggravations and delays in visiting the outside world.

The finger print scanners are cheap and easy to use so I imagine many ports / marinas will have them and people will be required to have their finger prints checked.

I doubt the ones they will be using, which need to be combined with eye scanners and the ability to communicate with international data systems, will be cheap. (Installation of 49 of them at St. Pancras is reported to be costing £10,000,000.)

Also the scanning is the relatively easy bit. How, when one is first added to the system, is the identity of the person with those fingerprints and eyes known with any certainty?


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
We are an ever changing world. Expect to be fingerprinted/retinal scanned when entering Europe very soon.

The linking of bio data will be very easy. I have a passport, validated by a state, and a person stood in front of me with freshly collected bio data add the new data to the entry record. Are you saying you don't trust the current passport?


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Your first entry to the EU after the system goes live requires an immigration officer to monitor you scanning the data. Subsequent trips seem to be easier.

We may find the first trip has to be by registered carrier.


18 Apr 2007
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I use them regularly due to work trips to the Gulf and SE Asia. They work well and you usually do them on entry, not always on exit. Not much difference in time as lots of gates are manned.
However, as folks have said, it is all down to scaling up. You need enough scanners and staff to cope with peak demand, and UK airports seem to have fewer Border force officers now due to the new passport scanner arrangements.
Not sure how long it will take to get them installed in every port of entry and ferry terminal. St Malo already takes an age to get passports stamped.


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Also the scanning is the relatively easy bit. How, when one is first added to the system, is the identity of the person with those fingerprints and eyes known with any certainty?
It has to be done in the presence of an EU Frontex or member state Border Official.


Well-known member
20 Aug 2022
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I use them regularly due to work trips to the Gulf and SE Asia. They work well and you usually do them on entry, not always on exit. Not much difference in time as lots of gates are manned.
However, as folks have said, it is all down to scaling up. You need enough scanners and staff to cope with peak demand, and UK airports seem to have fewer Border force officers now due to the new passport scanner arrangements.
Not sure how long it will take to get them installed in every port of entry and ferry terminal. St Malo already takes an age to get passports stamped.

In the USA I have finger prints scanned at airports with ESTA, when I enter by sea, on a B1 visa, I dont get finger printed scanned. Immigration just turns up with portable passport scanner, on a phone sized device. I was fingerprinted at the consulate when I got my B1 visa.

Perhaps to enter by sea, the EU will insist on a visa and only ETIS will be applicable for airport entry, similar to ESTA.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2018
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I read that you will be able to register 8n advance but that that part of the system is not ready. I had to be fingerpri Ted as part of getting spanish residency but although I have to present my TIE card every time I enter and leave noone haswanted to check my prints. I assume the same will apply to the rest of you