usually use to search for best price and availability of titles.then compare final cost including shipping/post.usually about a fiver to Greece
We are aware that postage prices are currently very high. Parcleforce have pushed through a huge increase, especially on European postage. Whilst we are keen to support a national service we are being forced to look elsewhere for more competitive rates.
In the short term I am sorry to say that the actual postage cost is being passed to the consumer. Any suggestions are warmly wlecomed.
Well it wasn't a whinge or anything - I just can't see who's going to pay those prices when there are much cheaper alternatives. I think this is a shame as I'm a big fan of this site and it would be great for it to be a genuine "one-stop-shop" for all boat things.
Surely the whole idea of e-commerce is that savings are made on traditional costs such as staff, premises and distribution thus being able to finance postage.
Trouble is it's a bit of a cacth 22, companies need the funding (i.e. charge the customer) to get set up properly and build a customer base to be able to then do away with things like delivery charges and absorb the costs.
Why use Parcel Force anyway ? From a consumer point of view they are a complete nightmare. They only deliver during office hours when most people are out.
I recently ordered an echo sounder and log from NASA which came via Parcel Force - I called them to say I wouldn't be in and could they deliver it to a friend's office. Nope, they can't re-direct until the delivery "fails". "Well call the driver and tell him I'm not going to be in to save him a wasted trip round London and I'll pick it up from the depot" I said.
"Can't do that" they told me - no wonder their costs are so high then!!
Hmm, so as usual with Parcel Force I end up paying for delivery and then driving from Kingston to Woking to pick it up from the depot anyway !
Why can't you use Royal Mail ? - at least the postman (for now anyway) arrives before I leave in the morning.