Yamaha F50 Problem - Urgent Help Please!!


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18 Jul 2004
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We have recently taken delivery of new 5 Metre Selva Open Sportsboat, with Selva Four Stroke 50hp (a repainted Yamaha F50 Outboard - absolutely identical in every other respect). Everything works great until you get to about 3500 rpm, at which point engine begins to stutter slightly until you get to about 4000 rpm, when engine settles down and runs normally, but will only ever reach 4500 rpm even when at wide open throttle (WOT) yet max rev range is supposed to be 5000 to 6000 rpm at WOT. Will run all day at 4500 rpm without the slightest hint of misfire. The harder/quicker you apply throttle the worse the misfire, in fact if you apply throttle very slowly, through the 3.5 - 4K band the stutter is barely noticeable, but if you "floor it" she bogs down quite badly and you think it might even stall (but never does). Regardless of how you apply throttle once it gets to about 4k it runs very smoothly, but never gets above 4500 rpm which achieves about 19 Knots, with two or three up and about 21 knots if on my own. It is supposed to do about 28 knots at WOT.

Two engineers have looked at engine - both say it is set up correctly. They have apparently checked plugs/ignition and carbs/fuel with their computer diagnostic equipment and both say they cannot find a fault and so think it must be the prop. They have also checked the throttle linkage to ensure the physical action is achieving WOT and replaced fuel tank and lines. The prop is a standard Yamaha prop 11 1/8 x 13 - G. Boat and engine together only displace about 500 Kg's - so with one up and fuel - say max 650 Kg's.

As I would have thought that this is a very light boat, I would have expected a 13" pitched prop to at least achieve something near the max rev range, without any misfire. However, the engineer says they want to change the prop down two sizes.

I don't doubt that if I let them change the prop to a smaller pitch, the revs will go up and the reduced load may even stop the misfire, but I am very concerned that this will merely mask the problem, rather than resolve it. I have done some reasearch and it seems that changing the pitch rarely increases speed, as the boat goes forward a shorter distance for each rev of the prop. As the engine is under warranty - I want them to fix it properly.

I am getting to the point where I feel I should demand a replacement engine, but suspect I would be on a "sticky wicket" if I refused them the opportunity to replace the prop - hence my concern!

For the setup I have described, can anyone please indicate what performance I should expect from the standard prop ie 11 1/8" x 13" and whether it is indeed too large/coarse? Would too large a prop even cause a misfire - as even this sounds unlikley to me?

Any thoughts or advice would be very much appreciated as I need to make a decision on how to progress this.


PS. Since writing above have found performance bulletins on large number of boats on Yamaha's website and if anything these would indicate that this prop would be on the small side - not too big, so it should already be pulling the top end revs with the standard prop!!!

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Marian on 18/07/2004 16:31 (server time).</FONT></P>


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30 Mar 2004
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If you have the wrong size prop, it will either rev its nuts off quickly and at wot will be reving far too high (under pitched) or be very slow to rev and at wot will not get anywhere near max revs (over pitched) neither of these in my experience causes bogging to the extent of nearly stalling engine, even if over pitched, the delivery of power will be relatively smooth up to the max revs the over pitch prop will allow engine to rev at.

My shetland is 21ft with max hull design speed of 27 knots and weighs 720 kgs including engine 1999 40hp yamaha, with light gear and just me on board with a 13 pitch i get 17.5 knots at 5000 wot and on 11 pitch i get 17.5 knots at 5500 wot, i only need use 11 pitch when i have full cruising gear and 2/3 crew as if i try and run with 13 this loaded up my wot is only 4400 which is way below the 5000-6000 range needed.

One day i tried out a 17 pitch i borrowed and i got 11 knots at 3500 wot, although speed and wot was drastically reduced the delivery of power was smooth and did not bog engine down at all.

I suspect the engine here and not prop


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Well-known member
18 Sep 2003
Dorset/ Hampshire. south coast
Go back and tell them what is happening. if a new boat it should be as specified , go stamp foot a bit!!!

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Well-known member
21 Oct 2001
Alton, hants
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Just a thought and Im not taking the Pee, but if you have seperate petrol tank have you opened the vent? If the tank can,t breath you will get fuel starvation.
Also check in line filters dirty fuel etc.

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18 Jul 2004
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This was our first port of call - tried different tank (brand new) and a new fuel line direct from tank to engine. Fuel bulb primes fine and pumps hard and vent wide open.

I am now certain that it is an engine fault - the problem is finding it!

Is there anyone with any suggestions as to where the fault lies?

Many thanks

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New member
11 Jun 2003
Cheshire UK
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If the pitch is to big at the moment, only letting your engine run to 4500, a finer pitch will let the engine get into its max power band, not sure about stopping the misfire though, but I think it will give you a lot more speed, as long as they are doing it FOC you have nothing to loose, even if its not FOC surly they will let you borrow a prop to return undamaged if it does not help, but I would try a finer pitch 1st, good luck.

Nick in cheshire.

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New member
1 Mar 2004
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One cause for being unable to open throttle fully, yet being able to nurse the revs up is an air leak either on the carb/injection unit, or between them and the head. This could be a loose screw, missing screw, split or loose pipe (often many pipes, check them all).

<hr width=100% size=1>my opinion is complete rubbish, probably.