This is the line cutter that sits between the duo props on a DPI drive. As you can see it has cracks. They continue on each casellation. The space between the duoprops would only allow the entry of thin line (eg fishing line ) and there is no prop damage. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I do not see how the steel could have been so stressed.
I have purchased the replacement part for installation when the props go back on. The design has been modified to look much more like the teeth of a saw. I wonder if frequent failures are the cause of the redesign, but how?
This part has done 300 hrs and the engine is a D6-400.

I have purchased the replacement part for installation when the props go back on. The design has been modified to look much more like the teeth of a saw. I wonder if frequent failures are the cause of the redesign, but how?
This part has done 300 hrs and the engine is a D6-400.