The Westerly name rings a bell,I was skiipper of one, they were called Wightwater Wolfe, the smaller one was a w, w, jaguer, the 46 had two cats 350hp, verey good in rough seas. I think they were built under licence in GB
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by rich on 07/11/2004 23:31 (server time).</FONT></P>
You're right, both the Wolfe 46 and Jaguar 43 were made in very small numbers by the sailboat builder, Westerly, and yes I think they were both US designs. Both boats are reputedly good sea boats
The 46 was fitted with 425hp Cat engines and I've heard that many of these engines are needing major rebuild work after 10-15yrs so engine survey and oil analysis would be essential
beware the 46 that was used at London boat show, it was dropped in Earls court and suffered extensive damage but was repaired by the factory so probly ok but would be nice to know/negotiation point
good sea boat, build quality suspect in places, seem to remember leaking windows were a problem, stainless anchor is in fact chrome plate, I was working for westerly at the time, think engine removal might be very tricky(not certain)
<hr width=100% size=1>My house is for sale, 2 beds, Hamble.
I know the boat your talking about. Seems a huge amount of boat for the money and from what I could see walking around it, it looks reasonably decent. The only thing that would concern me a bit is that I think it's been for sale for ages i.e well over a year! I think it might be years actually as I can recall it being for sale for most of the time I have had my current boat which is 3 years. Perhaps there is a good explanation but the boat looks a bit too cheap if everything's spot on with it. Maybe it's a bargain that people keep missing out on. A good surveyor I guess would be required plus a sea trial and engine oil analysis. Best of luck.
Not surprised the windows leak, they were being installed whilst we measured up for the switch gear, the windows were fastened in by straightened out jubilee clips, or the first boat was.