who on the forum uses there boat to


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8 Jan 2012
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Keeping things clean

Mackeral are by far the messiest but can be managed by either unhooking and putting into water (live bait option) or into a bucket with a lid.

Good source of running water and a towel to keep hands clean if moving boat regularly between handling mackeral.

Mackeral is a great bait for anything you wish to target - flatfish Turbot and Brill can be targeted easily on clean ground with no need to anchor or risk losing tackle.



New member
5 Oct 2012
Medway Towns, Kent
The reason i bought a boat was purely for fishing.

Sealegs have run in my family for generations, however, neither me or my siblings have ever taken an interest, much to my fathers disappointment.

However, this year a friend convinced me to have a go at sea fishing, so being the 'sporting' type i agreed and went along. Loved it, never thought i'd say it but i did. Being out on the water was a totally different experience, both scary with the sheer size, but relaxing knowing I had to be alert, yet some what cut off from day to day life. However, i did it again to see if the feeling was the same, it was.
So when asked if i wanted to buy a small 17ft fisher, i jumped at it. Still in the very infant stages, with sooo much to learn, but taking things slowly. Sticking to what i know, listening to those around me that have more experience, and not trying to run before I can walk.

Rods are always on hand, but still looking forward to just getting out on the waves, dropping an anchor, sitting back and just relaxing. No radio (apart from the VHF in the background) no mobiles, no tv, just the water.

At 40 i am just starting to realise what i had been missing out on. :):):)