Which weather fax software for SSB Icom M802?


Well-known member
27 Feb 2004
West London/Gosport
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Any preferences for weather fax software?
I have been looking at Mscan Meteo but does anyone have any views before I splash out? I am using an Icom M802.


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27 May 2003
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Having used a ICOM PCR-1000 a was really satisfied with MScan Pro, though I have not tested other programms. Not being a ham I still found it quite easy to use after I got an introduction from friend being familiar with the topic.


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30 May 2001
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I test sailed MScan, JVComms 32 and SeaTTY, you can download demo versions free of all three. In demo format, JVComm and SeaTTY are both very useable and no data is obliterated either in Fax or RTTY format but MScan plaster the screen with a demo banner and drop lines out deliberately on RTTY (you see them briefly during receipt but as the screen scrolls it blacks it out or removes lines. I found the Mscan demo so irritating there was no way I would buy it.

Initially I chose SeaTTY for RTTY (it didn't then do Fax) and JVComms for both RTTY and Fax. Later SeaTTY was upgraded to Fax as well and this is excellent. I would thoroughly reccomend SeaTTY, it costs very little (about $30/£16) to register, but works in demo form minus a few bells and whistles anyway. The JVComms is also good and also not too expensive (about £50 from memory). IMO the smartly boxed set programs you buy at swindleries that seem to cost in the region of £200 offer nothing at all that SeaTTY or JVComms cannot do as well or better for a fraction of the price. Both of these (and MScan) connect via the external speaker socket on the SSB set to the mic/phone socket on the laptop via a cheap lead with small jackplug ends.

It is in the end personal choice but certainly I would recommend downloading the demo versions of all three (they are full programs that can be de-restricted with a registration code), that way you can register the preferred one and keep the others as backup or delete them as you wish.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I've use JVComm32 for over a year now and being a scank have not registered but you do get a column of the word "Demo" on the fax which doesn't really get in the way. On my PC and laptop it just loaded first time and integrated with the microphone volume controls straightaway.


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20 Mar 2004
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Entirely agree!! I don't understand anyone BUYING software for Wefax or RTTY when they can be downloaded for nothing.

We too played with MCScan, but didn't get on with it, so maybe it was us!!

The JVComm32 free version is excellent for wefax and, as you say, is only slightly marred by the 'demo' signs which don't affect it's use. We've used it for years during our Pond circuits and trips to/around the Med. with no problems. Though JV's RTTY is good, we prefer the MMTTY software. This is full free software (use Google to locate it, then download) but has the advantage of being 'full screen' so that the text is much clearer to read, especially if you select a yellow background with a black text.

Talulah, do try these two. After all they're free and you may (probably will!) find no need to look further.

Hope this helps



Well-known member
27 Feb 2004
West London/Gosport
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Thanks for all the replies.
I have downloaded all of the trial versions.
Next question. The Icom comes with a number of user channels already programmed for a number of weather fax stations. However, is there a list somewhere that shows me which station is sending out what information?
All help appreciated.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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There must be a list somewhere but I use 7880 for Hamburg fax and 4610 for Northwood
For RTTY I use 4583 & 10100.8(Hamburg)
Never had too much joy with Navtex but it's on 516.5
For some technical reason (which Jerry will know!) you have to tune a couple of digits down from the published frequencies.


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7 Sep 2004
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Frequencies are at www.nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/pub.htm - scroll down and look for Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules. It also tells you how far to tune from the listed frequency in order to receive the stations (some are listed as carrier frequency and some are not, so not all the same).

Haven't given the direct link to the document as there are other useful publications in the same place.

As another has said MMTTY is worth a try and is free to all. For the charts WxSat, free also to non commercial users, is worth a try - just need to know for that the mode you want is FM120 (because it has other modes for satellite reception) and carefully follow the instructions for setting it to your screen pixel width. This program is very robust in all versions of Windows since Win95 (it has not been changed since Win95 days) so runs fine on older machines.

I have used both with an M802 and a Google on the program name will come up with it at the top of the list.

Have fun.
