Everyone tells me I must build a dodger but I'm not at all sure which style is best.
I would appreciate your thoughts/advice
NOTE: (an afterthought) I would not build the dodger high enough to stand up full height
- I worry that in very bad weather a hard dodger might get swept away taking half the deck with it.
- I'm not really enamored with the looks of canvas dodgers but (I think it was on this forum) an experienced offshore skipper said the first thing he did when caught out in foul weather was to lower the canvas dodger to deck level.
- The top right photo is of a dodger that looks smart. It could be a ss frame covered in canvas but I thought I'd cover it in fiberglass molded over over "bendy plyboard". I'd build it light enough so that In the event of extreme weather it wouldn't destroy the deck
I would appreciate your thoughts/advice
NOTE: (an afterthought) I would not build the dodger high enough to stand up full height
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