Is everyone scared of a possible recession? I got my boat on the market at a real cheapo price because I am eager to buy something else, not a sniff I'm getting already.
Rain, floods F&M Stock Market, BSE, Fuel Prices. Cig Prices, Trafic, Magic roundabouts, Speed Cameras. Spells depresion. Leave the country and shut the door quietly on the way out!!
Cigarettes? Who the hell buys cigarettes (and rolling baccie) in this country? Supressed figures now show 86% brought in. I pay £1.30p a packet for fags and a bit less for Baccie.
We were very interested in a new boat but by the time we added all the extras on and the manufacturer had put on a price increase every six months, it just finished up too much.
Looked for a secondhand boat. Identified a good bargain, arranged to travel to view, booked hotel, then two days before viewing, agent emailed to say it was sold.
Still looking. But at an even lower price. Psst, want some Railtrack? I can let you have them at last month's price!
Sun (if a bit frosty), good skiing, F& M confined to borders which does'nt count as its nearly England, Everyone went into cash investements just after Christmas up here - I'll let you know when we go back into the market, no BSE, high fuel prices because you lot used all our oil!,don't smoke therefore don't care, no traffic except in Glasgow and Edinburgh which one avoids, don't know what a magic roundabout is Dougal!, some speed cameras but about 5% of what was around Cheshire when I lived there. The worrying thing is that if all this keeps up, everyone will emigrate to Scotland!
Just hang on in there Byron, it will sell eventually, I've just sold my Princess 412-2. As much as I hate the thought the broker probably earnt his fees. They sent the details out to over 50 enquirers, and showed more than a dozen people over the boat. The right buyer will happen along eventually. Mine did and the deal was completed in less than two weeks.
I checked out some of the websites and to be perfectly honest they are useless. One of them has had a total of 4000 visitors since last June, another was really just US. I really do think that if you want to sell you have to bite the bullet and pay brokerage fees and put the boat on their sales pontoons.