Thanks just got the PM. New boat arived about six weeks ago, was the Dussledorf Boat show model in January so had it shipped to Moody's in Southampton then transfered to local shipper up to Liverpool and then transited over to the Island. Spent five days waiting for some decent weather, got a good forecast on a Friday (SW 3-4) which turned out to be a load of cobblers and ended up 6-7 gusting 8 ten mile off Douglas Head, right bumpy trip for a first outing but nothing fell off or broke so a good shake down. I was staring at that CE mark on the Helm bulkhead on the way accross that states 'Cat B' thinking I hope their bloody right and this thing can take it but she was fine. Only thing that happened was we took some solid water over the foredeck which forced itself in through the cabin aerator and wet the nice lovely Nubuk leather ceiling.
Always wondered how those air hole thingies work, I've had 3ft of water on the decks and mine dont leak. Maybe a bit of confusion about me and Debs. We got together only about 18 months ago.
I've sailed to IOM a couple of times maybe ten years ago, it seemed a bit of a dump then, much improved now though.
You must read my story about a visit to Strangford and then IOM on my way back to Hollyhead and Pwthelli??
So what boat have you got, have I missed it somewhere??
Here are a couple of pictures, sorry thought you saw the boat in Douglas when she first arrived. Where can I read of your exploits to the Isle of Man?.
Fabulous day today on the Island the world and his wife were out in the water. Have Princess Anne arriving on Sat next to name the new Sailing for Disabled Yacht so we have to shift off our berth (along with everone else), think its something to do with security (as if I am going to put a Bomb on my pride and joy!).
Well its decided.........'Miss Charlotte II' I think going with her indoors suggestion is the least I can do seeing as she has just given up her new kitchen and bathrooms for the next year along with family holiday.
Tried bringing her round with other suggestions but no go I am afraid.
May God bless all those who sail in Miss Charlotte and I will keep everything crossed that I actually read the manuals correctly for once. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Com on nearly made to 1000 views on this thead, my first biggy, he he ha ha, feel like an old hand now ( but not of course still only 93 posts, some of you guys must have spent the last three years eating, sleeping, drinking YBW to reach 10,000 posts, phew wee!)