Re: What\'s happening on [url][/url]
Yes I am having the same problems. I like the site I purchased a harken winch there about two weeks ago. One of the best sites. It would be a shame if it doesn't continue.
I agree with the above comments and have bought good gear off the site. It provides the very service that helps to keep adverts off forums like this one.
I can't get the site to work either.
Perhaps we could all send friendly e-mails to the owners, Sail East, and let them know. After all, each time we look at the boatjumble site we are also seeing their business name. If there are enough people interested, then they may well continue to maintain the site. Regards Rich
Re: What\'s happening on [url][/url]
works okay for me. It is a fact of web life that occasionally servers crash. Ours went down and was down for 12hrs not so long back, we just couldn't do anything about it.