What drivel is Paulineb on about !


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3 Jun 2001
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Hello, I admit I am not the most frequent poster on these boards but I do visit every two days or so to read the interesting Boaty stuff ! and yes there are some very good posts and even things points of view that make me think ! But can anyone explain to me what is Paulineb on about e.g. GCSE on sexism Studies ( never let a bird drive your boat - simple ) Check out Scuttlebug posting ( very nice lets have one for Xmass) Have you decorated your boat ( no I pay the yard to ) Boat on the hard ( bird in the bed is far better ) Festive Cruise ( maybee but its to cold ) Suzanne can you tell me ( Oh yes please tell us all what the recipe is ) to name but a few. Is this board just becomming a message board for lost/found or a chit chat forum ?

I enjoy reading most of the posts but lately I have found it becomming a bit to mate mate wink wink do you know etc etc. Are certain people on here just trying to post as many posts as they can to get a gold star or ?

Anyhow this should cause a few replys my PC is awaiting..

Thanks MARTIN......


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21 Aug 2001
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I know how you feel, I too would rather have more boaty postings but accept the fact that this is a relatively public forum (perhaps thats the attraction) and it takes all sorts to make it work. Different people have different criteria for what they think is worth posting.


Re: cobblers

Well, indeed it may be total drivel. But it's a forum, see, and shes doesn;t get paid forit, so seeing as she has write al that verbiage for your consumption, the least you can do is make some up yourself. And some of it (from time to time) is a bit boaty. Occassionally it's not even drivel. So come on Mr ONLY SIXTEEN posts think up some rubbish for our delectation, starting with full details of your boat and why it is fab. or crap. And so on...


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21 Aug 2001
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Re: cobblers

Hey Matts , you are the night owl. Why hassle the guy because he has 'only' sixteen posts? There is not neccesarily any great virtue in a great number of posts if posting is your thing, ok, --if not, ok too.


Re: mauled by Mr In-Between

Hmm, so it's ok to post a lot. AND it's ok not to post v much at all. Gottit. My point was that the super-posters will invariably post junk from time to time, in amongst which wil be some twaddle. Er in amongst which therewil be some good stuff. Anyway, slapdowns for low-quality (iyho) or irrelevant garbage will mean no postings at all, hence no laughs, and no info. It can't be boat boat boat boat blimmin boat every post can it? Nah.

....Tho actually her "sexist o-level" post was okay for a boatless month, no? More like an a-level, but admit it, you would not be here t'were not for the stuff, garbage inamongst it, that she and others post, would you?

I also have no prob bout the personal "turn the heating on" waffle, which one day I may understand, tho mebbe not. I even like Boatone going potty about the excess waffle, then him realising he has gorn bit over the top bout it, and so on, all part of the BB tapestry. Imho, etc etc..

Oh, and I am stayting up as late as poss cos I am going boating soon. But to aleviate the jetlag, my hairbrinaed scheme is to stay up and then fall asleep in the boring plane. Which might work. Latwr in the week, I will make tiresome posts about the sunshine and compare notes with Arthur about the high nighttime temperatures near the equator and risk irritating you some more.

Forum, see?


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10 Sep 2001
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Chippie - want more boaty postings. See that keyboard in front of you - use it. IMHO real boat questions are pounced upon given a good shake by the neck - great advice given and then Fred Drift sets in.

Again IMHO the board is what the contributors make it - more boaty great, more chat great. More wind-ups (oeeer Kim, s'not me honest) fun within reason. Give as good as you get - if you get banned then start again.

Lighter non boat related threads give beginners chance to pitch in and shake a stick, how often have you replied to the beginner post "Newbie here...."? Nice thing is you can't really hurt anyones feelings - they just go off in a huff or tell the rest of the board you're a pratt.

Contribute or ignore, but don't complain 'cos its not what you want it to be.

Compliments of the season



I remember the good old days, before DF Light, MV II was just a twinkle in BarryD's eye and Matts drivel about Ferraris and million quid boats was ignored because no one believed a thing he said. ( All thats changed now since he's a respected [ ;-) ] journo with a rather nice Lion or something on the way.

My point is you could log on once a week and see about 5 posts with a couple of replies to each- it was boring.

You can still ask those sensible boaty type questions and who knows if its a slow drivel day you might even get an answer!

The great thing about this forum is you can chat with other people who have the same interests, most of my freinds love coming up to the boat drinking lots and going home but thats it-tenders,engines, petrol v diesel, etc etc they are not interested. On the board we all have a common insanity of boats- theres even the odd rag and stick merchant on here.

Theres room on this board for everyone lurk around and comment on the stuff you want and just ignore the rest.


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16 May 2001
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Haven\'t You Heard?

The poster with the most...er might get something really really special, the trouble is no one knows quite what it is, and as Pauline is far more compeditive the than all the rest of us lazy gits...She's the one most likely to win it!


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18 Jun 2001
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Semper in excreta illegitimae carborundum.
There is a 3 badge stoker waiting in Fleetwood to translate and solve the mystery of the golden rivet
These floras would be duller for your absence


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: Thank you....

....for making me feel a little less lonely. I fear, however, that all you have really done is provide the lunatics with yet another opportunity to assert their control over the asylum. 'Tis of little consequence as the pearls cast before the swine will often attract the attention of men of merit and lead to gems of wisdom transcending the crud of the farmyard and I live in hopes that our continued efforts to maintain sanity will at least keep the level of insanity within manageable proportions.
When I ramble on like this they all assume its me thats mad - funny how human nature always assume the majority view to be correct when history records so many examples of the fallacy of such assumption.
Anyway,,,pauline says shes gone....dont believe it for a minute but its a bit like waiting for a cheque to clear...! If she really has gone (which i very much doubt) I shall be rather jealous of your ability to achieve such influence with but a single post,
....And she cant go anyway , theres several hundred pics of Kylie I put her on to that she hasnt used yet and just for the record shes got a new (and better)one on her profile this morning since the resignation post so watch this space.......

Peace......I will be afloat for xmas..........


Re: You win. I resign from the BB

Please don't resign. I am not the only one to have commented/expressed gratitude for your boating knowledge. I enjoy both the banter and the boating info that I pick up from this forum. We all have the ability to choose what we do and what we don't want to read (unless Kim exercises his admin control). The titles of the posts give a very good clue as to content, people can either skip or click their choice.

Robbie W


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: Can I resign too?

If Paulineb is forced to resign because of some new self-appointed quality controller, then I too should go. My reason is that I shouldn't really be here anyway. As owner of a vessel propelled by wind, as opposed to fossil fuel, I feel I've intruded into a strange twilight world, populated by a sub- (or maybe ober-)species who appear to be human - but not as we know it, Jim. I've learned new things such as that Matts manages to combine an interest in both stylish, fast boats and yet a penchant for MacDonalds too. That Paulineb loves shoes, alter-egos, and boats. That Byron loves irritating anybody but that's just because he just pushes his boat up and down rivers.
Oh, I think there might be some commonality here. They all like boats (albeit smelly ones!) So what's wrong with adding a bit of background or context to boats and the people who sit on/own/borrowsteal them? If you want to find out how to make a copper t-bar sink flange from old cigarette papers, there's another forum for that. If you want to be a tiny bit more serious, then create a thread that is. It may get hi-jacked by the crazy gang, but so what. Try again. I enjoy this twilight world but will not come back until you withdraw your offensive, patronising slur, Sir.