What a palaver ... trailered out the Primor 24


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13 Sep 2008
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can't you move the axle a bit back? Looks like it could go 20-30cm aft.
OK understand that would be a temp solution...

Probably ... but I'm in hospital so cannot see the trailer ... but if I remember the framing is specific transverse for the axle ... so moving it would be major 'surgery'.

The trailer is anyway not legal in Latvia and overloaded .... cannot be registered. It will be re-assigned to my shorter boats .... shame to sell it.


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Probably ... but I'm in hospital so cannot see the trailer ... but if I remember the framing is specific transverse for the axle ... so moving it would be major 'surgery'.

The trailer is anyway not legal in Latvia and overloaded .... cannot be registered. It will be re-assigned to my shorter boats .... shame to sell it.
Re hospital - hopefully nothing serious ?


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13 Sep 2008
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Re hospital - hopefully nothing serious ?

When getting the boat out of water onto trailer - the cold wind was beating on my right side of face .... later that day I noticed right side of mouth wasn't moving properly ... then noticed if I raised eyebrows - right eyebrow didn't move ....

When I went to GP - he sent me straight to hospital - possible Stroke ... turns out I basically near froze the nerves so muscles that side are not reacting to brain signals.

I have another week possibly in hospital while they sort ... I'm now halfway back to movement then home .. reckon about 2 months as long as wrap up and not let cold wind set it all back again.
I was lucky that GP reacted as he did ... it could be permanent if not treated

Thanks for asking ... boy was I scared it was a Stroke !


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13 Sep 2008
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is that Bell's palsy? a few friends went through that, fine now.
hope for a swift full recovery!

No idea what they call it ...

Translation :

Clinic Diagnosis
N.facialis dxt.paresis
Spondylosis deformans of the lumbar spine, spondyloarthrosis
Suffered fracture of the L2 vertebra
L2-L3 intervertebral disc protrusion
Spinal canal stenosis at the L2-L3 level

Ignore the Spinal bit - that's an ongoing from when I snapped my spine in 2022 ... but the first line basically just says "Facial paralysis"

We assume from the strong cold wind blowing on that side of face steadily for about hour trying to recover the boat !!

Tks for wishes ... what I do know from Doctor - is that not caught early it can lead to permanent ... similar to what happens to Stroke victims with that side not working.


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21 Jun 2011
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No idea what they call it ...

Translation :

Clinic Diagnosis
N.facialis dxt.paresis
Spondylosis deformans of the lumbar spine, spondyloarthrosis
Suffered fracture of the L2 vertebra
L2-L3 intervertebral disc protrusion
Spinal canal stenosis at the L2-L3 level

Ignore the Spinal bit - that's an ongoing from when I snapped my spine in 2022 ... but the first line basically just says "Facial paralysis"

We assume from the strong cold wind blowing on that side of face steadily for about hour trying to recover the boat !!

Tks for wishes ... what I do know from Doctor - is that not caught early it can lead to permanent ... similar to what happens to Stroke victims with that side not working.
didn't want to use the greek term as I wasn't sure if it's used internationally, it is. Yes, paresis or paralysis

Wasn't aware that it can become permanent hope you're on the mend!


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didn't want to use the greek term as I wasn't sure if it's used internationally, it is. Yes, paresis or paralysis

Wasn't aware that it can become permanent hope you're on the mend!
He must be. They kicked him out of hospital. The other option is that they got fed up with him laughing at the various posts on here !

Either way, hope he is getting better.


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It can last for a long time. Friend of mine had it, very much the same circumstances caused it (exposure to cold wind for a sustained period). Took almost four months to clear.


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didn't want to use the greek term as I wasn't sure if it's used internationally, it is. Yes, paresis or paralysis

Wasn't aware that it can become permanent hope you're on the mend!

Thanks ..

Yes - according to both Doctor and Physio ... because the nerve stops talking to the brain and so muscle doesn't get correct command - if not treated basically the area learns not to respond and can lead to permanent.
The physical treatment is to actually make the area work by hand while watching in mirror and giving 'brain' command. The visual shows the brain what's happening and also the hand / finger moving the eyebrow .. nose or mouth to desired command tells the brain what is asked for Sounds daft - but it works .... I am already back to about 85% ...

Some never regain 100% ... but expectation is that I should recover near or full 100%

Believe me - its scary when it happens ...


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Wifes giving me stick ... reckons I've come home just to annoy her. So many things to do that I didn't do when in Hospital.

MoBo was on trailer at about 20degree list ... and I was to jack her up and straighten. Did that yesterday ... couple of trolley jacks and blocks at rear .. bow section held down on trailer .. then placed blocks and wood under transom once level ... let down so now she sits on blocks instead of trailer at stern.
I can now get on board and sort out engine for winter.

Of course running around looking at propertys yesterday I'm buying and discussions with my accounts took up rest of time ... along with Wifes Alzheimer Mum - I didn't get to do engine ... temps have dropped again to 0 .. -2C .... and its same today with snow falling ...

I need to get a heater into that engine bay till I can do the AF ... thinking to buy a small electric bathroom Towel Rail to hang in there permanent ... being a petrol engine with big carburettors .. don't want to risk an element heater. Engine bay has good insulation ... so should be ok till I get in there with AF ..


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5 Oct 2001
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Wifes giving me stick ... reckons I've come home just to annoy her. So many things to do that I didn't do when in Hospital.

MoBo was on trailer at about 20degree list ... and I was to jack her up and straighten. Did that yesterday ... couple of trolley jacks and blocks at rear .. bow section held down on trailer .. then placed blocks and wood under transom once level ... let down so now she sits on blocks instead of trailer at stern.
I can now get on board and sort out engine for winter.

Of course running around looking at propertys yesterday I'm buying and discussions with my accounts took up rest of time ... along with Wifes Alzheimer Mum - I didn't get to do engine ... temps have dropped again to 0 .. -2C .... and its same today with snow falling ...

I need to get a heater into that engine bay till I can do the AF ... thinking to buy a small electric bathroom Towel Rail to hang in there permanent ... being a petrol engine with big carburettors .. don't want to risk an element heater. Engine bay has good insulation ... so should be ok till I get in there with AF ..
What about tubular heaters ?

Something like this https://www.screwfix.com/p/dimplex-80w-electric-wall-mounted-tube-heater/1796f


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Yes - according to both Doctor and Physio ... because the nerve stops talking to the brain and so muscle doesn't get correct command - if not treated basically the area learns not to respond and can lead to permanent.
The physical treatment is to actually make the area work by hand while watching in mirror and giving 'brain' command. The visual shows the brain what's happening and also the hand / finger moving the eyebrow .. nose or mouth to desired command tells the brain what is asked for Sounds daft - but it works .... I am already back to about 85% ...
This is very similar to what happened to another friend of mine. She was on holiday in Spain and tripped and fell. Landed on her hand and broke her wrist. They set the break and put it in a cast. She continued her holiday and when she came home, noticed that her fingers weren't moving.

This is where it gets scary. Her brain basically decided that the hand was dead. All kinds of strange things happened with the skin including hair growing on the palm and the skin changing. The mirror treatment was used, but with very little success. They decided that the best treatment was to implant an electronic device in the base of her spine temporarily. Very scary operation. This had some success, but it could only be implanted for a period as it was battery operated because it was a test procedure to see if a permanent implant would be effective.

Now we get to the horrifying bit. When they operated to remove the implant, they didn't give her enough general anesthetic and she woke up in the middle of the operation. Obviously the pain was excruciating, but she didn't dare make a sound in case it would startle the surgeon and risk damage to her spinal cord. She could hear their conversations. They proposed a permanent implant afterwards but she refused due to the trauma which took her a long time to recover from. The surgeon didn't believe her when she told him she was awake. Until she recounted the conversations he was having while operating on her.

Most of the movement in her hand came back except for her little finger which is just straight and won't move.

This can happen in a small number of cases where a limb or part of it is immobilised like in a cast. To prevent it, you must keep moving fingers or toes in such cases. I can't remember the medical term, it was a good many years ago, but was frightening.


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The surgeon didn't believe her when she told him she was awake. Until she recounted the conversations he was having while operating on her.
Same happened with our youngest daughter she woke up during the operation, she was paralysed during the op on her intestines and could not speak or move, she recounted it when she came round in the recovery room, but by the next morning she had forgotten everything about it. It caused a bit of horror in my wife and myself thinking about her under the knife and being awake, and so relieved that she does not remember it now.

I was in for an examination on my oesophagus, I have a great fear of anything touching my throat, I crushed it when I was a little lad and had trouble breathing. I was doped up to the eyeballs and the doc was starting to put the scope down my throat when I tried to bite through it and started to kick up a fuss, I don't remember anything about, it only coming round in the recovery room with an agitated wife and a male nurse holding me down. I am not allowed to have those meds and they have to keep me awake during the procedure, at least being awake I can see what my insides look like :)

I had/have a trapped nerve in my left elbow, the surgeon moved the nerve to the inside of my arm but it was so damaged that it still has not recovered after 12 years, I have a numb or tingle feeling in my pinkie and ring finger of my left hand and no strength in it, it was why I had to give up my bow shooting I can't hold the bow properly, I squeeze a rubber ball to keep exercising the hand, it just does not move like it used to.


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Sorry to hear the stories .... my sympathy to all.

I was a very heavy smoker and even though its been quite a few years since I stopped ... I still have a problem with breathing tubes in the throat. When they withdraw it - I literally cannot breathe in ... and it really hurts ... when it happened first time .. I was literally choking and screaming when I came round ... nurse had to move me I was making so much noise ... it holds until literally the brain thinks you're dead and suddenly it frees ..

I snapped clean through L2 - see earlier post ... and the glued it back together. But there is a nerve to the right side near hip that is now trapped and often gives me hell. Tried physio to move it ... but they reckon surgery is extreme .. I can live with it ... BUT what I don't like is my right leg does not have the same sensitivity as my left .. its has a dull feeling to it when anything hits or pricks it ...
It has full movement etc - its just that dullness of sense in it.


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Now wait weather to improve ... get the trolley jacks / blocks and beams out ....

Jack her up of the old trailer and slide the new in under ...

First I need to do some careful measuring of where the speed impellor is to avoid the ro9llers and to set the winch stand / bow block for height and LOA. I may have to cut out the impellor - I do intend to replace that with a paddle-wheel anyway .. which of course is then removable to avoid trailer damage.