We’ve bought a classic – Triana


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22 Jun 2003
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After much research, humming and hawing since we first spotted one over a year ago we have at last taken the plunge and bought a Triana 25. This’ll be boat number two for us, of course we haven’t sold number one yet - don’t be daft! I keep telling SWMBO life is’nt always as neat and simple as that. Don’t s’pose anyone wants to buy a nice Salcombe Flyer 17’; - an absolutely great boat for where it was designed;- beaching, fishing, skiing etc. in Salcombe but bring it home to the Solent and it doesn’t cope with the chop too well. A wet missus and two young kids, shaken and stirred soon sours the whole experience and from lurking around here, that seems to be one of the absolute ground rules never to be broken – keep em happy, dry and feeling safe.

So what’ll it be? First, it must be a really good sea boat, with some accommodation for the occasional weekend. Second, I really like the classic look esp. Faireys etc. but not sure if I can cope with a wooden hull. Three, its got to be cheap,cos we’re on a budget so we can’t afford that nice Spearfish. So I have a good look around and my attention is drawn to the designs of one, Sonny Levi, I buy his ‘From Dhows to Deltas’, he has designed some absolutely fab looking stuff, the best IMHO and the Triana 25 looks spot on, from every perspective. It’ud best be one of them then!

Course I have to make life difficult for myself by finding one laid up in the Channel Islands, instead of just round the corner from me in Southampton. Have you any idea how much Commodore ferries want to ship an empty trailer from Pompey to St Peter Port tug it off and bring it back loaded? Now that’s what I call a monopoly – blimming outrageous!! Course there’s also the dreaded VAT to pay as well, unless anyone knows any avoidance measures? But hopefully we’ll end up after a lot of TLC with our dream boat - a classic gentleman’s express cruiser.

Still with twin AQ171 Volvo petrols it’ll prob’ly be blidgin XP to run [sorry couldn’t afford diesels] but I am working on her indoors – “yes dear why don’t we go and buy those nice Steyr 256s they are only £28K the pair”

I can see this boating lark is going to get quite expensive!

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30 Nov 2001
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A lovely boat always fancied some thing like that. I like the Trident Marine 828 as well designed by Soni. In fact a quick Google has just found one on boats for sale.com for 34K umm. Congrats on your purchase I hope you get some good times on it. By the way ensure the cam belts are healthy on the 171s as it's a complex engine to fix if they break as they are 16 Valve.

PS why not sail it back from CI?

<hr width=100% size=1>Jim

Draco 2500


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30 May 2001
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AQ171's huh! hope youve got a thick wallet, it soon wont be!!

Best talk to that nice Mr Bellamy at Lancing for a couple of Pumas.

<hr width=100% size=1>Been there, done that, got the oily T shirt


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22 Jun 2003
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Yeah 171s Hmm, mind you, not sure about those old tranny engines either given recent posts on here!!

Well that's one of the two main reasons I don't want to motor it back, - She's been out of the water for the best part of 2/3 years and is showing a few signs of osmosis [the surveyor thinks its fine and only to be expected after 35 years] so now the hull is nice and dry I'd like to get it sanded back [hard work] or slurry blasted [sounds better, any good contacts anyone?] before applying a few coats of epoxy and anti-foul. Also the engines having sat for all that time have sweated a bit and all the pulleys etc are corroded so it'll need full sets of belts together with at least one alternator and starter motor and thats without half a tank of three year old petrol clogged up carbs etc. etc. etc.

So anyway, since all my boating experience so far has been buzzing around the solent I don't fancy tackling the Alderney race with all that in the back of my mind without a professional skipper/mechanic and another boat for company/towage etc. Best be sensible for once in me life!

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12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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Sounds great, And all the best with the new purchase.

But i don't have a clue of what the boat looks like, although she sounds great. How about posting a pic, up here. Please.

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://arweb.co.uk/argallery/alistair?&page=1> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>


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12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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She looks superb, and as you say a bit of a project.
What time scale have you given yourself?
And best of luck with her./forums/images/icons/smile.gif

P.s if you take the SPACES out, the link will work.

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://arweb.co.uk/argallery/alistair?&page=1> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>


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22 Jun 2003
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This any better?


Not sure how long it'll take - years probably, but with our third baby due on Friday! we're in no hurry. It'd be nice to get her in the water later in the year though.

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22 Jun 2003
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Thanks all for the best wishes, as you might be able to tell I'm really chuffed.

We were thinking about putting our name down for a Hamble river pile or swinging mooring. Seems remarkably good value.

BTW Jon, I was passing RK the other day and stopped for a snoop, spotted your new cover - it looks really smart 'Sonny' is looking right up together, much better than when I last saw her. I shall have to take you up on your offer of an outing soon.

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25 Dec 2002
Alderney, CI
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Very nice. Almost as nice as a Fairey. As you seem to be saying that you'll be having some of the work done professionally, why not get a yard in Guernsey to do it. No VAT. The taxman won't know the difference if the boat is in better nick than when you paid for it, and you could save yourself a few bob. Either way, best of luck with your project.


<hr width=100% size=1>One of these days I'll have a boat that WORKS


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16 May 2001
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Hi Scarron, congrats, super boat

I might be worong but I would think you are ok on VAT, I mean you can just import it into the UK without having to pay VAT, because of her age. In practice I bet you will drive thru the docks at pompey and not even get asked.......

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28 Nov 2002
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Yes, the river moorings are good value but there is a waiting list which I think for 25 foot is about 4 years....

If you want to be o nthe Hamble you could try either Eastlands where Solitaire is or Foukes Barge where me and Col are.

25 footer at foukes barge would be about 70 a month on a pontoon that you have to row/outboard dinghy out to.

<hr width=100% size=1>Rehab is for quitters.


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22 Jun 2003
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When I bunged down my thirty quid deposit today they suggested it could be as little as 18 months - 2 years. whatever, in the meantime, If we can get her seaworthy and in the water for later in the season then maybe we'll join you up at Foulkes', I have already had a chat with Peter? and he seemed pretty helpful and it sounds like a friendly place to be, apart fom the fact that it'll probably cost £20 to get to the mouth of the Hamble. Still C'est la vie.

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