Wash Whingers.


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16 May 2001
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As someone who enjoys both sailing and powerboating.I can commiserate with anyone caught by wash in an anchorage or in the confines of a river .

But ..... at the risk of a load of flack coming my way I would say that anyone who ventures onto open water should be prepared to encounter wash .

If the boat cannot cope with it it should not be out there.

At the same time I never go close to small craft if it can be avoided and take extra care if I see children in dinghys.

With the best will in the world you cannot avoid causing wash.Some boats actually create more wash when slowing down.

I am lucky enough to be in an uncrowded part of the world.And appreciate that the crowded Solent is a different ball game.For the same reason I never take my car into London.


Does Mayor Livingstone know about cars that make wash in London? He will probably levy a tax on them.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by cornishman938 on Sat Jun 8 20:03:46 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 May 2001
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A picture of puddles next to bus stops springs to mind.

The point I am making is that if you choose to keep your boat in an overcrowded area then dont moan about problems caused by overcrowding.

The more we complain about the antics of a minority of motor boat and jetski users the more chance of legislation being dumped on us about registration ,licensing,marine MOTs ,etc etc etc .

Once the Pandoras box of government interference is opened we will never get the lid back on.

If this occurs I believe it will destroy the British marine industry as more owners decide its not worth the hassle anymore.The secondhand market will be flooded with cheap secondhand boats that noone will want to buy.

The RYA fights constantly to preserve our freedom at sea . The more complaining that goes on the more ammunition we give to the bureaucrats.


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16 May 2001
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So,,,,,,,,, I have to chose between complaining about jet ski noise/powerboat wash and licencing of all boat users?
OK, I pick licences,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
If that results in a mass retreat from sea to golf course then so much the better. More space and cheaper prices for those of us left sailing,,,,,,, good deal.

Vertue 203, Patience


I agree with what you say about puddles at bus stops Graham !

In fairness to powerboaters that do not have much experience, it is natural I think to equate driving a boat like a car. As Charles Stock says in his book, it is very difficult for new people to cope with the freedoms when first going on the water. No yellow lines, car parks etc. After a while they get the idea of what's what.

However, there is one very major difference between powerboaters and yotties. If two yachts clash at 5 knots each there will be some damage. A powerboat hitting a yacht doing 5 knots and him doing 20 knots probably means death or very serious injury. It is for this reason that there is more pressure on the powerboaters NOT to make mistakes. I think it was two year's ago that a girl driving a ski boat decapitated her boyfriend whilst in the water on the East Coast purely through ignorance.

I personally have always been in favour of licensing, particularly for boats that can do more than 10 knots. The trouble though has been enforcement. I find most Britsh harbour authoritys a complete joke when it comes to doing anything. They are mostly council 'bung' appointments that have no intention to do anything. For this reason it is a non starter.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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And the other side of the argument is that a power boat can stop on a sixpence. turn round on a sixpence. And do it all while the yachtsman is still in bed!

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4 Jul 2001
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I assume that by some amazing coincidence your boat doesn't go faster than 10 knots!!

I'm for licensing boats that zig zag all the way up the harbour.

Politically incorrect and proud of it.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: some powerboaties are ex-yotties

not a universal truism, by any means. But certainly the majority of one-time-yotties (including professionals) who take hold of a power boat follow the same maxim as a racing (and many cruising) sailboats : only the highest possible speed will do.



I'd be careful what you wish for.

It is unlikely that if any kind of licensing is introduced that it will only be enforced for one type of boat.

I recently read a letter about yachtsman complaining about the noise and wake of PWC's and power boats and in response to this the harbour commissioners agreed to patrol the area and penalise all infringements.

At the end of the first day the total amounts received in fines for various infringements amounted to £80 from powered craft and £600 from sailboats.

I leave you to draw your own conclusions, but just because power boat owners don't seem to complain about the inconsiderate and dangerous handling of sailboats as much, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Yes, power boats are more powerful and faster and for this reason more care should be taken, but handling is by far easier and for this reason I would have thought that there was as much if not a greater case for sail boaters to be licenced.



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: some powerboaties are ex-yotties

Oh! Has Matt been off to some dirty place then ToMo. Where was it?? And what pray is that a picture of. Is it your new engine room? It looks very dark down there.

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16 May 2001
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Re: some powerboaties are ex-yotties

I dunno that's wat I'm trying to get im ter spill tut beans about.
Try right clicking on the pic, select properties then copy the url into your browser then press enter to go to the pic proper like.....wat yer got?....a rite little purrer thats wot!


Lethal Weapon 1 & 2

Have to agree with you WAW on many of the things you mention.

I do think though that in UNEXPERIENCED hands, the potential for causing real damage would lie in powerboats than raggies !

I remember seeing one powerboater making tight turns against wind and tide. Just for a change, he suddenly decided to make a tight turn in the other direction using the same size turning circle and careered into a moored boat. He was very fortunate in receiving minimal dameage to his own body. These are situations where an inexperienced powerboater could lose his life but a raggie would only probably come out with a bruised ego.

In my own experience, there is FAR MORE to handling a powerboat that raggies think there is. And I for one respect the skills that I see, particularly when parking in windy marinas.

p.s. On the whole I think both the looks and figures of powerboater's women are of a higher standard than raggie's women. That is not the only reason why I always initiate the first wave for you blokes though !.



I used to keep a boat at West Mersea where there are a number of ' racing only' yachts moored.

The speed limit in this area is the usual 8 knots.

Some of these 'maniacs' use a rib to get out to their moored boats - in most cases going as fast as the engine would go - usually around about 20 knots. If I was being beaten up by fisherman I was being duffed up by racing sailors.


I don\'t need a licence


By a strange coincidence my boat does do less than 10 knots but I do not need to have a licence owing to the fact that I was born before 1950, lived for many years without central heating, received government orangejuice and syrup malt, and generally an all round better egg than most. Also I used to get the cane at school, know the experience of getting a wet leather football in the goolies in January and of how to lose gracefully. Also having experienced the indignity of being turned down regularly by wallflowers at the local Town Hall Hop.

So there !