Hello again,
new to "serious" sailing although have had experience with lake boats when living in detroit. We(girly and myself) are trying to formulate a 2 year sailing plan.This is not so easy.Looking for a liveaboard that can,if necessary, be sailed single handed(Ramona has MS and although fit most of the time also has time out days) .Plan is to take things easy and enjoy the people we might meet.Speed is not of importance, but ease of usage is.Have sent away for back issue reports on the Warrior, but any info you may have would be most welcome.
Having known a couple of sufferers, you might find a catamaran a more suitable type of boat. The motion is different, and being uppright makes movement around the boat a LOT easier. Your bio does not give any detail, but if you are near portsmouth drop me a PM and come have a try (boat is still in water)
I have a Trident Voyager 35 - same hull, different topsides. She could be just the sort of boat you are looking for. She is not fast by modern standards, but she is no shoe-box either. I use 5.0kn for passage planning in most conditions - 5.5kn if no wind and entirely under power. She will tack through 100 deg. Her long keel makes her docile and she comes into her own in 15kn plus. At 20kn I am sailing like a train and having a whale of a time when folk on lighter built saucer-shaped boats are beginning to wish they has stayed in harbour. The one down side is lack of control astern which makes pre-planning an essential in harbour. The wheel is purely ornamental astern, the direction being determined purely by the which way the bow blows off.