Used boat prices . . . . tell me I'm wrong


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26 Aug 2012
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No, but I might be upset by someone who wasted my time, getting me to travel to the boat and showing them over her, then made a stupidly low offer. I don't mean a cheeky one, but insultingly low.
What my old sales manager at Contessa used to call tyre-kickers.

There’s nothing wrong with a low offer, as long as it’s justified.

In the case of my boat, the price asked was definitely below market rate in what was already a buoyant market. I offered full asking price, and agreed to take on the last 14 months of the lease (saving the vendor some VAT) on the proviso that the vendor had an electric anchor winch fitted in the asking price, to which he agreed. The surveyor valued the boat at 20% more than I had paid.


Well-known member
9 Apr 2019
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I got stung on a tired old moody about 20 years ago . My heart ruled my head after a trial sail. The teak decks were shot and it needed new sails but I still gave the asking price. Then I repented at leisure. I never did repair the decking as the quote made me sit down for a while.
But I had four good seasons out of it and sailed around 5000 nms with the knackered sails which couldn't have been as knackered as I thought.
I sold it for half of what I paid for it, but I did point out the decks and the other stuff that needed doing.
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Well-known member
2 Dec 2005
Far S. Cornwall
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I know of one commercial seller who is the opposite of you. He doesn't like to sell. Has a yard with loads and a few in harbours around the coast. All going green. I heard he was working nights in order to support the yacht business.

I think he has a problem.
I was in a second hand camera shop, shelves jammed full with all sorts of old lenses and stuff. I asked him, in view if his age, what he would do to try to sell all this stuff
He looked at me quizzically: "Who says I want to sell it....?"