Its not the antennae that are useless but the programming. Once outside NW Europe, only rubbish community and religious stations seem to be available on air TV. Mainstream only available by cable or satelite.
I've found that while reception is often very difficult in crowded UK marinas, its fine when away from hordes of other yachts, such as when anchored off. Maybe its all those radar reflectors?
Hi Colin,
You are obviously back from the Norwegian sector, when are you in Barcelona? Another thing I cant believe you are interested in watching TV after doing for 21 days at "work"
I asked the question last time this subject was raised as to why one need a TV on onces boat!!!
tv is good cheap entertainment...rainy night, secure anchorage news and weather great stuff one of those round things near the top of the mast ... thanks...
I have a TV onboard, but no antenna, it's only for watching DVD's and videos, on dark wet nights, hopefully few and far between! Also for watching/editing the video camera stuff. The crew would like a satellite dish, so he can watch football, but he can whistle! Theres pubs that show that stuff. I'm back offshore again now, the weather is horrendous and I'm not a happy bunny, but I need the money, (don't we all) I don't watch television programs as such, utter drivel, chewing gum for the brain, apart from maybe discovery and national geographic.
The only secure secluded anchorages I know, have no TV coverage! Even Dartmouth is crap! But go ahead try it, I have and tried four different types, in different locations including the top of the mast. By the way I think this subject has been covered quite a few times on these forums, so try a search.
I agree with ccs on this I've tried muti directional aerials etc but in Marinas there all useless.
Just use the TV for playing back video camera and DVDs
"The Med has got me" (no not the Medway the other Med)
I have a Glomex at the top of the mast of my Moody 42, and once watched a perfect TV picture of Tim Henman loosing at Wimbledon.... whilst sailing along the south coast !
So they do work if they can see a decent signal, actually mine works most of the time. I have now sailed down to the med and can always get a watchable picture, althou to be fair the TV in Portugal and Spain is not actually watchable even i f the picture is perfect !!