Travel Portugal to UK Restricted


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Are you going to head back to Faro and the boat❓
Mind you Faro is now bit of a hotspot for Covid. From what I am seeing, the further you get east along the Algarve, the larger the number of cases of Covid.

Haven't decided what we'll do, just comfortable chilling out near Lisbon and in no rush to make a decision, although we're obviously keeping an eye open for legal options. In isolation here except for weekly shop and occasional visit to sister in law. May head down to the boat when travel restrictions lifted, whenever that may be. Police doing checks and turning people back.


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24 May 2012
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Haven't decided what we'll do, just comfortable chilling out near Lisbon and in no rush to make a decision, although we're obviously keeping an eye open for legal options. In isolation here except for weekly shop and occasional visit to sister in law. May head down to the boat when travel restrictions lifted, whenever that may be. Police doing checks and turning people back.

Best of luck.

I have just been looking at Portugal’s latest stats - horrendous so given our vulnerability, we are going to make every effort to isolate.

The Western Algarve still looks one of the safest places to be but Lagos and Portimao aren’t so good. Fortunately we are behind the security gates so just got to keep it out.

Just had a look at:- Vacinação - COVID-19 and by my reckoning we will be lucky to be jabbed before late Spring so will look to get back to the U.K. for it.
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Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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My understanding is that with Covid you do not know you have it for 1st few days but its that period when you feel OK that you are spreading the infection. When you finally suffer from it you tend to flat out in bed and in my kids cases struggling to even go to toilet without help.

Further to above post just came accross this:-

" The study found that two people, travelling together, got on the flight in Dubai who had gotten a test for Covid-19 four days earlier. Their tests came back negative before the flight, but one of them began showing symptoms two days after arriving in New Zealand, and another test on the third day returned a positive result for both individuals. The pair said that they wore masks and gloves while on the plane, but took their masks off when they were seated, sleeping or eating, Marc Daalder reports for the New Zealand-based Newsroom."


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Further to above post just came accross this:-

" The study found that two people, travelling together, got on the flight in Dubai who had gotten a test for Covid-19 four days earlier. Their tests came back negative before the flight, but one of them began showing symptoms two days after arriving in New Zealand, and another test on the third day returned a positive result for both individuals. The pair said that they wore masks and gloves while on the plane, but took their masks off when they were seated, sleeping or eating, Marc Daalder reports for the New Zealand-based Newsroom."

Two friends caught it on flight to Brazil, despite everyone on board having been tested negative prior to flight. Thankfully, both recovering.

As Nortada says, virus spreading fast here and in some areas people are having to be taken to hospitals away from home as many local ones up to capacity.


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26 Jun 2013
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Alemania envía médicos y sanitarios militares a Portugal ante la situación de catástrofe

google translate >>
The Lisbon government had asked Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer for help in the face of the unstoppable spread in Portugal of the SARS-CoV-2 mutation detected for the first time in the United Kingdom. 70% of medical personnel in Portuguese hospitals are infected with the coronavirus, said the Executive in his request for help to the German Army. Bundeswehr sources highlighted that in their direct contacts with their Portuguese military colleagues, they drew a catastrophic picture of the situation, with a health system currently unable to cope with the avalanche of infections and serious patients registered in the country. Every military doctor and every German sanitary soldier who flies to Portugal will be an enormous help, the Portuguese military pointed out.

Awful, and getting worse. Stick to the rules!


Well-known member
27 Oct 2009
Sloop John B
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Sky are reporting that Germany is flying in twenty seven medics + equipment and that Austria is preparing to receive covid patients from Portugal.

Apparently only seven covid beds across the country are currently available for new admissions.

The terrifying ease of infection of covid is illustrated today by the news that Guernsey has announced 230 cases. Last Sunday it had just four ! Small music festival.

Hunker down all forumites currently in Portugal. Stay safe.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Sky are reporting that Germany is flying in twenty seven medics + equipment and that Austria is preparing to receive covid patients from Portugal.

Apparently only seven covid beds across the country are currently available for new admissions.

The terrifying ease of infection of covid is illustrated today by the news that Guernsey has announced 230 cases. Last Sunday it had just four ! Small music festival.

Hunker down all forumites currently in Portugal. Stay safe.

Thanks for the encouragement.

In the past 2 weeks the number of deaths in Lagos has nearly doubled and here out west in the Algarve is one of the least effected areas.

If there is any upside the population is obeying the lock down and today it looks as if we may just be turning the corner.

On the downside apparently we are running low on vaccine.

I understand the British Government are planning to send excess jabs to Southern Ireland.

Portugal is the UK’s oldest ally so tried to set up a petition to ask Boris to remember the country that sent troops to die in Flanders, were an friendly neutral in WWII and helped us in the Falklands Campaign.

I failed in my first attempt so will have another go tomorrow.

Final irony, l many Brits out here, we have been invited for jabs in the Old Country but have no way of getting them.

In time, we could get jabbed in Portugal but on a boat it easy for us to isolate so we will leave any allocation to those who are worse placed than us.


Well-known member
27 Oct 2009
Sloop John B
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It would not surprise me at all if Portugal will be the first EU country to receive UK vaccine aid.

(But the poorest British Commonwealth countries may get it first of all)

Best of luck.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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It would not surprise me at all if Portugal will be the first EU country to receive UK vaccine aid.

(But the poorest British Commonwealth countries may get it first of all)

Best of luck.

UK help for Portugal, I will keep talking it up and invite my fellow forum items in Portugal to join me.

More the merrier - in the circumstances, possibly not the most apposite quote.


Well-known member
27 Oct 2009
Sloop John B
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UK help for Portugal, I will keep talking it up and invite my fellow forum items in Portugal to join me.

More the merrier - in the circumstances, possibly not the most apposite quote.
Once your new petition is up and running link to it here. I for one, and I would hope many others, will sign it?


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Once your new petition is up and running link to it here. I for one, and I would hope many others, will sign it?

Many thanks.

Surprise, surprise got a response from HMG (below).

Someway to go and I have no illusions of success but is showing solidarity with Portugal.

Once it goes live, I will post it in a new thread.


The Petitions Team, UK Government and Parliament.

Dear Petitioner,

You’re not done yet!

Forward the email below to your potential supporters.

5 people need to click the link and confirm their support for us to check your petition.

Once you’ve gained the required number of supporters, we’ll check your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it. Because of Coronavirus we have a very large number of petitions to check at the moment so it may take a few weeks. Thank you for your patience.

Once your petition has 21 signatures it won’t be able to add more until it’s been checked by the petitions team. So, please wait until it’s been checked and published before sharing it more widely.


The Petitions Team
UK Government and Parliament

I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?

Click this link to sign the petition:
Petition: Provide Portugal with AZ COVID-19 vaccine free.

My petition:

Provide Portugal with AZ COVID-19 vaccine free.

Portugal is short of Covid vaccine Under the Terms of the Treaty (Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 - Wikipedia). Help a country, who’s people have always stood by Britain in its hour of need. For example in The Trenches in WW1 and more recently, the Falklands Campaign .

Click this link to sign the petition:

Petition: Provide Portugal with AZ COVID-19 vaccine free.


Well-known member
27 Oct 2009
Sloop John B
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Looking like Spain may join Portugal in the travel red list.

Cases for the last five days now average 30,000pd.


Australian Times - Australian Times News


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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It links to an interesting article on how Portugal reached this dire crisis and what may lie ahead for Portugal and Spain.

Thanks for that.

Article written by researcher Southampton University (UK). In essence it says while Portugal got lockdown right in early waves they relaxed it too much over Xmas.

IMHO 99% of infections are by contact with carriers either people incubating Covid or asymatic carriers. Breathing same air in confined space.

I would hope there are not many knowing they are ill allow contact with other people.

In my children's cases they were bedridden when they had it. Risk was early period when they must have been infected but they did not know and were not suffering.

I fortunately saw them briefly for a few hours before Xmas and before the lockdown was announced. They all caught Covid from my Ex long after my brief visit.
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Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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IMHO 99% of infections are by contact with carriers either people incubating Covid or asymatic carriers. Breathing same air in confined space.

Around Lisbon area, many commuters dump cars in suburbs and use public transport to city workplaces. Younger age group (much like everywhere else) seem to think they're immune and breaking rules, as are many older yuppy folks who still think it's OK to head off to coast at weekend for a party. Vaccine is in short supply and in many cases still being given to people who should be further down the waiting list.

Cases/1,000 are high overall but mostly concentrated in the cities, particularly Tejo Valley, whereas many areas such as Algarve (without tourists) are less populated and pretty safe.


Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
Hopefully somewhere warm
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many areas such as Algarve (without tourists) are less populated and pretty safe.
Unfortunately not really, maybe not so bad in the west, Albufeira eastwards nearly all council in top state of alert, spoke to someone who had been up Faro hospital recently - beds in the corridors. Not as bad as up north but still pretty grim. :(


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Unfortunately not really, maybe not so bad in the west, Albufeira eastwards nearly all council in top state of alert, spoke to someone who had been up Faro hospital recently - beds in the corridors. Not as bad as up north but still pretty grim. :(

Knowing Faro hospital they're lucky to have beds anywhere, corridors quite normal when we've been there in summer. Further north, patients being flown to other countries and a load of German doctors have arrived to help out. COVID-19 - Página Inicial (

Algarve showing 202 cases, 3650 around Lisbon area.