One of the nice things about cruising under sail is the cheerful wave you exchange with people in passing boats. Yesterday I did something I haven't done in years and spent the day as a guest in a 35-foot motor cruiser. We motored out of Lymington, dropped the hook in Newtown for lunch then did a run up to Bucklers Hard. The boat was impeccably handled with sensitive consideration for sailers, most of which were under engine just like ourselves. While other motor-boaters invariably gave us a wave, I was fascinated to observe that of the dozens of yachts we passed at close quarters only one skipper looked right at us and gave us a smile. The rest might have noted the presence of something unsavoury in the offing, but for the most part looked right through us. I got the feeling that if they were going to wave anything at all it would have been two fingers. I have never felt so conspicuously invisible. Moreover, a number of the yachts were much less considerate to others than the motorboats we saw. Disappointing, I thought.