Suez blocked.


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22 Oct 2005
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My preferred solution should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me. Simply set the deck cargo on fire, with a bit a planning and box selection you could probably burn off enough tonnage to get afloat within the week. :)
Until the charred remains of some inscrutable illegal migrants were found in a burnt out container. The printed media would go totally bananas. They know nothing about shipping but the outrage with virtuos signalling would have them ejaculating over their boots.

Capt Popeye

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30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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Guess the natural effect, duno what its called, when either 2 ships or a ship and a fixed object pass to close to one another and a sort of magnetic attraction takes place where both are attracted towards each other resulting in colisions sideways on

Understand that several Naval Captains have Desk Jobs now as a result of this happening;
guess also if Captain ordered a hard over to bring Ships Head round it was not really the thing to do ?

Guess though that the Canal Authority will issue a report in due course


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9 Apr 2019
All over the shop
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They had a naval officer (rtd) on a local radio talkie show thingo this AM....
Waffled on about how of course these ships would take tugs through such a narrow waterway.. etc , bollocks, wiffle waffle, etc.....
Ended up with ' I have never been through the Suez....'....

Loading tankers with as much hog as you could get away with was said to be normal practice with the greeks... or so people said.

Maybe thats why the broke in half with such regularity.

PS nothing against grey funnel line.... had a son, a nephew, a neice and her husband, in the RAN...
A retired seagoing welder was working for us a few years back and he used to tell us about the Greek ships, he said he only did two trips on them before he wised up, the first trip he was welding all the way to the USA from UK to try and stop water coming in below. The second trip he hit a bulkhead in the engine room with a hammer and a hole 3 ft square appeared about two feet above sea level.?


Well-known member
9 Mar 2003
s e wales
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Blatantly obvious some of us East Coast yachtsmen could sort that fiasco out in no time such is our widespread experience in getting boats on and off the putty. Could earn a few bob doing it as well.
Down here in the Bristol channel we not only free boats off the putty but on several occasions, like every couple of years, we get the boat cradle plus the boat its carrying off the putty. We have at least 2 dozen people who can supervise such an operation and three people who can actually do the work!


Well-known member
25 Aug 2003
On the Clyde
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First Dog on the Moon presents this helpful infographic. :D
Shipsplaining with everyone's favourite Large Sea Boat expert Captain Onthemoon | First Dog on the Moon
(Sadly, I don't have the skills to insert the graphic here.)


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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John Denholm. Nice chap.

Fantastic article (y) I get the 'bank' and 'bottom' effects, but since you're in flying form today could you pls walk us through this Yaw/Sway disequilibrium that sets the problem up?

Also, reading this article makes me wonder why these cock-ups don't happen more often as steering these giants seems very precarious indeed o_O

Note to myself: Stick to the day job!
