Active member
Re: Adventurous or reckless?
Notwithstanding Kim's comments above, there is, I think, a more general point to be considered: that is whether those who indulge in leisure activities which carry inherently more risk than other leisure activities should be required to make additional contributions (perhaps by way of some sort of 'mutual' fund?) to the overhead (if not direct costs) of search and rescue resources.
Such activities may include (or not): record breaking attempts or expeditions, ocean yacht racing, trans-oceanic crossings by small craft, diving etc., etc.
(The inclusion of diving is quite deliberate - I know you are a keen diver - it does seem to (I may be wrong) throw up a disproportionate number of 'incidents' - as a proportion of the number of participants.)
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Notwithstanding Kim's comments above, there is, I think, a more general point to be considered: that is whether those who indulge in leisure activities which carry inherently more risk than other leisure activities should be required to make additional contributions (perhaps by way of some sort of 'mutual' fund?) to the overhead (if not direct costs) of search and rescue resources.
Such activities may include (or not): record breaking attempts or expeditions, ocean yacht racing, trans-oceanic crossings by small craft, diving etc., etc.
(The inclusion of diving is quite deliberate - I know you are a keen diver - it does seem to (I may be wrong) throw up a disproportionate number of 'incidents' - as a proportion of the number of participants.)
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