some questions about Portugal


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12 Oct 2009
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You keep your UK passport but also get a Portuguese ID card which enables you to travel in the Schengen area.
You are supposed to spend six months (total) in a year in Portugal but the authorities have been turning blind eye so far , that may change so its as well to be aware of the fact.

It should be noted that (I think), you are still limited by the Schengen 90/180 rule outside of your country of residence.

I believe other EU countries, including Greece, Spain and possibly Italy are offering a similar concession. Wonder why? ?

Because they're civilised and trying to assist those that have or wish to take up residence there? I believe that the UK's EU Settlement Scheme also has a deadline of June 2021 for applications.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Correct, getting Portuguese temporary residency is detailed in that link I sent you in #5.
There is a possibility that if the Portuguese Authorities are satisfied you are genuinely coming to Portugal to settle you may be able to get residency under EU terms until end of June 21.

I suspect that applications to June next year may be for people already in country who haven't yet applied, others may come under third country rules. Very hard to forecast what rules may apply next year so will have to wait and see.

As for citizenship, that's a totally different issue to residence. Under the current rules in Portugal, residence allows people to remain UK citizens and, if they qualify in UK, remain UK tax resident. No tax liability in Portugal if no income there. Unless married to a Portuguese citizen, I think anyone applying for citizenship has to have been resident for at least 5 years and have language skills.

Health cover seems to vary and I'm not sure of the current situation. A few years ago, I was able to register for health care by just visiting a health centre and registering with a doctor but others have had to produce an S1 form to have their care paid for by UK government. As is the norm in Portugal, much depends on the official seen on any particular day and which side of the bed they got out of.


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22 Aug 2008
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That's an important point for anyone who doesn't know Portugal - the rules may vary according to the individual and if you enjoy the vagaries of human nature , and the occasional challenge its a great place but if not you need to consider going elsewhere.


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12 Sep 2020
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cheers so very much everybody - this is really helpful (and really cheered me up reading through it all) - helped me understand things much clearer and quite excited 'if' the 'residency under EU terms until end of June 21' happens

Thanks ever so much for all your replies :)


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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That's an important point for anyone who doesn't know Portugal - the rules may vary according to the individual and if you enjoy the vagaries of human nature , and the occasional challenge its a great place but if not you need to consider going elsewhere.

I just love it. The usual process is to arrive at the department, take a number at maybe 10am, sit down and wait until it comes up sometime in the afternoon. Visit the appointed desk and the official says you need another bit of paper. Go home, find the bit of paper, return the next day, take a number and be called to the desk some hours later by a different official to be told that the paper which was missing isn't appropriate or not needed but, you need a different one and so it goes on! Comes as quite a shock if something gets completed on first visit. That was the easy way. Due to lockdown, everything now done by appointment which can take literally months to make in some areas or departments. I still haven't received my driving license applied for in February or an appointment, applied for in summer with SEF, to change my residence card to biometric one.

OTOH, if you have a distant cousin or friend who owes you a favour, who works in the department, then systems can be bypassed. Will cost you a good lunch though.


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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I just love it. The usual process is to arrive at the department, take a number at maybe 10am, sit down and wait until it comes up sometime in the afternoon. Visit the appointed desk and the official says you need another bit of paper. Go home, find the bit of paper, return the next day, take a number and be called to the desk some hours later by a different official to be told that the paper which was missing isn't appropriate or not needed but, you need a different one and so it goes on! Comes as quite a shock if something gets completed on first visit. That was the easy way. Due to lockdown, everything now done by appointment which can take literally months to make in some areas or departments. I still haven't received my driving license applied for in February or an appointment, applied for in summer with SEF, to change my residence card to biometric one.

OTOH, if you have a distant cousin or friend who owes you a favour, who works in the department, then systems can be bypassed. Will cost you a good lunch though.
But don't take any notice of someone who tells you that everything here is corrupt - its just that we accept human nature as it really is instead of the hypocracy that you might encounter elsewhere.


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8 Jul 2001
Marceline, my partner and I have just got NIF and residency here in Cascais with a marina address - no hassle, but I had to get my Portuguese daughter in law to make the appointment for the NIF as the website was impenetrable. We got the Residency appointment in person at the Citizen Shop.

If you were really keen you could get an Airbnb here and have residency before Christmas.

- W


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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Marceline, my partner and I have just got NIF and residency here in Cascais with a marina address - no hassle, but I had to get my Portuguese daughter in law to make the appointment for the NIF as the website was impenetrable. We got the Residency appointment in person at the Citizen Shop.

If you were really keen you could get an Airbnb here and have residency before Christmas.

- W
+1 - It could be a good idea to do this now rather than after brexit. The requirements for us now as an EU citizen are much easier than they will be later when we are 3rd country citizens. It will still be possible after brexit but they will be looking much closer at proof of funds, regular income, adequate health insurance to ensure you will not become a burden on the state. (why the health insurance I don't know because once you are accepted as resident you can immediately get your health number and hence their nhs care). Just a way of them putting us through the hoops and making sure that the applicant has financial foundation maybe.
The only problem with coming now for a few days to get residencia is that things do sometimes take time in Portugal and sometimes don't go quite according to plan. With the covid issues and requirements to pre book appointments it may be difficult to get it completed in a say a week if there are any issues and return visits are needed.
If all your ducks are in a row, appointment booked (if required) at the specific Camara, then it's easily possible in 2 days, 1st day go in and complete the process, go back the second day to pick up the signed certificate.


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12 Oct 2009
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You presumably need an address/residence for the application? I understand that a berth contract is sufficient in Portugal, but this I assume needs to be in place before the application is made?


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
You presumably need an address/residence for the application? I understand that a berth contract is sufficient in Portugal, but this I assume needs to be in place before the application is made?

We gave the marina address, but we were not asked for proof. We had the receipt for a month's berthing with us in case we were asked for proof, but they took our word for it.

- W


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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+1 - It could be a good idea to do this now rather than after brexit.

I agree but, there may be a way around getting there in December. In some areas, SEF are handling applications rather than local authority and have a long waiting list for appointments, which have to be requested on line. An on-line appointment request during the Christmas shut down will IIRC start the process before 31/12 and most likely lead to an appointment in January or February.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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You presumably need an address/residence for the application? I understand that a berth contract is sufficient in Portugal, but this I assume needs to be in place before the application is made?

As with everything in Portugal, it depends on where the application is made and the rules the official follows - or makes up on the spot When I applied for my 5 year temporary many years ago, not having any rental agreement, utility bills etc., I had to take two independent citizens with me to swear I lived at the address I had given. They were both good liars:)


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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As with everything in Portugal, it depends on where the application is made and the rules the official follows - or makes up on the spot When I applied for my 5 year temporary many years ago, not having any rental agreement, utility bills etc., I had to take two independent citizens with me to swear I lived at the address I had given. They were both good liars:)
The basic reason was so that you could be contacted but as keeps being said each official uses his own interpretation and it often helps if you have someone who speaks the language, although many people, especially the younger like to show their superiority by speaking English.


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24 May 2012
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In Portugal and certainly in the Algarve, Portuguese who speak good English are more employable (I wonder why ??) so they will take every opportunity to improve their English and demonstrate their prowess.

Can make it difficult for us to practice our Portuguese?


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24 May 2012
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Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagoa - December 2020 (Tablet & smartphone friendly version)

Pages 25-7. An interesting article on residency and the biometric permit.

From this article it appears that even if you have not registered for temporary residency before 1/1/21, provided you can satisfy the authorities that you were resident in 2020 (or before), then until 30/06/21 you will be able to register for residency as an EW citizen.
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Marceline, my partner and I have just got NIF and residency here in Cascais with a marina address - no hassle, but I had to get my Portuguese daughter in law to make the appointment for the NIF as the website was impenetrable. We got the Residency appointment in person at the Citizen Shop.

If you were really keen you could get an Airbnb here and have residency before Christmas.

- W
Hi Marceline,

It could work but I know of some who have been refused residency because they did not have a contact address and the authorities were not satisfied they were genuine.

I know of people who were just passing through, staying on a friend’s boat, going to the Camara and explaining that whilst they were just visiting but planned to sail to Portugal next year (2021), being given temporary (5 year) residency.

One thing to bear in mind, when register residency at the local government office (camara), they will want to be assured that you intend to settle in their municipality.


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Active member
12 Sep 2020
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This is all hugely helpful suggestions and info - many thanks everybody

We're going to have a good think about this this weekend and see if it's a poss

*LOTS* to think about - but huge thanks to you all for suggesting how it might be possible :D