Soltron & The Fairies


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Fine

I think that at about t48 plus, you shouldn't be counting, you tight git!

Seriously, good news that it doesn't use as much fuel as you thought. Though 200 miles in 11 hours is barely planing? Driving gently, big engines and fairly narrow profile of t48 should mean decent mpg.

Soltron-wise another positive nod. Though not sure that they can use "C-j thought the mpg was going to be rubbish - but it wasn't!" as sales collateral. I bet Dom can work it in though :)

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9 Mar 2002
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Re: Sorry to say this but:

£1 a mile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'm currently sitting on £3000 a mile. I've only been down to the White Swan and back to the slip.

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21 Aug 2001
South East England
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I use it, I sell it and I don't have any complaints. It does what is say's on the bottle.
My pitch is buy one, if you don't like it don't buy it again. So far people keep coming back.


<hr width=100% size=1>What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!


6 Aug 2001
Poole Dorset and Palma Majorca
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Re: Fine

We were cruising at 28 knots apart from harbour entrances to Dartmouth, Dittisham, then rough weather to Salcombe and obviously Salcombe harbour entrance and up to bag and back so I thought around 18 average was about right, Oh yes we gave it a blast a couple of times up to about 34.

My previous V40 cruised quite comfortably at 32 knots and the odd blast up to 36 even 38 at times.

Overall though as I said I was expecting to use 50% more fuel if I pushed it as hard. Fact is I do not so that will help. In fact a number of things mitigate my seemingly low fuel use not least of which is the actual mileage which I will not be able to verify until next time at boat. But even so, in my head the figures are coming back to between 10% and 20% less than I could possibly have expected.

Is this scientific? I don't care.

Am I a tight git? Sometimes.

Is Soltron worth it. Well it costs me £30 to treat 300 Gallons and I could buy another 30 gallons of Fuel for that, so the combined fuel cleaning and economy has to stack up. I just bought it because I thought the fuel cleaning worked from anecdotal evidence. If I think the fuel economy works then that is a bonus.

Our Company uses around 25000 litres of Derv per month, and we keep extensive records, detailing daily fuel usage for each truck. I will run it past our fleet engineer (who will probably tell me to go to hell and if I think he is putting snake oil in one of his precious Volvo engines, I can go and **** myself) and if he says OK then I think I will do a little test!!

<hr width=100% size=1>CJ

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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V40 t48 and tight gits

I think the widths of these boats are comparable, and those volvos are nice lazy engines. Anyway, good news that you are pleased.

And very good news that you are a bit of tight git. Though since you are so far south i am afraid that you won't meet many truly tight gits, as I have. For example, many think that tight gits have locks on their wallets. Wrong: a truly tight git wouldn't spend any money at all on an expensive item like a "wallet" and much prefers to keep lone fivers or tenners in odd pockets to preserve the appearance of being down to "last fiver" in case of approach by wife or kids. Another yorkshire trick is for senior management to keep the lights switched off in their office which saves money AND is extremely successful in heading off any demands for pay rises.

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31 Aug 2001
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Re: appliance of science

and let's try and keep this impersonal, slagging one another off is not helpful.

I'll admit to being very sceptical/cynical about all sorts of power/consumption improvers as snake oil. We don't hear much about the magnetisers for fuel lines to make petrol "burn cleaner" any more but I well remember the lead shot "filter" which "altered the petrol nature" - Yeah no thanks.
Equally, I am sure we/people/technology don't know everything and putting one of those electric (de)magnetisers on the cold water inlet at home certainly seems to have softened the water - no scale in kettle no sludge in central heating less sink scale.

I will not argue with Soltron's biocide capability and anecdotal or not the crane story is certainly another bit of evidence, if not proof at a scientific standard.

As regards power/consumption effects I would be suprised that if it could be proved to work. At least one large oil company would not have bought it up to steal a march on their competitors. However, I am fascinated with Gludy's story and suspect that the 500 HP effect needs a bit more thinking about.
Can we ask Gludy to give a little more info -
Was the Squaddie laid up a long time before the trial runs?
it is POSSIBLE it needed a good blast and would have been better later anyway.
We understand that the a/foul and clean was done before the trial but did anything else change?
ie lots of weight taken off, water + fuel levels, stores
Could the first run have been on old fuel which gradually loses its cetane rating and the after-soltron on fresh, if not, ie Soltron left in the original fuel for 2/52 - if so are we sure we have allowed for the speed due to less fuel aboard?
Air or fuel filters changed between runs?

I am sorry to appear picky and I do understand people may only be convinced if the boat later appears to lose it's extra speed when run later with non-slotronned fuel, but I am fascinated by Gludy's eperience and would like to think I understand why.
Does it also mean I can complain if our boat does NOT go faster?


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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: appliance of science

Dont think anyones saying that it will always go faster. Depends whats wrong with it in the first place. If anything. For instance. I put some in the Merc. It made not a blind bit of difference. Mind you it did not smoke and ran quite well anyway. Then we put some in the old works Toyota 4x4 pickup. It changed from slow and sluggish into a F1 sports car!! Slight exageration I must admit. Lets face it, if you've got two pistons missing, it's not going to help alot. Not going to do much for a brand new car/boat either. But if it's just clogged up a bit and mucky fuel. It helps.

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Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: appliance of science

My boat had done 10 Nautical Miles in three years - the fuel in the tanks was three years old.
After purchase a friendly guy who knew the boat told me that last time out it came back on one engine - the bug!

I added the Soltron the same day I purchased the boat.
Starting the engines one week later without adding any more fuel the exhuast was like chalk and cheese to what it was before - I could not believe it - it was that clean!

I agree that is not scientific proof.

On sea trials (before Soltron but after a survey and hull clean) the top revs were down to 2100 not the 2250 they should have been. I liked the boat and accepted the 21 knots cruising and 25 knots top - were were out for a few hours.

The next actual trip was 2 weeks after adding Soltron - I completed filling the tanks and added more Soltron to complete the double dose and then left for the trip to Falmouth.

The cruising speed was instantly there (after the long passage at five knots to get into the Solent) and it stayed all thye way to Falmouth. The SOG was hovering between 26 and 31 knots and the top speed was higher - I obtained the top revs back of 2250.

Again, I accept this is not proof.

The guy who told me about the use they made of Soltron was in the Marina at Falmouth - not in the docks.

I am a chartered engineer myself and fully accept that I have proved nothing - mind you those who got wound up were themselves not very factual as they were not reading what I wrote.

I do not believe in fairies any more. Do I think Soltron works? Yes I do - it gets rid of the bug.
Do I think it improves performance - yes on my last boat it stopped the engine hunting and got rid of the bug.
Do I think I get better fuel efficiency - I do not know.

Can I prove any of the above as a fact? No.

Do I care? No.

Do I use Persil? Nope.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: appliance of science

<and let's try and keep this impersonal, slagging one another off is not helpful>

I completely agree. Did I slag someone off? Sorry if I did. So issit slagging off and personal when you tell someone (not a newbie) that what they said is "tosh"?

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31 Aug 2001
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Re: NO

sure "tosh" is OK in my book but there has been a lot of heat generated by slotrot and one poster - who shall remain nameless - ha ha - was getting into "I'm not speaking to you when you're in this mood" mode and I was really interested in Gludy's case.

Thanks Gludy for your explanation

fuel remained the same then faster with more weight on board

therefore even the meanest mind could give some credoit to Soltron killing the bug and perhaps the fuel filters and so allowing more power. If everything was fine with it to begin with perhaps little/no difference would be seen.

The next obvious question is whether after a tankful or 2 (to ensure all bug is cleaned out) whether Gludy would consider running without Soltron and see if ne notices any drop-off in max speed. Difficult I accept as ascientific test as the weed is growing all the time but he knows his max speed w Soltronned fuel and can compare what its like when he is running out re what it is without Soltron after.

Is this getting a little long winded/illogical?

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: hungry for info on solly

All agreed re interesting to see if Gludy could get a difference in a while if he stopped using Soltron. Actually you're saying what many say, which is that these claims sound interesting, we'd love them to be true, but we want some slightly better testing. That's a natural reaction when a product (a) apparently produces magic-elixir results, and (b) the tests are dead easy to do.

Sorry, re the other point, threadwise you were replying specifically to my post therefore I assumed you were ticking me off for getting personal/slagoffish :)

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Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: NO

"fuel remained the same then faster with more weight on board"

There was just over half tanks of old fuel when treated (260galls)- no more fuel added, then a week later the very clean start up etc. A week after that I added 240 added 240 gallons to the 260 gallons of old fuel - with that the dose of Soltron to bring it up to a double dose for the 500 gallons total.

I also filled the almost empty water tanks - 150 gallons - in a ll the boat now weighed almost 2 ton more than on the sea trial. There were the same number of people aboard.

In both the sea trial and the trip the boat had the same long slow speed route out to the Solent. In the sea trial it was tested for an hour or so after making it to the Solent. In the trip it went straight up to the fast speeds as soon as we reched the Solent.

I will have a think about putting a load in without Soltron.

I think that what had happned was that the boat was supressed with fuel bug etc - the Soltron killed it and bang - full revs again.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


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31 Aug 2001
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Re: No no jfm

No way was I suggesting you were slagging people off. I am very sorry if that was the inference. I was replying to your post to show the relevance of the power/speed gain so clearly.

Now would I name the poster getting warm under the collar ??

I realise it seemed to be pedantic but I was interested to get info and not let the thread deteriorate. Apologies again

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31 Aug 2001
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Re: Thanks

for the reply

<<I think that what had happned was that the boat was supressed with fuel bug etc - the Soltron killed it and bang - full revs again. >>

Agreed seems the most likely and would tie in with hlb's observation of little effect on healthy merc but good on knackered 4x4.

Re <<I will have a think about putting a load in without Soltron>>
I think it may be a lot to ask someone else to try and run without solly to see if there is a deterioration when they have already had a ? bug problem. You could easily respond do it yerself if you're so interested. Especially as I suggest you would have to run the fuel right down and ?? have 2 fills of non-sollied fuel to "prove" to others that the fuel you then have is clear of any solly effect. You have got to admit that you should be interested for yourself even if you don't tell everyone else - no ?

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Thanks

Nah! You would have to wait for maybe years. Dont forget my Pickup had been going steadily worse for seven years. So would take another seven years, presumably, to get back in the same state. Anyway Point is. Its not going to go straight back to bugs and smoke a few weeks later is it.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: sorry

I didn't want to seem that rude. As before quite prepared to see this stuff do some good. Though the claims made in this thread for towards 50% power increase are surely silly. Gludy wouldn't perhaps reconsider that perhaps some other factors affected his test, and fraid i did say "...when you're in this mood" - i think harking back to some of his "waterjet" discussions where jets were vaunted totally wonderful and fabulous, whereas everything else was beneath contempt. That mood.

sorry paul.

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