New member
\'Soft South - Wild West\'
Just read Adrian Morgans article in Feb's PBO on the differance he found changing from the busy Solent to the quiet west coast of Scotland. And I find I have to agree with him, I moved to the quiet fjords of Norway. I started sailing again, but it was not quite the same and I could't put my finger on it. Then it dawned on me. It was quiet! But theres something about the bussel of lots of boats and loads of activity that you get from the Solent. The warm summer evenings rafting up in Cowes with different boats from all over.
Its a bit like moving from a big city to a quiet country village. You start to miss the busyness and activity!. But its my first season here, so there much to see and get use too.
Just read Adrian Morgans article in Feb's PBO on the differance he found changing from the busy Solent to the quiet west coast of Scotland. And I find I have to agree with him, I moved to the quiet fjords of Norway. I started sailing again, but it was not quite the same and I could't put my finger on it. Then it dawned on me. It was quiet! But theres something about the bussel of lots of boats and loads of activity that you get from the Solent. The warm summer evenings rafting up in Cowes with different boats from all over.
Its a bit like moving from a big city to a quiet country village. You start to miss the busyness and activity!. But its my first season here, so there much to see and get use too.