Social Housing on the Thames


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17 Sep 2008
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Well the eye sores as far as I am concerned is the dreadful John Lewis Store and the Slug and Lettuce pub, We lived with our family of three on a houseboat at Turks Boatyard in the 1960's and what a great community it was, scruffy yes, there was little money around but we all supported each other. The John Lewis Store is an imposition on the Thames, its ugly and should never have been built, likewise the Pub. On the bank there were trees and shrubs, great places for kids to play. Where are the trees now? Oh yess they were chopped down to make way for the Pub. Does everything have to be oh so neat and tidy in straight lines totally characterless blah blah blah. Perhaps you should try getting to know some of these so called hippies, maybe you are jealous of their free lifestyle, flouting the law on occasions. But I expect you are too busy polluting the atmosphere with your diesel mini gin palaces. At least these kids have there own principles, and so what if some boat maintenance is done on the tow path. Rosta I'm afraid it is people with views such as yourself who are responsible for the myriad of faceless barren estates that have grown up in and around London in the last thirty years. Altering our beloved City and River forever.


That’s a pretty abstruse argument, holding myself and other river-users responsible for Kingston’s riverside planning disasters! I think you need to look elsewhere, it’s more likely to be big-business who is to blame for the changes to the riverside.

My point is that by putting your boat on the Thames you have de facto accepted the authority of the EA and therefore you must abide by its rules, whether it’s licensing, moorings or speeding. You can’t pick which rules you choose to obey otherwise the result is anarchy.

Maxmori, I would guess you are a boat owner and probably pay your licence fees. A portion of which is going towards subsidising these dodgers.


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17 Sep 2008
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I think you have hit the nail on the head there . Now be a good chap and step back in line :D

As one who grew up in the flower-power era, I can tell you these aren’t hippies; I can recognise the difference between a free spirit and a free-loader


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29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
I would guess you are a boat owner and probably pay your licence fees. A portion of which is going towards subsidising these dodgers.

How do you know these people do NOT have a current licence ?

There are many boats on the river I do not like the look of for many reasons but most of them DO have a licence :D

The fact that certain so called 'undesirables' congregate in various places may offend you but that doesn't necessarily make it an EA issue unless a)they DONT have a current licence or b) the mooring place is under EA control..


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1 May 2006
New age !!! ????

This thread brought back a memory of when I was doing some work for a major Pharmaceutical in Newbury some years ago, The " New age " Travellers would pitch up on the same day every other week to protest, the reason it was fortnightly was that on those days they had to go to the dole office to pick up their Giros !!!!

Nuff Said......

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Well the eye sores as far as I am concerned is the dreadful John Lewis Store and the Slug and Lettuce pub, We lived with our family of three on a houseboat at Turks Boatyard in the 1960's and what a great community it was, scruffy yes, there was little money around but we all supported each other. The John Lewis Store is an imposition on the Thames, its ugly and should never have been built, likewise the Pub. On the bank there were trees and shrubs, great places for kids to play. Where are the trees now? Oh yess they were chopped down to make way for the Pub. Does everything have to be oh so neat and tidy in straight lines totally characterless blah blah blah. Perhaps you should try getting to know some of these so called hippies, maybe you are jealous of their free lifestyle, flouting the law on occasions. But I expect you are too busy polluting the atmosphere with your diesel mini gin palaces. At least these kids have there own principles, and so what if some boat maintenance is done on the tow path. Rosta I'm afraid it is people with views such as yourself who are responsible for the myriad of faceless barren estates that have grown up in and around London in the last thirty years. Altering our beloved City and River forever.


Erm - correct me if I am wrong but who sold / developed the Turks yard....I believe it still has their name on it....the slag and fetish has been closed for years now as well...

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9 Jul 2007
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Back on subject:

Scummy looking boats are not nice to look at.

However, there are worse things: Rentals, Sport Cruisers leaving huge wakes, Arrogant defaced ensign jockeys thinking they can speed, the list is long.

As long as fees are paid, the Soap dodgers have a perfect right to use the River, and are frequently decent friendly people.

Shame they can't tidy themselves up really, it doesn't actually cost anything does it.....:eek:


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12 Apr 2011
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Well, that one seemed to get everyone going...
The trouble is with forum discussions of this nature thought provoking though it is, is that it is rather like parents tittle tattle; complaining in the playground about the school, the head teacher , the school governors etc. The complaints just remain in the playground and those that need to know what peoples feelings are, do not get to hear and thereby effect change if warranted.

The River Thames Society does in my opinion however have some influence over
Thames issues, not sure about other groups however.

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9 Jul 2007
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Well, that one seemed to get everyone going...


While it's easy to hurl forum abuse at Narrow boaters who wear hoodies and flout vicious looking Dogs, the reality is more complex.

Some are decent folk.

Also, some large white cruiser owners flouting defaced Blues are scum, the way they treat the River and other users!!!


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26 Jun 2011
Home - Surrey
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When I had my BSS cert done back in June I chatted with the surveyor about these "crusties" who have increased in number considerably over recent years. As a result of the change in licence legislation he's been busy inspecting boats for BSS who were not previously licenced. He said a considerable number he's been on, whilst able to comply to the required standards with some work, were not in his opinion fit to live on. He said in general what you see on the outside is a good reflection of what it's like inside. Some he'd been asked to inspect he declined to do so on arrival as the conditions inside were so abysmal.

I'm not for one minute trying to tar everyone with the same brush. I can't as I've been a liveaboard on the Thames for 19 years now but personally I don't like my home to look anything other than what it is, a motor cruiser first and foremost. No washing lines, big TV aerials, general dross and **** anywhere to be seen.

For the most part the crusties just don't give a sh*t about how they live, and often how they look either. In many of their eyes the dirty, unkempt way of life is almost a badge of honour and worn with a sort of obtuse pride.

There's no way you'll ever be able to legislate against such people and how they choose to live and look. Unfortunately it's a sign of the times and one river users will just have to put up with.
4 Aug 2008
West Berks
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Quote No Regrets
While it's easy to hurl forum abuse at Narrow boaters who wear hoodies and flout vicious looking Dogs, the reality is more complex.

Some are decent folk

Yes i am a decent sort of chap,Dogs aint vicious and dont wear hoodie though

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9 Jul 2007
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We have Dogs....:D

One is a canine Teddy bear, the other a vicious creature, in the form of a Pug/Jack Russell cross (Pug-Jug)

Thankfully 'Princess Jasmine Pugnacia' is small enough not to worry any human, or Dog larger than a Chihuahua :p

Judging people by appearances isn't always a good idea. I remember our first TVR rally a few years ago, everybody in Blazers and White trousers, but as friendly as you could ever wish for.

Too easy to judge them as stuck up arrogant tw@ts: The reality couldn't be further from the truth! Lovely people...:)

Same could go for a hoody wearing liveaboard AFAIC.


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12 Apr 2011
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We have Dogs....:D

One is a canine Teddy bear, the other a vicious creature, in the form of a Pug/Jack Russell cross (Pug-Jug)

Thankfully 'Princess Jasmine Pugnacia' is small enough not to worry any human, or Dog larger than a Chihuahua :p

Judging people by appearances isn't always a good idea. I remember our first TVR rally a few years ago, everybody in Blazers and White trousers, but as friendly as you could ever wish for.

Too easy to judge them as stuck up arrogant tw@ts: The reality couldn't be further from the truth! Lovely people...:)

Same could go for a hoody wearing liveaboard AFAIC.

I agree, judging people by appearances is not a pure science but it is a starting point.
The issue for me is and has been for many years cruising the Thames, the gradual degradation of the riverbank appearance by derelict unkempt hulks, some of which do not even resemble boats at all. There are some very smart floating (though unpowered) Bungalows but to my mind they should not be on the water.
I wholeheartedly agree that there are some nasty pieces of work cruising up and down in very expensive lumps of plastic but - the fact that a floating pile of a flytip is inhabited by a really nice chap and his really nice partner with a really nice doggy does in no way lessen the eysore of their floating dwelling which spoils the visual aspect of the river.


3 Sep 2004
Surrey/Kent borders
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We sold our boat two years ago, but as we were based at Harleyford, cruised up through Caversham on a fairly regular basis.
Today we decided to support David Walliams so we parked at Sonning and walked up to Caversham to watch his arrival. The last time We were there on a boat, we couldn't stop at Tescos due to the amount of liveaboards. Today, most of the moorings were free and the liveaboards seemed to have moved to the entrance of the Avon and Kennet canal. The railings between the tow path and Tescos are displaying court orders for the eviction of the liveaboards. We also saw two tents behind the railings with people living in them which we hadn't seen before.
Both my wife and I had a great day next to the river which brought back so many happy memories. As and when this recession ends, and the kids are less demanding, we'll be back!