Silver Dee, mark 2, Aquastar 74.


Well-known member
18 Mar 2009
Home=Surrey / Boat=Hamble
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Nice trip now done, like the name BTW. Taking bits off the boat like that is just pathetic, you would think someone intelligent enough to have got to the point of ownership of an AS74 would know better. When I bought my Hardy all the fenders had been swapped from nice new ones to mouldy old ones, but with my current boat the total reverse, I kept getting calls from previous owners who kept finding bits they wanted me to have, including a zodiac dinghy and Mercury 3.3 outboard among other smaller bits and spares.. lovely couple.

Although its not just a question of intelligence really as when we moved into our current house everything had been removed, including a bathroom cabinet on the wall drilled through tiles & leaving an ugly cable sticking out the wall by a 6 inches. I just thought I would see if I could push the cable back into the wall to get rid of it (yes I know idiotic not to test the cable for power); I woke up a few minutes later 10ft away, half in the bath with severe burns holes to my hand... previous owners had been a GP and his wife a Health and Safety Executive... go figure!


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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Just chimed in
Congrats to "Silver echos " owner -as D speeders it looks nice -look fwd to seeing it around next season hope V 1 of refit goes well look fwd to reading / learning etc .
Share everyones concern re -light bulb syndrome ,it's pathetic .
I just don,t get it !
Boats cost when used or not used ,seller should count his lucky stars it's gone -and his € spend has stopped -well on that boat .
He agreed to sell -that's the mkt value .
When I sold my SS we or should I say guardiene left everything ( I was not there @ hand over ) -just happy it went within 3 weeks of listing .
Some weeks later I even handed some spare parts to the broker ( Sunseeker .Fr ) that I found in my apartment in Antibes to post on .No good to me and I could not be arsed with flee baying em - not enough hrs in the day .
When I picked up the Itama it was fully loaded ,infact too loaded -eg 10 x mooring line ,two anchors , snorkel stuff , ERPB.
Loads of charter Nav gear like hand compass etc kettle. Kichen wear ,tools ,spare filters etc ,impellers for engines and Geny , towls swim wear , flags ,charts --- and much much more .
ps I ended up with 18 life jackets
We had a clear out -local sailing school got life jackets -still in wrappers -----I just gave the stuff away or left it by the bins eg warps ,chains even an anchor --
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Active member
20 May 2009
cambridge/Isle of Wight
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Congratulations to your brother, just seen this thread, cracking boat, very impressive figures re fuel burn. And top speed,
Ref missing items re kettle etc are you sure it was previous owner , our current boat was stripped bare of items listed in the sale including teak table and chairs, mentioned to broker and was informed that he did not no where they had gone, but
they were not in his back garden , we had to smile , since found out common practice on stock boats but ours was brokerage
:) , I,m sure like us all will be forgiven and forgot when he and his family get to use and enjoy there new craft now back on her home berth


16 Oct 2005
Devon, UK
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You know you hear those anecdotes about mean people who remove the light bulbs when they sell their houses? Well, the seller of this boat was the same. Actually the interior lightbulbs were left in, but pretty much everything kitchenish was taken including the kettle, and the plug off the end of the shoreline was taken so as my brother wound in the glendinning the shore end of the cable just had 3 bare wires. Amazing what some folk will do. No worries, and what goes around will in this case I expect come around (more on that later!)

Congrats to your brother - very nice ! When we bought our current boat we got left a load of the previous owners junk including a golf club, a panama hat, a football and a bottle of some odd Italian booze - all very random ! Mind you not as bad as when we bought our current house - when we viewed it with the estate agent it had 2 patios - when we moved in the previous owner had taken all the slabs from one patio with him.

Very strange what folk will do - I'm a great believer in what comes round goes round - surprisingly this comes true quite often too.


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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No worries, and what goes around will in this case I expect come around (more on that later!)
LOL, your last sentence in brackets is making me curious...
...But I fully agree with the "no worries", first and foremost.
Your brother grabbed a great boat, which performs well, and which I'm sure he will greatly enjoy - what else can really matter?
Besides, I'm sure that anything which could have been removed from the old NE is bound to be replaced with something better in the new SE! :encouragement:


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11 Mar 2002
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When I picked up the Itama it was fully loaded ,infact too loaded -eg 10 x mooring line ,two anchors , snorkel stuff , ERPB.
By ERPB, do you mean EPIRB?
If so, blimey Porto, I understand the wish of getting the boat lighter, but it's not like chunking overboard an EPIRB you can hope to gain 3 knots of speed.... :D :rolleyes:
Not wishing you to ever need to use one of course, but I'd rather get rid of other stuff first!


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8 May 2006
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Several years ago when I was buying a car, I managed to negotiate a 20% price reduction on a relatively main stream german estate. When the time came to change the winter tyres, I received a phone call from the tyre shop saying that two of the winter tyres that came with the car had been run flat and were not safe to use. So, between agreeing on the purchase and collecting the car, they had changed two of the tyres.

When I phoned to the MD of the dealership to express my annoyance towards what had happened, the reply was 'you negotiated the price so low, what were you expecting...'.

So, in the grand scheme of things, a few missing bits and bobs is not too bad. The boat worked well on the long delivery and everyone made it safe and sound.

Many congratulations to your brother on a lovely boat and an obviously great deal (which this sort of proofs, imho.).
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Mr Googler

Well-known member
11 Apr 2008
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A pair of binoculars where left on my boat. Digital compass display with a push button to illuminate. Few hundred quids worth but nothing happened when you push the button. Took a look today and removed a plastic strip from the battery compartment!! Result

Makes up for the shorepower, generator, air con, calorifier element, radar, vhf, leccy toilet and trim tabs not working. Every cloud.

Apologies for the drift. Can't wait for a full report on your brothers amazing craft.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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By ERPB, do you mean EPIRB?
If so, blimey Porto, I understand the wish of getting the boat lighter, but it's not like chunking overboard an EPIRB you can hope to gain 3 knots of speed.... :D :rolleyes:
Not wishing you to ever need to use one of course, but I'd rather get rid of other stuff first!

Hi -just illustrating some folks inc me and the Italian previous owner of the current boat I have don,t strip them .
We still have some stuff like kettle and I kept the EPIRB -gave /disposed of a lot of stuff .
Now I have two EPIRB,s .
Remember the Guardiene and broker prepped the SS for hand over ,they put our personal stuff into storage and gave me the key a few weeks later .
I did do an full inventory with the helpfull broker ,of what exactly was included .
As I,am pretty in experianced (2mobo ,s ) in all this then shurley the forum gem to learn is Inventory -don,t assume anything .
Same applies to property -( where I,am experianced ) -get it all in writing --all of it use a std downloadable proforma ?

So write " 20M of yellow shorepower cable including marinco fitting to boat socket and 32 A plug to shore "
Or something similiar --- not wanting to tell grany how to suck an egg :eek:
Or the patio to the west elevation consisting ( take a pic ) ----- AND the smaller patio to the S elevation ( Pic )
Etc ,etc etc
Hope this helps
To Scubaman -- nobody has held a knife to the sellers throats --they agreed to sell .

Just taken del of a used GT Continental for the wife to find no leather bound owners manual and some tools missing in the tool kit -- specifically a tool to remove the wheel cover to access the lugs ! ( its got a spare wheel -) Arrg
How ever theres a electronic manual on the infotainment - but without the book -which button (s) /screen ?? ------ argh .


Well-known member
8 May 2006
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To Scubaman -- nobody has held a knife to the sellers throats -- .

Of course not, but people are not as rational as that. I have also been on the receiving end of a tight negotiation and while I didn't end up feeling the need to sabotage anything, I didn't feel the need to go the extra mile either. And as my above example illustrates, push to seller further, the feeling exacerbates.

And that's absolutely fine, as you say no knives have been held to anyones throat, that's business. But even so, it would be wrong to assume that prides are not involved.

But if anything, an incident like this suggests that the buyer made a good deal, because had there been major hidden problems, the last thing the seller would want is to pick a fight over a small matter. He'd rather see the boat sail away and see the end of it. And this was actually the point of my previous post.
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Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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There will be a back story as to why a seller felt the need and indeed went to the lengh of removing a shore power plug and other petty stuff .
But as I said earlier his € spend on that boat --well he thinks ? * has ceased -so he should be kinda gratefully to the buying team --

* unless JFM has some clawback planned or withheld funds subject to xyz?? ----dunno just guessing


6 Dec 2009
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These are petty victories for the sellers, the real inconvenience of course is getting a 100 Euro cab to buy a 20 Euro kettle just to have a cup of tea......

Stick to beer I say. ?


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Stick to beer I say. ?
LMAO, absolutely.
And without forgetting wine, if I may add my 2 cents! :cool:

Btw, just to return on the topic of Mk2 boats, if what I heard through the grapewine is correct, we might soon have a MYAG Mk2 thread...?
If so, goes without saying that I for one am looking forward to it! :encouragement: