Brendan - just cancelled our UK trip because of yet another hurricane; this time it's Ivan, due to reach here next weekend. This becoming a bit of a drag. Frances took 18-20hr to pass, bringing F8-9 winds and a lot of rain, but little damage around here, except for a lot of saily boats washed up high and dry and in the bushes on Sarasota bayfront.
Sorry I'll miss meeting up w/you, Jon and others.
Under the circumstances I can quite understand why. Best of luck, and I hope you avoid any damage to house boat or persons with this next one! That's quite a string of them you've had this year - is this a record?
Sorry to hear you won't make it, I was looking forward to meeting you and Jon, Unlike that odd fella Brendan, Still i should manage to get a pint out of him.
Hope this ones passes you by, and all is well.
Take care.
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