New member
I'm in my late twenties and have been saving for a year or so with the intention of buying a boat and perhaps spending a year (or more) doing an Atlantic circuit. All in all, I should have about £30k to work with. I've come up from several years of being a dinghy instructor and have crewed on a few deliveries so am not a novice sailor, however, I have never skippered a yacht of any size.
My plan is a buy a small, older, seaworth boat in the spring. Most likely an Albin vega (27') which you seem to be able to pick up in Sweden for 20,000 - 60,000 SEK (~£2000 - £5000) in decent condition. I'd spend some time acclimatising in the non-tidal Baltic before sailing her home to a mooring on my local river in Wales and fitting her out for blue water (windvane, new rigging if >5 years old etc.). Aiming to spend less than £15k total on the boat and preparations.
Across Biscay in late August/early Sep and across the pond in December. Spend the winter cruising the Antilles and most likely return home via Bermuda/Azores in May or alternatively: 1 - Leave the boat tied up in a mangrove over the summer whilst I return home to work, I've heard of it done but am a bit dubious about safety + mould or 2 - Keep going across the Pacific, arrive in Australia/NZ and get a working holiday visa to fund the rest of a circumnavigation.
Obviously, I will be keeping to a tight budget and on such a small boat will not have many of the luxuries (headroom!) that most modern liveaboards consider essential but I'm young and reckon I can put up with it. Freedom and improving my seamanship are what I'm largely after.
In my position would you do anything differently? Do you see any challenges which I haven't foreseen (especially financial)?
My plan is a buy a small, older, seaworth boat in the spring. Most likely an Albin vega (27') which you seem to be able to pick up in Sweden for 20,000 - 60,000 SEK (~£2000 - £5000) in decent condition. I'd spend some time acclimatising in the non-tidal Baltic before sailing her home to a mooring on my local river in Wales and fitting her out for blue water (windvane, new rigging if >5 years old etc.). Aiming to spend less than £15k total on the boat and preparations.
Across Biscay in late August/early Sep and across the pond in December. Spend the winter cruising the Antilles and most likely return home via Bermuda/Azores in May or alternatively: 1 - Leave the boat tied up in a mangrove over the summer whilst I return home to work, I've heard of it done but am a bit dubious about safety + mould or 2 - Keep going across the Pacific, arrive in Australia/NZ and get a working holiday visa to fund the rest of a circumnavigation.
Obviously, I will be keeping to a tight budget and on such a small boat will not have many of the luxuries (headroom!) that most modern liveaboards consider essential but I'm young and reckon I can put up with it. Freedom and improving my seamanship are what I'm largely after.
In my position would you do anything differently? Do you see any challenges which I haven't foreseen (especially financial)?