Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney - How busy?

jamie N

Well-known member
20 Dec 2012
Visit site
"........ the obvious wind over tide conditions be aware on the west side of the islands that tide running against a swell in otherwise calm weather can give hazardous conditions in the mouths of Hoy Sound and Eynhallow Sound (Orkney) and between Papa Stour and the mainland in Shetland."
I did the gap between Rousay & Mainland last week, through Eynhallow Sound. It was near the top of springs, with the wind gusting 5 kts, maybe even 6kts!,
Passing as far to the North away from the 'Reef of Burgar', where the water was basically a 'white water kayaking' course, as seen at the Olympics, my 60 year old Folkboat hit 11.9 knots (SOG).
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