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6 Aug 2001
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Actually I have no idea where the concept of being ‘Shangai-ed’ comes from. I guess it has Asian naval implications but I’m sure somebody will tell me.

The story could also have been pre-fixed as ‘Schengen – what is that?’ or additionally ‘She’s coming home (via Portugal)’. but the latter would just raise the hopes of English sports fans and that would be unfair given the trouncing the ‘World Champions’ received at Parc de Princes recently. (‘She’ is in fact Diana II).

I digress; this is a ‘boaty’ story in part. It should have been written four days ago but aged bodies need some recovery time.

The story begins last Thursday when an am call suggests that I should join TCM en famille for a quick drink before their departure to return the Big Cat i.e. Diana II to Blighty (‘cos I can was answer to the simplest of questions).

Admittedly the whole family was up for the journey and full of fun as we basked in the evening sunshine. Dian II had been the subject of a major clean up and was pristine.

I should have known better, this family does not take prisoners.

Two bottles of quality Port, assorted wines (‘Come on Learner.. let’s toast each country we will touch on her way home) and I was ritually despatched to bed on the basis that any thoughts of walking the passarrelle, let alone driving, would have resulted in disaster.

I should have noted the warning signs. TCM asked at some time ‘ So what are the rules of Schengen’. Easy says I.” Free passage of goods and people without border encumbrance’’. Good Night All.

Mrs TCM was up early, TCM dutifully followed,… feeling I should help I found myself at less than 0600 slipping lines for the great journey. I confess, I thought I was disembarking, but my body realised before my brain that we were leaving the Antibes mooring and I wasn’t going to jump THAT far. (Honestly, this is TRUE).

We were alone on the water, slipping out of Antibes; I took Port lookout searching for lobster pots (hey, I was hungry) as we gracefully moved around the Cap D’Antibes.

Destination Bandol some 75 nm west of Antibes.

Juan les Pins, Cannes, La Napoule and Miramar slipped gracefully by. This was a beautiful night passage … Winds were force 1/2, less than 12 inches swell. All thoughts that I was travelling in the wrong direction were quickly dismissed.

TCM was steering a heading of between 197 and 211 --- thank goodness for Charlie the Autopilot ….. and Hyeres, Frejus and St Tropez slipped by.

TCM is helming, I am asking stupid questions, Mrs TCM allows herself to get some well-earned sleep and TCM Junior I and II are discovering the bugs in the latest PC- software.

Our venerable Capitaine then announced that given the state of the weather with Anti-cyclone behind us we should make directly for Barcelona.

PANIC. I now understood my captain’s passage plan …. ‘ IF it looks good let’s hit Barcelona in one hit’.

Now, I don’t know about you but when I go out for an evening drink. , ending up 80 miles down the coast next day is a big deal … in a different country is … different !!

Given the excuse that Spain might be funny about a dark-skinned, non Spanish-speaking smelly git with no passport asking for a train or air ticket into France at the moment, TCM reluctantly changed course and we headed for Le Lavandou.
Le Lavandou had just enough room for Diana II to take temporary residence. I was again treated to the TCM family ‘special’. Silent Mooring. You have to see this in the UK this year. Instructions are given and after that …. Total silence (well apart from me still sniffling on the transom).

I guess it’s at that time things really go to ratshit. The capitainerie gives us the Meteo for the Golfe de Leon (between France and Spain). Force 7/8. I abandon ship. Train home and SWMBO knows no better !!

P.S. ---- Is Diana II still in Toulon?
P.P.S. When will she move again? (My guess is TCM is crawling around to Barcelona inshore!!)
P.P.P.S.. Can you buy intra-European tickets in Barcelona on the train without proof of identity? (Schengen)
P.P.P.P. S... What is the origin of being Shanghai-ed?
P.P.P.P.P. S ‘ Diana II is Coming back to the UK. Safe Journey to TCM and the family

What a great family -- Many Many Thanks

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Just gotta text from tcm. He's in Denia nr Alicante. Hot and sunny - Meddreamer take note!

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I'm intreaged. I thort the med was a dream. Boating round the UK just for us poor folks. Now i do understand that boating round the Solent is just for the piss artists and all the real sailors are anywhere else. But whats all this Diana 2 returning to the smog. And why is it going to the smelly old Solent??

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>Specializing in marine sanitation since 1997.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>


Deleted User YDKXO

Yes he's kept this very quiet although I did see a post on Scuttlebutt from tcm asking about places to park on Atlantic France coast. My guess he's planning to make surprise entrance at Mercury meet or he's decided to trade in the Leopard for a Sealine
Excellent story, Learner. Are you ghost writing MBY column in tcm's absence as well?

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Would have thought a Binliner much more suitable IMHO. Serve him right for all the "wonders of the Med" crap. So we've all been missing nowt have we!! Must admit learner does write an excelent story though. Diana will need a few modifications for the UK . A shed with felt and tar roof is a must, along with patio doors, might as well go the whole hog and fit a ladder and stearing wheel on top.../forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>Specializing in marine sanitation since 1997.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>



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6 Aug 2001
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Oops , I didn't appreciate this was a secret. I even thought he had posted his intent on the Mercury meet forum.

I think the chances of TCM trading in the Leopard for a Sealine is somewhat less than my being appointed Bulgarian ambassador in the UK.

As JFM has pointed he was in Denia ( Alicante) last night , and this despite F7/8 in the Golfe de Leon and a Mistral steaming down the Rhone valley. No chance of my my ghost-writing 'Here's Johny!' as he will be back in UK by the end of the week at this rate ..

I'm sure he'll post a full log when he gets back ( or sooner if he takes a break en route). I'm sure he'll tell a better story than me !!

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


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6 Aug 2001
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Haydn, you're old enough to know that sailors and P-artists are synonymous.

Why else would so many of us regularly get hammered? Although I would suggest following Diana II's temporary relocation that alcohol sales will increase in the UK at France's expense.

There are loads of real sailors in the Med; they are the ones without gold chains , so roughly 1/2.

No idea where TCM is actually going to berth her .. or even if he really intends to go all the way (heck , after last week's experience I wouldn't be in the least surprised if his next post is from Barbados. He was after all dreaming of doing the ARC !!)

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


11 Jan 2002
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Re: Tossa de Mar

hi. In Denia now, bit of a building site really, but quite sunny. I am aiming to visit suncoast by nex wednesday and mebbe even davesnelson in malaga ish. Boat running well, bit grindy with 6 tons of fuel seems much happier half empty.

oh, and I made a special detour to Tossa de Mar (a real place) near barca and bought a nice hat. Well, several hats and some t-shirts. No brits in the town at all, i wonder why?

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6 Aug 2001
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Re: Tossa de Mar

Well I hope you got me a hat too !!

Weather forecast opens right up as of tomorrow ( as if you didn't know !!).

P.S. Early reports coming in of copper poisoning in Western Med.

Am waiting to see when they are selling tickets for Monaco v Chelsea ( shame about the gooners) ... better not tell Junior TCMs but a great night at Stade Louis II !!

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


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16 May 2001
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tickets for the monaco game

Learner I was gonna call you about tickets for the match in monaco. Do you know the date of the match? And do you know if I can get 5 or 6 nice tickets? How/where do I apply? We have no connection with chelsea so cannot get them by that route, but perfectly happy to get seats in the monaco zone, dont really care. Lemme know any info or if you come across any just buyem and I'll reimburse

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6 Aug 2001
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Re: tickets for the monaco game


The match here is on the 20th of April. Tickets were allocated for Real Madrid on a queue ( 1 person 1 ticket basis - which is how we ended up with 3 ) . Currently awaiting confirmation of the Chelsea distribution. Currently have 5 peeps lined up to queue ( no queue for R Madrid !!).

Only me for next game so see what we can do.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>

Deleted User YDKXO

me too

Oh and whilst you're buying Chelsea tickets can you get me 10 grandstand tickets for the Grand Prix (right by the pits will do) and a berth right next to the swimming pool as well, if thats OK. And a private chopper from the airport too. I'll send you a postal order

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6 Aug 2001
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Re: me too

Doh !!

Everyone knows that you don't do the pits ... only place to be seen is Casino Square for afficionados or Cafe de Paris with the in crowd! The REAL thing is the Grand Prix historique the week before !!

Best corporate entertaining/event is THE Grand Prix Cafe (formally Rascasse Cafe) .. where the drivers walk over from Parc Ferme to the starting grid ( as if I knew !!)... unless of course you want to be IN and have a boat in the marina..

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: me too

Well I was just trying to make it easier for you. Cafe de Paris will do very nicely
Are tickets for the Grand Prix historique easier to get? (thats a serious question)

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27 Jan 2003
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Learner . when we last spoke he was in Barcelona, scheduled to arrive first in our littler port next Thursday, and thence to Soto we're I have booked him in.
Is it now just the family on board or are there any other forumites lurking in the cabins?
Also Diane 2 coming home to england???????

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When I escaped , I would almost guarantee that there were no other stowaways/kidnapees or other kinds of forum undesirables aboard but then again that was nearly a week ago and who knows what could have happened a la TCM since then.

I do howver suspect that he repelled all boarders in Tossar del Mar , in case any residents of that town desired to stay aboard.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>