Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Novice Cruise - Spring 2012


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29 Nov 2009
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Must say I'd be keener on anchoring or going alongside the Town Quay - have plenty of good big fenders, seriously !

I'm not certain, but I seem to remember hearing that since they built the marina, yachts are no longer allowed to berth on the Town Quay.

Anyone know any more?



Well-known member
9 Jan 2011
Gillingham(Dorset) Boat Weymuff
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I think the Town Quay is used only as an overflow. But now they've got the other marina on the opposite side i doupt if it'll overflow that often.
When you could moor up on the Quay, there seemed to be more room for us, but now it's largely commercial vessels and to be honest, for me anyway, the marina is a better option.
Also i agree with Seajet, the tide can flow a lot faster than 2 knots at the entrance.
As this is my home port, I'm looking forward to a daysail in Poole Bay and if needed offer a pilot to the weary skipper in exchange for jolly old chat and a beer in the evening:)


Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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Thanks for the feedback. I was only suggesting a marina because its easier to have a pontoon party to celebrate the trip, if we are al tied up to one! Am open to suggestions and will go with the majority view on this.

Please bear in mind that I only completed my Day Skipper this time last year, so I am almost certainly going to be making mistakes ..... I guess that that is the whole point of the exercise, so please DO feel free to point them out!

It sounds like Hurst is the worst tidal gate but we need to pay due respect to Poole Harbour entrance. If I have worked it out correctly, we need to:

Leave Yarmouth no earlier than Portsmouth HW-1 – so that we catch the west going stream.

Arrive Poole after Poole LW and go in on the rising tide. If we are early, we can go via Studland and anchor for a bit while we wait.

Leave Poole about LW+ 5 or 6 – looking at the tidal curves, I estimate that the tide should be either on the stand or just starting to ebb by then.

Arrive back at Hurst no earlier than Portsmouth HW+5 (preferably +6 to avoid lowest water).

Looking at the Almanac, it appears that the weekend of 4th/5th/6th May would meet the requirements. All times in UTC.

Friday May 4th – Portsmouth
0240 1.0
0922 4.5
1501 0.8
So should facilitate a good morning sail to Yarmouth for people comming from the East.

Saturday May 5th – Portsmouth
0329 0.7
1015 4.7
1550 0.6
So if we leave 0915 UTC (10.15 BST) we should catch the stream going west. We should aim to arrive Poole just after LW, which is at 1535 0.5.

Sunday May 6th
Poole LW is at 0403 0.4 so looking at the tidal estimate in the Almanac it looks like the tide will be on the ebb from 10.00 onwards.

Portsmouth –
1106 4.8
1638 0.5
So using HW +5 we can get back into the Solent from 1606 onwards.

Depending on the weather we could then go back into Yarmouth or use the stream to get down as far as Cowes before sunset at 1952. I guess the decision as where each person wants to stop will be up to each skipper and depend on how tired they and their crew are.

Monday 7th May - for those who dont want to carry on East from Yarmouth until Monday (and that most likly would include us)

0505 0.4
1159 4.9
1726 0.5
So there could be an early morning sail back eastwards.

My wife has also suggested that on the way back we could use Lyimington instead of Yarmnouth, so that if the weather breaks, we could at least get the train home and get to work for a few days, then return to pick up the boat when it improves. We dont want to get into a position where we are under pressure to get home for work and end up sailing in marginal weather.

As I say, I am VERY new to this sort of planning and would appreciate feedback, corrections and of course better suggestions!


Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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I think the Town Quay is used only as an overflow. But now they've got the other marina on the opposite side i doupt if it'll overflow that often.
When you could moor up on the Quay, there seemed to be more room for us, but now it's largely commercial vessels and to be honest, for me anyway, the marina is a better option.
Also i agree with Seajet, the tide can flow a lot faster than 2 knots at the entrance.
As this is my home port, I'm looking forward to a daysail in Poole Bay and if needed offer a pilot to the weary skipper in exchange for jolly old chat and a beer in the evening:)

Hi Colhel, that would be really helpful. Could you also take a look at my tide estimates for Poole hoarbour enterance and let me know if they sensible or not?


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I do strongly suggest this is a week's trip rather than a long weekend ( unless in perfect weather ) - along with other reasons like tidal gates, a trip up the River Frome to Wareham has to be a highlight, trundling among the reed beds, dodging Swans then berthing alongside and walking to excellent pubs and restaurants ( unlike Poole ! :rolleyes: ) ...

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Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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I do strongly suggest this is a week's trip rather than a long weekend

Am I right in thinking that you're one of those retired people these days? Some of us can't just casually devote a week to something like that :)

Last year I went to Poole over a long weekend, and that included a lot of time anchored, swimming at Studland and enjoying the surroundings inside the harbour. I did have one early start, to catch the last of the ebb out through Hurst, but otherwise didn't feel rushed.



Well-known member
9 Jan 2011
Gillingham(Dorset) Boat Weymuff
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Hi Colhel, that would be really helpful. Could you also take a look at my tide estimates for Poole hoarbour enterance and let me know if they sensible or not?

I wouldn't worry too much about the tide for the entrance, it only purges for about 1/2 an hour and only really strong during springs. If any boat feels the tide is against them too much, just hang around till it slacks a bit. The tide in Poole is actually really difficult to get to work in your favour as it has 2 high waters and often you get a tide where you wouldn't expect one (well I wouldn't).
I don't have any tide data for next year yet. All I'd do is see if you can get the tide to work in your favour for your passage to the entrance, if you've miscalculated don't worry, you'll still get here, then see what the tides doing when you arrive.
My only misgiving about Wareham ( I used to moor on the River Frome) is the Town Quay is very small and because it's free to moor it's a bit of first come first served and I don't think you can book a pitch, so you could have a wasted journey


Well-known member
28 Oct 2011
Solent based..
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If my memory is correct as a guide doing 4 knots you should be able to get into Poole from about an hour before Low Low Water to around about the second high water...

Conversely for escaping from an hour or two before first high water to Low Low Water...

Some one please correct me if I am wrong!


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14 Oct 2010
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I could possibly make 4 days of it; remember that I need to include towing from/to the Midlands and launch/recovery.


Well-known member
2 Jun 2005
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Pencil me in for this, just let me know which weekend. Speaking from experience, Poole can be a bu**er from or to pompey at almost any state of the tide in that a favorable Solent/Hurst tide for one direction can mean a foul tide for the other.

If I've got a week to spare, I'd rather be in France or the CIs. Stuff the reed beds!


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Pete & Topcat,

I'm not retired - though it sometimes feels that way - just self employed; I got the message a while ago that if I'm going to work for an idiot, it may as well be me.

I was merely suggesting that for those who can afford the time, Wareham is well worth visiting.

On one occasion trundling among the reed beds on the River Frome I was met around the tight bend at Redcliffe by an 'Aquacar' coming the other way, hazard lights flashing,crewed by 2 chaps in top hats & tails; you don't get that sort of professionalism from the other nutters in France or the Channel Islands ! :)
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Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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The idea of sailing in company is for us novices to provide mutual support. The whole trip is free and easy and anyone can join any part, in any direction and leave at any time.

Has anyone had chance to check through the tidal planning yet?
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23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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it's too early for anything other than nominal planning; of course the weather ( in my experience only forecastable a few days ahead ! ) is as least much a consideration as the tides, probably moreso.


Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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Thanks Seajet,

I agree that the weather is critical. In my planning I was assuming that we would go in the following circumstances:

Min wind F3. Max wind F4 gusting F5
Sea smooth or slight, Vis good and weather dry.
Fair weather in the period before and throughout planned sail - no big storms prior leaving big seas and nothing in the forecast to worry us.
From what I have read, Poole is ok in everything below a gale but we must ensure that we don’t end up wind-over tide at Hurst.

How does that sound?

Re the tides, I know its early to do a proper plan but never have done a trip with two tidal gates, I would appreciate feedback. Am I thinking on the right lines?



23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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yes the right lines perfectly.


I've been sailing for over 40 years and am still a novice; when I stop learning, you can prye my cold dead hand off the tiller !


Well-known member
28 Oct 2011
Solent based..
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yes the right lines perfectly.


I've been sailing for over 40 years and am still a novice; when I stop learning, you can prye my cold dead hand off the tiller !

If a person does not think like that, I would not want to sail with them...


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Just caught up on this one.

The suggested weekend sounds good from the tide point of view. If you use North Channel rather than Needles there is little to worry about if you catch it just as the ebb starts. Only downside is that it is harder making west from there than the Needles in the usual SW, but you do have the full ebb to take you to Poole Fairway in time to catch the new flood into

As already noted the stream is strongest through the Haven +/- 2 hours LW and it can be a bit hectic on a nice day at weekends! You can use East Looe which is now very well marked, but shallow and the ebb is confusing at the Haven. Best used when leaving as it saves the long haul up the Swash. Going east is more demanding if you want to get well up the Solent on one tide, so leaving Poole a couple of hours before low water gives you a push out of the harbour. The flow is weak in the north part of the bay, so you will get maximum benefit as you get closer to the Solent - again North Channel is the preferred way in. Great feeling when the flood picks you up and you are rushing past the beach showing 7-8 SOG.

When you are in Poole you have some choice of anchorages - Pottery Pier is a favourite, but can be busy, and is a lee shore. Alternatives are South Deep and Shipstal Point. To go on the Quay you have to use the Marina, which is often full at weekends. Best if you want a marina is Poole Yacht Club, just past the ferry terminal. All tide access, good clubhouse and 10 minutes walk from the fleshpots of the Quay. Although members club visitors are welcome. Quite a few clubs and associations (Southerleys and Hillyards for example) use it for their rallys. If you are sufficiently organised to know numbers in advance you will probably be able to arrange pre booked space.


Well-known member
13 Aug 2003
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Just something to think about (having kept a Jaguar 25 in Poole harbour since 1991 up until a couple of years ago), according to my old log books for roughly the dates you're planning the trip for, the wind has mainly been from between SE and NE.......

Given those winds, the Portsmouth to Poole trip would be perfectly viable, and the potential windward passage back could be then be over two legs (Poole to Yarmouth, then Yarmouth to Portsmouth).