Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Novice Cruise - Spring 2012


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15 Nov 2010
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Seajet, sorry to hear your out. As you have said all along, weather might not be on our side, so there is a very good chance that we will either not get to go next weekend, or will have another trip on mid summer.

Lustyd, I did the original calcs (op before Chrstmas) and yours sound spot on (more so than mine at that time I was more looking to find the best weekend to do this trip on tha to actually plan it in any detail.

Friday, I plan to be at the end of Hamble river between 0900 - 0930 to catch the stand then best of the west going tide. I would be interested to hear what prv plans .... am I timing this right?

I am still in two minds about Needles Channel vs North Channel. I am going to plan both so as to be ready to go with the majority thinking on Friday night / Sat morning when we have a better idea about weather.

I am preparing plans for returing through the Solent, with a Sunday stop at either Lymington or Cowes OR to come back via the back of the Island with a stop in Gostport again weather dependent.


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5 Mar 2006
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Very sad that Seajet will not now be joining us all.

We are planning to be south of Langstone Fairway by 09:30ish on Thursday.

Lustyd, I assume you will be passing between the forts. We were planning to go through the main gap in the barrier to OSB and then cross to Sturbridge but, depending on conditions we may just head for the forts as well.

Although at the moment the weather looks fair we will take each day as it comes as I have no wish to stick a 17ft boat through Hurst for the first time in anything but very benign conditions.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I forget if you've done this trip before, but I'd say in weather when one feels like going, it's the North Channel for me.

One has to beware 'the trap' at Hurst Castle, but that's so close inshore that really only daft racing boat chancers get caught !

I've always found N Head buoy - green conical - surprisingly difficult to spot from Hurst, a waypoint programmed in is a good idea.

Also the ebb tide runs strongly South onto the Shingles, not a major worry but something to keep allowance for.

As for the Needles route, that's where I encountered the biggest waves I've ever seen, we just had time to yell " Oh Crumbs !" or something similar before the boat was clobbered and cockpit filled by a breaking double tiered wave which reminded me of a smaller version of the pictures in 'Heavy Weather Sailing', the sight of which didn't cheer me up much though she kept going...

That was at 'The Bridge' in the Needles Channel admittedly after 3 days of severe gales, but it left an impression on me...

Also watch out for lobster pots ( and possibly confused seas if it's blowing ) off Hengistbury Ledge.

If the weather behaves I'm sure your worst worry will be finding decent fish & chips in Poole ! - Have Fun, I hope we meet up sometime soon.



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27 Jul 2010
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Hamble is opposite cowes so that sounds good to me.

Regarding the channel, the choice is down to wind usually. With a westerly you take the north channel to get a nicer south westerly heading. With a south westerly you'd want the needles to get more of a westerly track. We'll probably have easterly so either will be fine, I'm thinking north channel as its slightly shorter and more direct.


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11 May 2005
Surrey, UK
Very sad that Seajet will not now be joining us all.

We are planning to be south of Langstone Fairway by 09:30ish on Thursday.

Lustyd, I assume you will be passing between the forts. We were planning to go through the main gap in the barrier to OSB and then cross to Sturbridge but, depending on conditions we may just head for the forts as well.

Although at the moment the weather looks fair we will take each day as it comes as I have no wish to stick a 17ft boat through Hurst for the first time in anything but very benign conditions.

I'm sitting watching the weather forecast very closely. My wife's not the sort to put up with days of rain and F6. At the moment, xcweather's not looking too bad, so fingers crossed.

Our plan A is now to head down to the boat on Thursday morning and sail to Gosport. I don't think we'll get down to Chichester in time to make it to Cowes in the same day.

At least I've now got my mast lights sorted out. I've got the steaming light and deck flood fixed, so I'm more able to push sunset a bit more than in previous seasons.


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29 Nov 2009
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I would be interested to hear what prv plans .... am I timing this right?

Plans? Plans? Ain't planned nuffink yet, will have a squizz at the tide times the night before so I know when to get up in the morning :)

EDIT: Just had a look, half nine looks like a good time to be at the bottom end of Southampton Water. Doubt I'll be up early enough to make it down from Kemp's by then though.

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31 Oct 2001
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At the moment, xcweather's not looking too bad, so fingers crossed.

After this weekend I wouldn't trust any weather forcast more than a day in advance, even then take them with a large pinch of salt!
Metcheck and Weather Online were both woefully inaccurate for today.


Well-known member
5 Mar 2006
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After this weekend I wouldn't trust any weather forcast more than a day in advance, even then take them with a large pinch of salt!
Metcheck and Weather Online were both woefully inaccurate for today.

xcWeather was spot on for last night and today though.


Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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Andy, many thanks for the advice. I am a novice - this is really my second owning - so taking it slow and carefully. I have been through the Needles once but that was bringing the boat back with the previous owner and it was flat calm so we had to motor the whole way from Portland. So, it does sound like the North Channel is the one for me.

Prv – let me know how you get on time wise on Friday and we will keep an eye out for you. You may be leaving later but I bet you catch us up!

Re weather, I will get the forecast from and put it up on Wednesday. The GFS sounds positive but the narrative is indicating a high level of uncertainty about Sat / Sun at present.


Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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Have hurt my back so taking the rest of the day off (hopefully will be fine for the weekend if I rest it).

So, started to have a call around.

Have spoken to Berthon / Lymington - they are full with another rally.

Will make a few more calls and edit as I go.


Have spoken to Andy at Lymington Harbour. There are a few rallies on this weekend but with the weather, they are not expectig to be full.

We could pre-book the Dan Bran pontoon but we would need to confirm now and pay a £50 deposit. However, they don't expect everyone booked in to arrvie and they are not expecting to be full at Town Quay. Depending on how busy it gets we would end up rafted and perhaps a few on moornings. So, advice is to give as much notice as poss and we should be OK if we choose to switch from Poole to Lymington.
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29 Aug 2007
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If, and it's a big if, the weather does anything like the forecast suggests, we should get a fast broad reach under the chute from Chichester to Yarmouth on Friday. Same to Poole if the forecast doesn't worsen enough to make getting back look like it's going to be a tedious beat into a strong blow. That said, if it does go more easterly, we might reach round the bottom of the Island and make back up to Chichester from there, maybe stopping at Bembridge if we fancy another night.

I have faith in the weather gods willingness to smile on us.