Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013


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27 Jul 2010
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Phill, does Moodynick of this parish have some "influence" in Lymington?

He does at Berthon, although I doubt they'd have sufficient room for lots of us. That said, you me and 3 others our size would fit in one of their berths :) last time I stayed there the pontoon was 6" higher than my side deck and I had to arrange an intricate arrangement of ropes to avoid burst fenders!


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I agee breaking the journey by a stop at ( East ? ) Cowes on theThursday makes sense, it really needs ideal conditions to make the W end of the Solent in one go.

I take it we're going for Lymington then ? Sounds very sensible to me, many times the spaces and options of Yarmouth, both for berths and places to eat, a lot easier to enter in a cross tide too !

We'll have the Saturday morning to top up fuel and stock up in case Poole is suffering a pot noodle blockade or something.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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that's the snag, it depends when people want to head back !

I and several others will be staying on for the week, to take in South Deep and Wareham.

Those heading back on Monday 29th ( I'm assuming people will want at least the Sunday staying put having got there ) will have East going tides from 19:47,
so in reality it will be a punch into the relatively weak tide across Poole Bay, timing arrival at Hurst about 19:30ish.

Hopefully the South Westerlies will have kicked in; we're being rather optimistic thinking they won't be on the preceding few days !


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Ill make a couple of calls Monday. Am thinking about Lymington on then Poole Quay. How does that sound?


by 'Poole Quay' I presume you mean the 'new' marina opposite the town quay ? I haven't been since that opened, I find it confusing when they call it the quay as I have memories of being bashed by fishing boats on the actual quay - though it did have a certain atmosphere I suppose !

Chichester / Langstone boats, I propose to follow Giblets suggestion and set off on the Thursday for East Cowes, then Lymington on Friday; any more takers for this idea ?


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2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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I really must keep her weight down and ban the junk this season, so you might stay there ! :D

Don't worry a Mirror dinghy would beat me :eek: I'll just be happy to stay at the back and get there in one piece. I am just a few steps from the "all the gear and no idea" stage :rolleyes: Some idea and some gear is more me I think!
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31 Oct 2001
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Chichester / Langstone boats, I propose to follow Giblets suggestion and set off on the Thursday for East Cowes, then Lymington on Friday; any more takers for this idea ?

Sounds like a sensible plan. I may even have to following week off. Can't have the school holidays off as thats a busy period for me.


9 Jan 2011
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Afternoon each

After looking at the many questions, answers and suggestions from what appears to be a great bunch of people, all out to help one another enjoy a fun few days together, I must admit I am beginning to wonder if it might be possible for this novice to get involved.

Although I have had my 1990 9.5 metre Bavaria for almost 2 years I have had very limited use of it, just odd days out here and there plus a couple of weekends at Estbourne marina. Usual 'domestic' reasons. Have done my Competent Crew and Dayskipper and (with non-sailing friends) sailed the boat from Ipswich to Brighton marina when purchased. Thouroughly enjoyed the Thames Estuary bit with Black Deep and Fishermans Gat etc.

Anyway, the plan (must have a plan or there's nothing to change !) this summer is to make good use of my 7 weeks 'free' Premier berthing in the Solent area, together with a mix of stays in other marinas.

Hadn't planned to make it quite so early in the year, but now there could be a reason to think again .....................

Out of interest, is it known if anybody from Brighton marina usually attends this trip or is it mainly those berthed in the Solent area.

Any response will be much appreciated.




Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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you're more than welcome to come along if you can get around in time. There are usually easterlies that time of year so a good time to move to the Solent.
Afternoon each

After looking at the many questions, answers and suggestions from what appears to be a great bunch of people, all out to help one another enjoy a fun few days together, I must admit I am beginning to wonder if it might be possible for this novice to get involved.

Although I have had my 1990 9.5 metre Bavaria for almost 2 years I have had very limited use of it, just odd days out here and there plus a couple of weekends at Estbourne marina. Usual 'domestic' reasons. Have done my Competent Crew and Dayskipper and (with non-sailing friends) sailed the boat from Ipswich to Brighton marina when purchased. Thouroughly enjoyed the Thames Estuary bit with Black Deep and Fishermans Gat etc.

Anyway, the plan (must have a plan or there's nothing to change !) this summer is to make good use of my 7 weeks 'free' Premier berthing in the Solent area, together with a mix of stays in other marinas.

Hadn't planned to make it quite so early in the year, but now there could be a reason to think again .....................

Out of interest, is it known if anybody from Brighton marina usually attends this trip or is it mainly those berthed in the Solent area.

Any response will be much appreciated.




23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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as LustyD says you'd be most welcome.

You could get to Chichester Harbour then tag along with our 'slow convoy' to East Cowes on the Thursday 25th, or as you'll obviously have good boat speed go straight for Lymington on the Friday, plenty of time to sort things out.

I'm pretty sure you'll be our most Easterly member...

If coming, please let Ru88ell or PhillM know so they can keep tabs on numbers.



9 Jan 2011
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Thanks for the welcome. Much appreciated.

Until I am able to look further into certain other commitments I think you had best regard me as a 'very interested observer'. I am not one to mess people around by casually saying yes, maybe, maybe not, where it's important to know numbers in advance. I also realise that I can't expect to be slotted in at the last moment so will try to sort things asap.

I am retired so time for me is not a problem, but I think it will be a case of seeing which of my friends will be able to join me where, when and for how long. Fingers crossed it will work out. If not then I'm sure I could make contact with one or two of you 'Solent Sailors' when I do get down there during the summer.

Best regards


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27 Jul 2010
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Newman no need to worry, the commitment only starts when we book marinas and money starts changing hands. Even then we had some drop outs last year but I think they only lost £5 deposit for a marina stay. The list is just so we have a register to check off and don't forget you when the time comes to start booking.

If you have plenty of time I'd highly recommend a few days at anchor in Chichester harbour on your way over (and possibly your way back). I've done the journey from Brighton to Solent and by Chichester you'll be wanting a break and desperate to see something which isn't shingle beach.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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bumping this thread as it was a bit lost in the new interface :) Well I couldn't find it, and I like to think I'm quite technical!