Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013


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11 May 2005
Surrey, UK
Sounds like you all had a good time. Hopefully we'll be able to make next year's trip if one's organised.

It turns out that not going was probably a good thing in the end. We spent the weekend on the boat doing some fettling and I decided to replace the u-bolts which hold the lower shrouds on the port side. One of the starboard ones had completely failed last year during a bumpy trip back from Poole and the other one on that side had partially failed, causing some panic approaching Hurst Castle, so I knew the port ones needed looking at.

Anyway, the forward bolt on the port side broke as I unscrewed the first nut, so it had no strength left at all - the joys of crevice corrosion. Undoubtedly it would have failed at some stage over the weekend had we been out and about.


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29 Aug 2007
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Why wait until next year? We're out most weekends, either locally or further afield, and are always more than happy to sail in company or meet up for drinks at one destination or another. Perhaps we should have a 'who's going where this weekend thread' to encourage impromptu gatherings both on the water and in the pub.


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29 Nov 2009
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So does anyone else have any pictures to go up on the Facebook group (or elsewhere)? I was hoping for a good one of Ariam under sail - obviously we jeopardised the chances of getting many of those by disappearing over the horizon on Saturday :D, but I thought I did see a few cameras held up in our direction.

(I didn't really take any of relevance myself, apart from things like our food above, but if Steph sends me what she took I'll pass them on.)



Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I'm finally home after a great week. I'll be putting loads of pics up when I get myself sorted, as well as my GPS tracks (including the run!!).

Many thanks to Russell for starting the thread again this year and for failing to organise anything (for legal reasons...). Hopefully he'll do just as little next year so we can all have another great trip.

Thanks also to Simon and Helen, Pete, John and Alan for being host boats at various times. I'm sure I speak for all of us in the smaller boats when I say we are very greatful for you all letting us sit inside and make a mess of your lovelly boats!

Appologies if I missed anyone off the thanks list, it certainly wasn't intentional :)



Well-known member
28 Mar 2005
hampshire, uk
Home and unpacked, the advantage of being occasional host boat is the stuff you collect: just enjoyed the last two scones someone left on board Dabchick, also acquired a tub of coleslaw and a quantity of small tomatoes! Finally finished the pack of pretzels chrissie left on board. Excellent sail back, did one tack over to the mainland shore then one very long tack right along the solent until opposite gilkicker, then motored in. Actually quite warm back on our mooring, Poole was a bit chilly which put paid to the pontoon party. Will post some photos when sorted out. Thanks for your company folks, a great time was had, thanks to our non organiser.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Here we go, lots of pics...

some of my favourites:











Well-known member
2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Well what an experience having never been past West Pole before :eek: Dense fog, bowsprit dipping waves and Alan's tea :D Thanks mate for providing the home comforts, my turn to bring some booze/grub on the next trip!

Have to thank Ru88el and LustyD especially for letting me stand on their coat tails most of the time and have to say what a good bunch of folks the Scuttlebutt crews were. It would be nice to go out properly and have a few drinks when I'm not doped up with 'Stugeron' but I lost half a stone by sticking to a strict anti sea sickness routine and staying off the beer.. and... well basically food!. Megga hangover this morning after a celebratory few drinks in the boozer last night, whiskey is now banned from the house apparently :rolleyes:

I'm on another rally in a couple of days starting at Bembridge for 4 days and hoping the conditions might be calmer but do appreciate now the relief of getting into port quicker when your in a blow!

If anybody needs waking at 5.30 am let me know ;)

Will get some pics up -apologies I wasn't very fruitful on the picture front whilst wrestling with the tiller!


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Well-known member
2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Well I had to find some way of slowing my speed so those Beneteau's could keep up ;) Didn't want to go to fast either for fear of choking on Pete's diesel fumes :D
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23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I suggest next year, now we have a lot less ' novices ' we organise a rally; after all Poole is the ideal distance and a nice place to be, there aren't many other options like it.

It would be handy if people could stay a bit longer and sample the delights of South deep and Wareham though.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I suggest next year, now we have a lot less ' novices ' we organise a rally; after all Poole is the ideal distance and a nice place to be, there aren't many other options like it.

It would be handy if people could stay a bit longer and sample the delights of South deep and Wareham though.

There are new novices every year so I don't think we need to worry about them running out. The rest of us already treat it like a rally, this year with 4 stops. As Russell has said many times, it's important to avoid any actual organisation other than a rough idea of destination (Poole), a list of who would like to come, and a date. Each skipper then remains responsible for boat and crew.

This year we had the chance to explore a bit and chose not to - we all wanted a night in Newtown which was the perfect end to the cruise with rafting and a rather quieter get together than previous nights due to tiredness :) Putting extra exploration into a schedule will put us at risk of sticking to a schedule rather than looking at the weather, this year we came back the day before poor weather was due to set in for 3 days.


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15 Nov 2010
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Big day today.

After nearly 7 months Paean may just be ready to start sea trials of the new engine and rig this afternoon. There are some last minute things to be done by the sail maker and rigger and I am waiting for the sign-off email from Beta’s local agent, then we are good to go. So, I have this afternoon and tomorrow off work and the plan is to be “out there” before the end of the week.

With fully repaired hull, new engine, new rig and new sails it’s almost like taking delivery of an "all new 1960’s designed boat". With all the changes, I now need to re-learn how she handles and how to get the best from her. So, I am going back to basics and will start with little trips and build up from there. But with a sound boat, there is no excuse for not getting out to lots of “there’s”. Today Cowes, tomorrow the Azores?

Anyway, while not making it to either Poole trip, I’ve enjoyed being part of it. Thanks for posting the photos, it was nice to see what I as missing :) You never know, I may just make it if there is a trip next year.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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There are new novices every year so I don't think we need to worry about them running out. The rest of us already treat it like a rally, this year with 4 stops. As Russell has said many times, it's important to avoid any actual organisation other than a rough idea of destination (Poole), a list of who would like to come, and a date. Each skipper then remains responsible for boat and crew.

This year we had the chance to explore a bit and chose not to - we all wanted a night in Newtown which was the perfect end to the cruise with rafting and a rather quieter get together than previous nights due to tiredness :) Putting extra exploration into a schedule will put us at risk of sticking to a schedule rather than looking at the weather, this year we came back the day before poor weather was due to set in for 3 days.


who said anything about a schedule ?!

That word is forbidden on my boat or during any planning, I was thinking more of suggesting people have more time spare if they can manage it and go off freelance; that way they can explore a bit and choose their weather for the return trip, rather than ' got to be back Sunday ', as I was at pains to point out when I sorted the tides and dates for this year.

Hopefully next year will see more people along ( me for a start ! ) and if calling it a rally it can be made clear novices would be welcome and would get help.


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14 Oct 2010
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All that's 'organised' is berthing at Lymington. Poole Quay Boat Haven had an expectation that we might have arrived for Saturday night. The rest was 'freelance'. At no stage did anyone tell anyone else what time anything was going to happen. People may have asked what time others were leaving, and which way they were going, but it wasn't 'organised'. On that basis, had people wanted to stay in Poole for longer they could have - in fact some of us stayed in Poole for one night more than others.

Capt Ron was using the 'event' in his bid to sail west back to Ireland. That said, he came back with us anyway to get his sails repaired.

Once you start calling it a 'rally' it becomes organised, and there needs to be someone in charge, making risk assessments, etc, etc. In the event that something happens there will be some who want to make a claim, and in the absence of an organisation that claim would be made against individuals deemed to be 'in charge'.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I'm notoriously cautious both with sailing and legalities but even I am sure there's an easy way around this, boat rallies happen all the time.

Taking youngsters for experience trips is probably very dodgy legally for several sad reasons, but when I hear the words ' risk assessment ' for standard practices I itch for my imaginary Winchester repeater !

If all else fails participants could sign a waiver, but it would be sad if that were felt necessary.

Call it a ' Cruise in Company ' then, I could say ' if anyone is interested I'm thinking of going to Poole on X date '.

My club organises several rallies / meets a season and a casual cruiser race, if someone piles their boat into a ship / house / Stonehenge that would definitely be their problem, though others would offer assistance.


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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At no stage did anyone tell anyone else what time anything was going to happen.

Yes, and didn't it just feel like it at times! :)

I can appreciate people not wanting the hassle of being "in charge", but I think the quasi-legal worries are a red herring. Nobody is going to be suing anybody for saying "we're all eating at the Red Lion at 8". Seamanship decisions are, as always, down to each skipper, and it wouldn't hurt to emphasise that. Take Sailfree's organisation of the Cherbourg trip as an example - he (with assistance from Fergus etc) arranges berthing, pontoon party, and dinner, and latterly the more dispersed Friday night meals. For the sailing part, he simply says "it is each skipper's decision whether to sail, based on their assessment of the conditions".



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14 Oct 2010
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My club organises several rallies...

'Club' being the key word. That club is a legal entity and carries insurance. We're just a bunch of people on a web forum, and I doubt that IPC would want to underwrite any claim made against the 'organisers' of any event organised on it.

Organising restaurants is less risky, but I've not been to Poole before didn't bother. Colhel lashed up a great night out in the end though. ;-)


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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As for ' being in charge ', if not already given a life sentence for someone losing their beer when a wave hit, I think the way I would play it is ' skippers' briefings ' before each leg, describing forecast, any points of interest, hazards, tides and tidal gates etc.

As a lot of boats have laptops nowadays they could be pointed to relevant weather and webcam sites before the start and reminded of them at briefings.

When I say ' briefing ' I'm thinking of a quiet serious chat, probably on the biggest participating boat, not a power point presentation...

It is then up to each skipper and crew to use or ignore that info and do what they feel comfortable with.


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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As for ' being in charge ', if not already given a life sentence for someone losing their beer when a wave hit, I think the way I would play it is ' skippers' briefings ' before each leg, describing forecast, any points of interest, hazards, tides and tidal gates etc.

As a lot of boats have laptops nowadays they could be pointed to relevant weather and webcam sites before the start and reminded of them at briefings.

That sounds like a good way of taking on more nautical responsibility, not less. Plus I'd rather be tucking into a full english on my own boat than listening to someone telling me how to get to Poole :)

I'd rather see a cruise/rally/jaunt where someone is willing to organise the shoreside arrangements (perhaps a different person for each port would be good) and we can make our own seagoing plans to get there. I am quite certain that any beginners unsure of their plans will be given all the help they need by their fellow sailors, without needing an official briefing.
