Well-known member
I fully endorse everything said. I gained so much from your purchase as Peter Saunders was able to make an identical perfectly fitting suite 5 years later for a sistership. He was able to offer a substantial discount as he had no need to visit my boat for measurements. He could cut and sew from your details and CAD records.
The price was substantially lower than the same from Goacher.
Despite earlier observations by David I would never commission Boatshed unless Jonathan from JKH was actively involved and I had a watertight TIOTE penalty clause for contract delivery.
I should pick up on that with another shameless plug. Karisma’s measurements (for the CAD design we both benefited from) weren’t actually made by Saunders but by Andy Freemantle who is now at Marine Group htttps://
Andy actually introduced me to Pete and made extensive measurements (as I understand it) far above the minimum spec required to cut new sails as the two collaborated on a complete refit of sails, running and handling gear for Karisma. I’m still reaping the rewards of a super working relationship between rigger and loft and I recommend them both.
no connection etc