Sailing Fair Isle on YT


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12 Jan 2003
Is starting to get on my tits.
Anybody else?
He’s become a self- elected (IMO smug) know- it -all ( with multiple sponsorships/ deals).

In mitigation, good video production - which is what they really know about.

Maybe I’m in a bad mood.
Or just jealous.


6 Feb 2002
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Yes. It's turned into a bit of a travelogue. Beautiful boat though. A few years ago a good friend bought an almost identical boat.


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24 Mar 2015
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Agreed. Being at the hairy-arsed end of the sailing spectrum I resent those way over there at the fabulous end.


29 Nov 2002
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Yes, afraid I agree too. I lost it when the “power pack’ units were being pushed. He’s an intelligent guy and he must surely know that they are not really a solution for powering a yacht, not even close. Again, only my humble opinion.


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16 Jul 2014
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Having recently posted a video about sailing to Fair Isle, I thought this thread was about me. Then I did a search on YouTube and realised it was not about me. Phew. I have no sponsorship deals, as I just sail because I want to and post a record of my trip. I hope my efforts encourages a few of you to stretch your horizons.

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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I stopped following them way back ........... so far up their own arses .just IMHO .
I hope that did not include Concerto. I followed his blog some of the way round to lands end. Mainly because I had done it. I wanted to see what he thought of the places that I had been to & how he managed the trips that I did. I did not bother much with the bits N of the Cally canal as I cheated. But in any event it was a decent depiction of the trip with no pretences. Unlike a lot of the blogs one sees .

But as for others, I just do not watch them if I do not like the first couple of viewings. So I do not have to sit & complain. Obviously lots of people do enjoy them, as one can see from the viewing figures. So there is a gap in the market & fair doos for them filling it.


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22 Apr 2011
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Is starting to get on my tits.
Anybody else?
He’s become a self- elected (IMO smug) know- it -all ( with multiple sponsorships/ deals).

In mitigation, good video production - which is what they really know about.

Maybe I’m in a bad mood.
Or just jealous.
I have got bored with the last few weeks which is just reviews of yachts, I just want to see sailing and projects. I did buy the outboard and the power pack and I am grateful for them to show me as they both worked out as great buys


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12 Sep 2001
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Right now, I'm excessively jealous of anyone who's anywhere warm.

Exception made for disease and corruption-riddled hell holes - I'll stick with my first world problems!

I gave up on Fair Isle too. Lovely boat, nice people, but, like fredrussel, it's got nothing to do with me running an old banger of a boat on a pension


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1 Oct 2002
UK. South West.
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Agreed. Being at the hairy-arsed end of the sailing spectrum I resent those way over there at the fabulous end.

I watched a few of their vids a while back, and decided it was just self-promoting shite.

Yes but, no but. Don't hold back :)

I was aware of them but never followed their exploits, a quick look confirms I don't like the cut of it either. The deep meaning is that the more expensive the boat, and crammed with kit, the better the boating experience. Sail Life features another couple trying to cram as much crap onto a boat as possible, same idea. They are treading on my dreams.

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15 May 2005
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We bought our Lotus barbeque on their recommendation, very happy with it and wouldn't have known about it if they hadn't brought it up. But in general I find they give off a very 'Wish You Were Here' circa 1994 sort of vibe, their videos seem rather dated compared to most 'tubers.


Well-known member
12 Nov 2004
In general I dislike these You Tube sailing vids , full of self promotion, funded by patrons and sponsors. I do think they give the wrong impression about sailing. I don't watch them. Like Doug says "
more expensive the boat, and crammed with kit, the better the boating experience.
Which is all wrong in my humble opinion. And I agree with views of Bobc, fredrussell, clyst & tradewinds, and maybe I speak from the viewpoint of having been there and done that, all self funded and unprompted. But jealous I am not.


Well-known member
12 Jan 2003
In general I dislike these You Tube sailing vids , full of self promotion, funded by patrons and sponsors. I do think they give the wrong impression about sailing. I don't watch them. Like Doug says "

Which is all wrong in my humble opinion. And I agree with views of Bobc, fredrussell, clyst & tradewinds, and maybe I speak from the viewpoint of having been there and done that, all self funded and unprompted. But jealous I am not.
Agree with that. They’ve done bugger all in comparison. I’m just jealous that they’re out there and I’m not anymore and am unlikely to be ever out there again.

bill bligh

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11 Jun 2010
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A bit of a thread drift. I have been following “The Sailing Brothers” I have watched all of their round UK videos and found them to be a genuine couple of lads. The next set of videos I shall be watching will be getting their Rival 34 ready for an Atlantic circuit. Unfortunately and I hope I am wrong they seem to have jumped on the patreons band wagon. I hope it doesn’t go to their heads as that would be a shame. An American single handed sailor worth a looking at is Sam Holmes, once again he has his patreons.


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15 May 2005
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I don't think there's anything wrong with being on Patreon. If it had been around ten years ago, Keep Turning Left might have survived.

What surprises me is when a big successful channel decides to jump on the bandwagon of product promotion or similar sponsorship. It just smacks of greed, and you have to sit through what is effectively an advert in the middle of the video. And then you start questioning all of the other gear they use. It's a big no no for me- I rarely go back to a channel once they've started down that road.

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@Kelpie you can f/f through that nonsense with a double tap/click on the right-hand side of the video.


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10 Oct 2016
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Yes. It's turned into a bit of a travelogue. Beautiful boat though. A few years ago a good friend bought an almost identical boat.
I've watched them since the start. Was it not always a travelogue? Frankly if it just showed a boat sailing along at 6 knots for hour after hour then no matter how good the video production it would be dull.
I have got bored with the last few weeks which is just reviews of yachts, ...
I do agree that reviews of yachts which they aren't even considering buying is pretty dull and I don't think particularly well executed. I get a bit bemused when anyone critiques a boat because "its not suitable for our type of sailing" when - in reality their type of sailing seems to be around the med, and it wasn't designed for the type of sailing they think they do either.
I watched a few of their vids a while back, and decided it was just self-promoting shite.
Have you not just described every youtube channel? Even the ones I love are inevitably stuck in a loop of self promotion because they need the traffic to generate the income that justifies the fancy camera equipment and time spent editing entertainment for the viewer.
But in general I find they give off a very 'Wish You Were Here' circa 1994 sort of vibe, their videos seem rather dated compared to most 'tubers.
I like 1994 Wish you were here! It makes me feel nostalgic! I don't think I'd describe them as dated - depending which channels you are comparing to they may have a different style but I'm mostly not wanting needless bikini shots or some exaggerated drama.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being on Patreon.
mostly neither do I - although I wonder how big your personal ego has to be to go from (1) the world might be interested in my story to (2) the world should pay for getting my story earlier, or having personal Q&A sessions or whatever the Patreon message is. I'm amazed that so many people pay for it though I've never got the mentality of who these people are - I have very occasionally given to someone's koffee if I've watched some "how to" video and though - that just saved me a load of time or hassle.
What surprises me is when a big successful channel decides to jump on the bandwagon of product promotion or similar sponsorship. It just smacks of greed, and you have to sit through what is effectively an advert in the middle of the video.
I don't mind if its related to the content and they link the flow sensibly, but some of them are just annoying. I find it more annoying when youtube randomly cuts off midsentence to the adverts (sometimes multiple times in a video) - I don't know if creators can mark points where it would be acceptable in the flow to interrupt for an ad. I've never seen a sponsors message interrupted by an ad so I suspect that the amount of ads you get is controllable by the creator if you can't pick the exact points.
And then you start questioning all of the other gear they use.
so if they openly promote some VPN company you question their thoughts on varnish? Not sure the logic stacks up there. But these people are essentially making a living bringing you entertainment - you don't have to watch it, just the same as they don't have to film what they are doing and edit that together and share it with you.
It's a big no no for me- I rarely go back to a channel once they've started down that road.
statistically it must work as the channels that get sponsorship seem to keep growing (and often go back to the same sponsors) and many of them are smart enough to know the analytics and maximise their revenue. I think you can really only complain about having sponsors if you are willing to be a patreon supporter or pay for youtube in some way.


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12 Sep 2001
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I can live with the sponsorship messages because I fast forward that bit. What really annoys me is the number of ads YT inflicts on me. OK, skip in 5 secs I'll put up with. A quick mute and a short wait, but "The video will continue after the ads" and the first one is 20 seconds long and no idea how long the second one will be. No it won't. I'm out of here.