

Active member
19 Jul 2005
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Further to my earlier post regarding Bembridge, which yieled a wealth of useful information, I would be grateful for forumites views on Ryde as an alternative.

SWMBO and I are neighbours of Kew Gardens. In the great scheme of things, they're not a bad next door neighbour except for one week a year when they host their Summer Swing Season. The Fireworks at half ten are an irratation but the thousands of drunk revellers leaving until half twelve, every night of the week are worse, so our holiday is next week, whether the weather is good or not!

Thinking that it was mid July, and that Wimbledon would be over, we were optomistic of good weather for a cruise around the Solent. I have half a fancy that that nice area of high pressure might sweep in next week and I might get my first choice, but given that the lkiklihood is for chanable weather, it seems to me that it might be best not to spend the whole time sailing.

We both want to explore the Isle of Wight and Sunday's weather looks good for a sail to Bembridge or Ryde. Given the forecasts, I then want to base ourselves at one or t'other for a day or two so as to explore the Island. Thus we'll need good facilities, a launderette, decent showers and plenty to do with good transport links. Would Ryde Marina be a better stop?


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19 Jul 2005
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Yeah, that is a downside. If we are not going to get much sailing in, it might be better to be somewhere where we can get out whenever we want.

Cowes covers the bases but it's a bit of a long sail for SWMBO. (Do please remember we're in a 18' Foxcub)


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4 Apr 2005
Looking out of the window
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OK, well the benefits of Rude over Bembridge are it is more urban in terms of shops and bus routes for Isalnd exploration against Bembridge which is a bit remote.

Ryde harbour does dry, so if you are a fin keeler you will be on the wall. Has never bothered us in the past, but it does mean you have to be back to sort out warps etc.

Also, there is )or was a few years ago) a fair amount of the loca yoof that hang around. Mainly harmless, but we did have an issue with one or two chucking stuff on the boat from on high.

In summary, Bembridge for peace and quiet but a bit of a hike to get anywahere and not much to do in the immediate area. Ryde is better for island exploration, with shops and restaurants plus things for the kids (if you have them) but a bit more 'urban' and you have to take to ground


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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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If you headed for Cowes, at least if the weather turns bad you have got other choices in the Medina. Even if it was blowing a gale you could still head up to the Folly and Newport which is more central for transport and has more to do. Ryde, once you are in, that's it and it isn't a great place if the weather is miserable.

Ryde Harbour

River Medina


Well-known member
11 Feb 2005
Hamble, UK
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I'm afraid if you are looking for good Facilities then Ryde is not likely to be your kind of place! They are pretty basic and often full of sand from the beach. From memory there are only two showers. Personally if I were overnighting I would go without a shower (but I am a bit of a shower snob)

Expect it to be noisy at night as its right on the seafront (obviously!) adjacent to the amusement park. You will also likely end up walking sand throughout your boat from the nearby beach/pavements.

That said, if you have young kids then its a "must visit" place as the beach is very good/safe. It's also good for provisioning with a couple of supermarkets at the top of the hill. Entry is about 2hrs either side of HWP for a 1-1.3m draft vessel (roughly). It's quite small inside and you should expect to raft. The whole harbour dries and there are pontoons for twin keelers and a wall for fins. Normally more room on the wall than on the pontoons.


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19 Jul 2005
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Ryde regatta this weekend I think, could be full


[/ QUOTE ]

Well that sorts that out then!

It's either Bembridge or Cowes.


Re: Ryde ... if you can take bottom ...

That is lift keel / triple or bilge ...

Then Ryde is a good bet .. but no services on the pontoon ... and under the eyes of the small funfair there. I like it ... swmbo likes it ... mate of mine keeps his boat there ...

But if travelling / exploring the island is wanted ,... and you can take ground ... why not go up the Medina (through Cowes)to Newport Town Quay .. good pontoon with electric and water. Centre of island with all road links / buses etc. out to all corners of the island. Good town and shops ... and pubs close at hand ...

Council mooring rates ... so no daft fees .. electric on 1 pound slot cards .. (often a card is left in by previous and you get freebie ... )

Just remember that you have 2hrs either side of tide in / out ... little bit more actually but work on that and you'll be ok ..


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18 Mar 2007
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a ticket to Ryde... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I asked for one of these at Waterloo many years ago when taking the girlfriend for an exciting exotic weekend on the Isle of Wight.

I had become almost hopeless with mirth in the ticket queue once the idea had occurred to me and could barely get the words out.

I got a staring, stony faced response which suggested, quite clearly, that I was perhaps not the first person ever to come up with this remark and indeed that the gentleman's career in ticket issuing had been blighted by it on and off for the past 25 years. He continued to wait, utterly unmoving, while I regained control of myself and explained, somewhat chastened, that I actually wanted not one but two tickets and not to Ryde at all but to Shanklin. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


3 Oct 2002
Surrey/Hampshire Borders
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Hi There.
What about Yarmouth. I know it is a bit more of a treck, but IMHO, one of the nicest places on the island to visit. SWMBO has given the stamp of approval, so it must be OK.
It has a number of watering holes, and some good restraunts. It also has a regular bus service to Newtown, and the Needles etc. Normally it would be chocka at this time of year, but with this weather you should get a berth.
Rgds, DaveT


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19 Jul 2005
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Re: Yarmouth

Would love to. Really, Yarmouth would be my first choice. Only been twice and they were both brief visits, but it seemed like my kind of town. Sadly, from Chichester in an 18' boat it's really rather a long way! If the weather was good all week, we'd certainly be on our way there!


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10 May 2006
Barnard Castle, Durham
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Re: Yarmouth

If it was me I'd head for Bembridge for the first night - aim to arrive at HW±2 hrs. Next day leave for Cowes around 2 hrs before HW so you get the tide all the way to Cowes - go straight up the river to the Folly and spend a night on the Visitors pontoon right opposite the pub. Next day you can tootle up to Newport on a rising tide.
If you want to break up the trip to Cowes I'd prefer to stop at the RVYC pontoon at Wooton Creek for the night, rather than Ryde (but you'll have the wash and noise from the car ferries to contend with).


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25 Nov 2003
Emsworth, Chichester Hbr, UK
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Agree with l'escargo and sbc. Newport is definately the place you should aim for. It's one of the few destinations I can tempt SWMBO to come to! Great shops and even a big Maplins and good hardware shop. There's one launderette but it's about a mile away (eastwards) and a bit obscure to find. Hbr M will know or
PM me. If you want to break the journey and don't mind a night at anchor, Kings Quay is often a good anchorage though you'll be well offshore. Otherwise as someone else suggested RVYC at Wooton is excellent (tidal).
