If you mean electrically disconnected, the received wisdom is no,although I have disconnected the battery from the leads on car engines with no ill effect but only at idle speed.
If you mean not connected by the v belt I dont see why not as long as cooling water is still circulating.
Long thread<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.ybw.com/cgi-bin/forums/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=pbo&Number=447212&page=&view=&sb=&o=&vc=1>here</A> covers it.
My view is that if external reg & unconnected, fairly obviously no field current can flow, so no output to speak of.
If internal reg, possible for residual magnetism to start it charging , but field coil draws several amps & will stabilise output enough to allow the regulator to do what it always does & regulate.
an internal reg. with battery sensing, might have a problem.
DON't disconnect it if the engine's already running.
Connecting or disconnecting the alt while it is running causes a voltage surge in the alt which blows the electronic regulator. You may just be lucky and get away with it at tickover when output is low. There is no theoretical harmn in spinning an alternator without a load connected, although in practice its not a particularly good idea as the regulator may be carrying much higher voltages than intended, and any mishap could blow it.
Yes, but what you must not do is disconnect the alternator fron the battery while it actually running.
Can you not remove the drive belt, or does it also drive one of the coolant pumps? Even if this is the case you can run for a while without coolant circulation especially if you can keep an eye on the temperature, assuming you have not also disabled the temperature gauge!
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Thanks every one. I will take the belt off, i just want to fire them up as they have been in my workshop all winter.. only the oil pressure is connected, ahhhh do you have too bleed the oil press pipe at the gauge??????
Just did it - ran my engine for over an hour with the alt disconnected! Reconnected and all working fine - so proving its OK (at least on my set up). But I still wouldnt entirely recommend it!