If cleaning agents won't do it then try a small area with a t-cut type compound. It will all depend on what the paint is and how tough it is. I had some fairly wide area marking from tyres used as fenders and carefull working with a paint cutting compound did the job.
Nordic please trust me on this one and buy some 3mm 'Hand Glace'...unlike 'T Cut'...compound or any marine polish products it won't scratch or bleach the surface!......it's not cheap but is the Best for any kind of colour restoration, removing marks or fallout. You can by this polish in any of the car refinishing suppliers and you won't be disappointed.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by waverider on 10/10/2004 16:54 (server time).</FONT></P>
It's why I asked as I realise that anything abrasive like T Cut is going to dull the paint - paint, not gelcoat! Also there are so many other cleaning products on the market I knew somebody would have an answer from experience.
No problem Nordic.......I think you will grow to love the stuff!...it is the 'Nuts' and leaves a nice unsmeared shine when removed with a clean cloth and is a 1/4 of the elbow grease than using other polishes, although it's best to use a good cream wax after to protect the resins from fall out mate.
Powerskipper's idea is best and cheapest too. Otherwise, try these - Black Streak Remover and/or Hull Cleaner - both from most mail order boat bits shops.